Faction Meeting

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Izuku POV:

The day of the meeting between the angels, devils and fallen angels finally came. From what I learned from Hyoudou, he had a personal run in with Azazel who leads the fallen angels. I've heard rumors that the guy takes an interest in Sacred Gears and that the pervert caught his eye. Not that I blame him since having a dragon inside of your weapon is something that is interesting. But my biggest concern is the rumors I hear about how over the top he is. Needless to say, he's one guy that I without a doubt do not want to make an enemy of.

"This place is safe as well?" Gremory asked entering into the common space of the dorms for me to nod.

"I triple seal prepared this place. I don't mean to brag, but it'll be a bit difficult for even your brother and Sona's sister to break through." I felt a bit of satisfaction saying this before seeing a blond foreign person behind the Gremory head. One sniff and I knew the feminine person was both a guy and half vampire. "So who's the guy over there?"

"This is Gasper. He's our other bishop. For reasons that are kinda hard to explain, he's going to remain here with Koneko and Eri while the meeting takes place." Akeno points this out for Eri to go up to the guy to nearly put him in a panic attack.

"It's ok. Here." She passed him a small piece of apple for Gasper to hesitantly take it.

"T-thank you."

"Aww. Looks like Eri's trying to help Gasper come out of his shell. That's just precious."

"I'm still really thrown off by this guy's scent. He is a man, right?"

"Biologically, yes." I could easily see Hyoudou looked a bit disturbed to understand he was having problems coming to terms with this as well.

"Let's go, you two . We need to head over to the meeting."

"Right." We followed Gremory to the meeting area in the auditorium. There, Nezu had tables set up for everyone with it being dead silent.

'Geez. The tension in here is so thick you can cut it with a knife.'

"Welcome all to UA. My name is Principal Nezu and we're so excited to host the leaders of the devil, angel and fallen angel factions."

Azazel spoke up next to respond to this. "Thanks for the warm welcome, rodent. I'm not one for beating around the bush, so I'll get right to the point that we all know. God is dead."

'Subtle much?'

"Right now, I think it's best for each member to call for a peace treaty for each faction. This prolonged war has gone on long enough and I think it's fair to say that we're all in need of ending it and regrowing our forces somewhat."

"Please forgive my intrusion on this, but might I ask what exactly is the situation on each side?" Nezu raised his paw in curiosity. "Mr. Midoriya has told us of what had been the case of the war with it being stalled for a long time as well as what he knew of the devil faction. However, we are not fully aware of the situation in regards to the other factions. Could you be so kind as to enlighten us?"

Sir Zechs explained the situation in regards to the four devil kings and the original ruler of the devils dying in the war. The system they have in place is rather well put, but the birth of new devils is extremely low to require reborn devils. The lifespan isn't the issue, but eventually the system will topple over if something isn't done. The same can be said about angels on a more dangerous scale by what Michael has described. If their attention isn't on how to birth new angels due to the death of God and several high ranking angels soon, the holy faction will fall. The fact they're barely able to manage the system of prayer and stuff to allow souls into heaven to some degree is astounding at best, but it is still flawed. Things haven't been so hot on the fallen angel faction from Azazel's view. They suffered arguably the least in high ranking members, but they lost several low ranking members to make it dangerous if they were to go to war.

"Interesting. So right now, all three sides are having their own troubles that would require this treaty if at all possible. However, there is still the matter of what happened during the Internships that we must discuss."

"I'm already aware of Principal Nezu, and I assure you that my faction is doing it's best to find Kokabiel as well as Overhaul."

"Serious question right now, Azazel." I raised my hand wanting to make an offer clear. "If you happen to find Overhaul, can I be the one to personally rip his heart out from his chest while clawing his eyes out. It's a personal reason that involves my daughter and how he treated her before I took her as my kitten."

"Done. While we're on the topic of the Nekomata though, you're still a high ranked threat as far as all three factions are concerned."

