Family Reunion

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Few minutes before, 3rd person POV:

As the meeting with the three factions happened, Koneko, Eri and Gasper had begun playing games as a way to kill time. "This is from a show mommy Camie likes. She called the show One Pace if I remember."

"I think it's One Piece Eri." Koneko corrected the small child for her to understand now why there was an 'I' in the name. "So what did your mommy show you?"

Placing her hand on her hip and her other hand out, the small child faces her aunt and new vampire friend. "First you need the right hand on your hip and stick out your left. Then you start shaking your hips." The two start joining in for Eri to smile. "Now you reverse." The group changed what hand was out and on their hips. "Now. Right left right left right left right left." The group continued this for a couple dozen times before Eri started swirling her hands in a circle before posing with her bending and holding her arms over her head. "SUPER!" Seeing her wrists were in the wrong direction, Eri quickly changed it for everyone to laugh.

"That was kinda funny." Koneko began smiling with Gasper feeling a bit calmer with this.

"I was scared it was gonna be something weird, but it's kinda neat."

"Thank you." She smiled before the sound of something shattering pulled them all out of their calm demeanor. "What was that?"

Koneko prepared for a fight with having her bracers put on her hands. "Stay behind me, Eri." The three prepared for the worst with the dead silence in the dormitory not helping the tension. "Eri. I want you to go find Kuro. I want you and him to hide somewhere and do not come out until me, your father or your mommies give you permission. Do you think you can do that?" Eri nodded to begin running up the stairs. As she did, a magic circle came under her to force the small child to be held up in the air and be pinned to the ceiling. "ERI!"

Koneko jumped to dispel the circle and save her niece, but a second came under to trap Koneko in a similar act.

"KONEKO!" Gasper was so focused on the two that he didn't notice the mage behind him trap him as well in a magic circle to be bound where he stood.

"Seems this was far easier than we had thought." A mage said while using a form of lighting to sent an electric pulse through the feminine male vampire.

"GASPER!" Both Eri and Koneko shouted for Kuro to hear the chaos happening from upstairs to jump out of Izuku's room and head downstairs. There, he saw several mages with Eri and Koneko on the ceiling with Gasper bleeding from his mouth from the extreme pain of the electricity in him.

"Mrrrr. I gotta do something, but what?" Feeling his body forced to activate it, Gasper activated his Sacred Gear and had it forcibly become a Balance Breaker to stop time except for a specific few that were unable to be effected.

"Now that the Balance Breaker is active, the second job starts now with taking that kid." A mage went towards Eri and Koneko. "Overhaul has been waiting ever so patiently for you. You're quite needed for a special project he has in store."

"You even try and touch her and I will make sure your life ends on a horrible note. You understand me?" Koneko spoke in a cold and threatening voice.

"You honestly think you're in a position to bargain with us. Unlike you filthy half breeds, we of the old satanic faction will kill you all. Starting with succeeding in what we have laid out. You all will be fodder to a world that-" Before anyone could react, the mage had her head sliced clean off.

"You truly don't know when you should shut up, do you?" Kuroka stood behind the mage for every other mage to begin fighting her. She seemed not at all phased as Kuroka dodged the attacks with little effort before killing the rest of the mages and releasing the spells keeping everyone where they were. Koneko grabbed Eri to fall on her feet while staring down at Kuroka. "Well isn't this a surprise Shirone. How are you today, Nya?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Can't a sister visit her lovable sibling and adorable little niece? I'm sure even Eri enjoys seeing me." Kuroka points out with Eri being somewhat calm with seeing the older nekomata.

"KUROKA!" Kuro changed into his larger form to nearly slam his paw on Kuroka. "How could you! How could you betray your family so easily!? DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THEY MEANT MORE THAN YOUR OWN LIFE!?"

"Kuro. It truly has been a while. That aura that's emanating from you solidified my beliefs that you joined Izuku. Tell me, how is Izuku as a master? Does he rub your belly and let Eri play with you when he gets the chance?"

"KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT ABOUT IZUKU! HE'S A FAR MORE KINDER MASTER THAN YOU COULD EVER BE!" Kuro slashed at Kuroka again for a bit of wind pressure to be felt. "WHAT GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BETRAY YOUR FAMILY!?" His claws nearly sliced her in half as his rage didn't stop. "IZUKU AND KONEKO WENT THROUGH HELL BECAUSE OF YOUR GREED! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HORRIBLE THINGS WERE FOR THEM!?" Kuro's tail came at Kuroka to nearly knock her into a wall. "They've been suffering for years because of your choice. I was suffering because of your choice! WHAT DROVE YOU TO MAKE ALL OUR LIVES HELL FOR!?" Kuro headbutted his former master for the two of their heads to collide with blood and tears coming down the Cat Sidhe's face. "I wanted to believe you were misunderstood. I wanted to believe all those days I spent being your familiar wasn't wasted. SO WHY ARE YOU HELPING PEOPLE THAT WANT TO HURT YOUR FAMILY MORE THAN THEY ALREADY ARE BY YOU!?"

