Shut-up call

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Kaito's pov:

What is miku doing here? Who called her here!? Just then the blond looked down and sighed with depression. Godamnitt miku!! "Len~! I heard you weren't feeling well so came to check up on you~." She smiled while sitting next to me. How annoying. "But I didn't know kaito was here too." She added. "T-thank you for caring miku..." the Neko gave a small smile. Miku smiled back and slowly leaned against my shoulder. "I missed you a lot after I went home last night." The girl spoke with a smirk. HIGHLY UNNECESSARY!! Why is she saying this stuff in front of Len. 

Unless...she was doing it on purpose. I looked towards the tealette diva only to find her staring at Len with a look of hatred and disgust. I knew it. She was trying to upset len cause she knows he likes me. "Well then, if you're feeling better, then I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I took kaito shopping right?" She smiled. Len smiled back trying his best to hold in his tears. "S-sure." He stuttered. Miku pulled my arm and started to drag me towards the door, until I forcibly pulled it away. She starred at me in shock and made a confused face. "Kaito whats-" "I'm not going." I stated boldly. "What? Why!?" She made an annoyed expression.

I went back and sat bedside Len, holding his hand firmly. "Because len's not well. And I can't go anywhere until he feels better." I spoke with a straight face. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot. "Tsk. Kaito what is wrong with you! He's got his sister to take care of him, what are you being so considerate for!?" She raised her voice. "Miku if you wanna shout and be a bitch, you can leave right now!" I shouted back. She took a step back but refused to leave the room. "Don't you know he likes boys!? It's that disgusting!?" She shouted on the top of her lungs. By now tears were already streaming down the little neko's face. This I couldn't tolerate. The fact that she made Len shed tears pissed me off.

"Oh yea? Well what if I tell you that I'm like that too?" I spoke without thinking twice. Her and rin's eyes both widened in shock. "" "well? Am I disgusting now too?" I spoke with annoyance. "Does that mean you like Len?" Rin asked with hesitation. I sighed and gently placed an arm around the little Neko to calm him down. "Yea. I do. And I have for a long time." I kissed his forehead. Miku made a somewhat hurt yet angry expression and stomped out of the room, rin followed her from behind with a worried look on her face.

I sighed and pulled the little boy closer to my chest."Are you alright cupcake?" I asked while stroking the blond's hair gently. He sniffled then nodded, not wanting to speak. I hugged him close and kissed his rosy pink lips lightly. "I love you." I rubbed our noses together. He gave a small smile then snuggled his head into my shoulder. "I don't want you to be upset over Miku's little tantrum. You know how she can be sometimes. She'll get over it." I spoke in a soft tone. Len nodded and gave a little smile. "I hope she does." We both smiled and laid down in each other's arms. Little did we know, miku wasn't done yet.


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