"Meow!" I stiffened hearing this before Serafall spoke up.

"Izuku isn't dangerous....sorta....not really....HE ISN'T DANGEROUS ENOUGH TO BE AROUND!"

I held my head in shame thinking the fallen angels would kill me. "Relax. I'm only joking. I'm well aware of the arranged marriage between him and the next head of the Sitri house. Wouldn't want to make problems with the devils when we're trying to make a treaty."

"I believe that there may be a way to fix the population problems between the angel and devil factions but... you're going to have to change some rules." Nezu speaks up after concocting a plan. "I have heard tales of half angel and half demons called Nephilim, correct? What if you skip the opposite sides entirely and breed with humans? Sure the bloodlines would be muddled but it would be for the best seeing as there seems to be an inbreeding problem among certain houses in the underworld. Creating a new form of demi-human in the process, it would also help with the gene pool for both factions. As for names, the half angel half humans could be called Aazhimar, named after a race of angel like beings in fiction and the other can be the tiefling, named after a half demon half human species in the same franchise."

"Yeah, you're not gonna be able to do that, sir. If an angel even does something impure, they fall and become a fallen angel. For human-angel hybrids, there are Miracle Children, but they are almost impossible to make due to the fact you need a barrier and the two have to prevent impure thoughts from happening. Also, heaven can't make more angels naturally with their own race without God."

The small rodent thought about this before coming up with an idea. "What about artificial insemination?"

"Artificial what now?"

"It's a way humans can use the reproductive cells to conceive a child without the need for the 'impure' act of copulation. Issue though is only female angels would be able to participate in this since the collection of the male cell requires the subject to... you can guess what they have to do. I'd rather not say it with ladies present."

"They jerk off into a cup and give it to a doctor." Issei bluntly states Rias face palming hearing him say this so casually.

"Yes. That."

"You both could've been more subtle with the answer, but I guess it works."

"Hmmm....Possible. We shall keep that in mind, but now the next thing we need to think about is the situation with Izuku Midoriya, Koneko Toujou and Kuroka." Micheal mentioned it for everyone to look at me. "We'd first like you and Ms. Gremory to speak of the situation in the Hassaikai raid with Kokabiel and Kuroka."

We both stood and explained the situation where we stood in starting with the ordeal in the alley as well as the situations leading up to the raid and the fight with the two that escaped. When we finished, I smelled the faint scent of Kuroka on a guy that had a black coat on. 'Why does he smell like Kuroka?'

"So you are saying Kuroka knocked Overhaul out and brought him into a portal after saying she was on her own side?"

"Yes. Very cryptic if you ask me." I was trying to find out why before Sir Zechs asked me a question.

"Izuku. Counting you, how many Nekomata are in existence?"

"Uhh....Four not counting the three that I ended up making with Kaachan, Ochako and Ne-I mean Ms. Midnight not that long ago that have yet to be born."

Serafall messed with her hair a bit before speaking up. "Since Koneko isn't here, I'm gonna be honest with you. Kuroka actually didn't kill her master in a power lust."

"Wait, what?" I was kinda surprised hearing this.

"The devil she followed was working with the old satanic faction to create super devils. He originally planned to turn you and Koneko into super devils shortly before his end. Though she was in the right, we couldn't let a high ranking dignitary die without repercussion. So, we had to let you three be deemed monsters."


"Believe me when I say, I would've graciously helped Izuku as well as Koneko if he remained beside her. Unfortunately, he did run."

"The fear was in the right since you've all seen what Nekomata are capable of." Izuku responds in an oddly calm demeanor. "What happened to me was without a doubt sad, but I think it's best that I handle finding and taking Kuroka in. Since I am technically part of the faction that had been wronged by her, it's only fair that someone that had to suffer because of her actions stops her."

"To be honest, I think the kid's got a shot. I've seen what he can do from some fights to know for a fact he could beat her." Azazel surprisingly stood by me for this. "Now, Red Dragon Emperor, would you agree with wanting peace?" Hyoudou seemed uneasy about this for the arch fallen angel to sweeten the deal. "If there's no war, that means the next objective is repopulation of the species."

"Repopulation, huh?" A perverse grin came on his face while answering. "Yeah! Heck yeah I want peace!"

'Sure that's what you want. I just hope you don't stare at Koneko with those disgusting eyes too.'

"What about you, Izuku?"

"I want my sister back." I almost cut off Azazel with how quickly I responded. "Since peace will be the thing that gets me to that goal then I'm all for it."
    "Sure you don't want to make more kittens during that?" The image of several fuzzy baby nekomata came to my head thanks to Azazel for my ears to produce steam.

"You boys are all the same. Such massive perverts."

"You have no room to talk Rias. You sleep naked with a virgin man on a daily basis. I'm surprised you aren't 9 months pregnant and then 3 months pregnant on top of that."

"Uhh..." She looked at me confused as I explained.

"Cats work differently, litters can be conceived by different fathers and at different times even when they're already expecting. Similar to rabbits and rare cases in humans called 'super' twins."

"....Any chance you can drop another bun in me later?"


"What? It was an honest question."

"Could I by chance join in that?" Xenovia asked for me to go red.

"Oh my. Quite the lovely little line there is. Could I by any chance get near the front of the line?" Akeno spoke somewhat seductively for the steam on my head to go into overdrive.

"You two haven't been pregnant with a Nekomata litter before. It's fairly rare for a singleton Nekomata to be born. 90 percent of the time they're in groups of 2 or more." Serafall put her hand up before walking towards me. "Let's also get one thing clear Izuku, I'm still mad at you for what you did a while back during your mating season with Sona. You try something like that to her again and I WILL FUCKING END YOU!" I gulped hearing this knowing if she wanted, she could destroy Japan with a flick of the wrist. "But, for you not flipping shit when I told you the truth about Kuroka. I'll help you in bringing the Nekomata race back from near extinction. If I were in your shoes I'd probably have started a war or two over that information"

"So umm....what do you mean by 'help'?"

    "I'll give you an area owned by me that is originally from the Nekomata that also has a home where you can do your *ahem* 'Mating Rituals'."

    "Oh... and here.I thought you were going to-"

    "And I'm going to fuck you like you fucked Sona but, if you think I'm that dumb to try and come between my sister and her happiness? She loves you. I'm just gonna play incubator to a litter or two to help with the nekomata repopulation. I won't be joining you harem."

    "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?" Sona held a huge blush on her face with her glasses fogging up at her sister's comment.

    "I still stand by what I said when we first met." She pulled my shirt collar close to her with a glare that could kill anyone. "You hurt my baby sister, and I'll kill you." She let me go before turning back to her calm and happy self.

    "Does that include childbirth or just emotional pain?"

    "Childbirth doesn't count. Give me as many nieces and nephews as she can pop out."

    'Ten seconds ago she just said she wanted to fuck me, then she threatened me, then she told me to put as many kids in her sister as she could birth. Why are women so confusing.'

    "Anyway. Vali. You're fine with peace too, right?"

    "As long as I can fight the Red Dragon Emperor, I'm fine." The guy that was named Vali kept making me feel kinda like something was up with him. We all were pulled out of this when a strange presence was felt to have almost everyone in the room frozen in time.

    "What the cat just happened!?"

    "....Gasper just activated his Sacred Gear." Gremory seemed really uneasy with the sight of several mages coming from nowhere.

    "Guess a fight's on our hands now. I wonder if this is a family reunion?" I hopped out of the window I was looking through and began running towards the dorms. 'Knowing Kuroka, she'd keep Eri safe from what she's told me. The problem is, is she on our side this round or on the people invading. Whatever happens, just stay safe Eri.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when Izuku tries to save Eri and everyone from the opposing faction. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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