Kuro was about to give another slash before his paw was stopped by Izuku. "That's enough Kuro. I'll take it from here." Kuro looked to Izuku and nodded before heading to Eri to defend her. "Kuroka. I wanna make something clear with you before we go any farther." Everyone looked to Izuku eating for his answer. "I know why you killed your master years ago and I get why. You did it for me and Koneko." This seemed to surprise Kuroka a bit as Izuku continued. "You killed him so we wouldn't become living science experiments for a Super Devil project. So I ask you right now, please come back to your family. We can work something out to help rid you of charges you're under."

Izuku held out his hand hoping she'd take it. Secretly, he was begging this to end in a peaceful way. However, Kuroka sent a blast of magic at Izuku to have it graze his face. "I'm sorry Izuku, Nya. But it's too late for that. Now, take me on like any of those other stray devils or villains you'd face now Nya." Kuroka came with her claws out at Izuku for him to evade and nearly have his eyes scratched out.

"I guess I have no choice then. Full Meow!" Both began an all out fighting match with Izuku charging at Kuroka to punch her. She dodged this to send a blast of Kasha at Izuku and force him to evade and nearly get his chest slashed. The cat boy bent down and kicked his feet out to make contact with his sister's stomach to knock her away. Gaining more momentum, Izuku went for another attack before being knocked back by a blast of magic setting him on fire. He quickly fell to the ground in hopes to put it out with it not working. He then decided to use magic to take off the flames and go back at Kuroka.

"Aunt Neko, why is daddy fighting the nice lady?" Eri asked seeing the two fight it out.

"You see Eri, that woman is mine and your father's older sister. Due to something she did a while back, me and your father have been hurting for a long time."

"But why does t aunty Kuro apologize? Daddy and my mommies tell me to apologize when I do something bad. Why can't they now?"

"It's just how things are, Eri. Kuroka did something that apologizing won't fix." Koneko watched in unease wishing to never watch her family fight even now.

As the two began fighting, Kuroka kept her distance from Izuku a little more than her last encounter feeling something off with his strength. 'He's mastered level 2. I wonder how much stronger he's gotten with magic.' "It's ok, your big sister is here." Hearing her own voice as a child, Kuroka looked around trying to find out where it came from to see a wave of magic energy to upwards towards a pool of magic showing an image of her holding a baby Izuku and Koneko who were crying in fear with their parents dead not far away from them. "No matter what happens, I'll stand for you two. I promise."

"Woah, what did we just walk into." Hyoudou questioned as him and Gremory came to witness what was happening.

"These are Kuroka's memories. I used my magic to show something that I'm sure Kuro and Koneko have to see to believe." Izuku stopped fighting with Kuroka staring at the day she joined her former master's house.

"Don't worry. I'll happily let you live here with your brother and sister. All you just need to do is join my devil house."

"I will. I promise I'll work as hard as possible for you. All I ask is that you treat my brother and sister well."

"I'll treat them just like family. Don't worry about it."

"This was when you became part of this devil's house, right?"

Kuroka nodded while explaining. "In exchange for helping him by being his bishop, he'd take you both in as well. Since we didn't have anywhere to go, I accepted his offer. I didn't care what I had to go through, I just didn't want you both to have to grow up struggling to survive."

"So what changed?" Kuroka pointed to the visual to show a night where Kuroka was going through a few papers.

"Kuroka. What exactly are you doing?"

Kuroka threw the papers at her master in anger while demanding answers. "I joined your house to keep my siblings safe. I didn't do it to make them into your science experiments!"

"You knew risks of joining my house from day one. We're devils, not saints. If we lie, it's only natural."

"I refuse to let you do this to my family. No matter what happens, you'll never have them be your disgusting guinea pigs."

"You honestly think that?" The devil turned to walk away with satisfaction. "Tell me, who brought you into this house? Who gave you and your little brother and sister a place to call a home? Who gave you the food and the comfy job you have? You owe me your very life. So what if your little siblings have to become genetically altered Super Devils. They'll be something that you and I know will turn the tides of the war and let's face it." He turned back to whisper in Kuroka's ear in satisfaction. "I know you don't have the guts to kill me."

In sheer rage, Kuroka's hand clenched before having her claws come out. In a single slash, she sliced through her master's neck in absolute anger. 'I won't let my family fall apart. Even if I have to do the unthinkable, I won't let them be harmed. I made an oath to them when our family died that I'd protect them.' The rustling beside her made Kuroka look up and see Izuku and Koneko shaking in fear as they saw the scene in front of them. She tried to walk towards them to try and calm them down. 'I need to fix this, now.' "Izuku. Shirone. What are you doing up?" She reached her hand out to them with Izuku losing his ability to stay in place and run. Meanwhile, Koneko fainted where she was. Seeing her hand now, Kuroka looked at the blood and the devastation she caused to feel ashamed of herself. "Izuku. Shirone. Please forgive me."

The image disappeared in front of them for Kuroka to hold her head down. "So that was what really happened. You found out about the Super Devil project and wanted to prevent it from happening. Sadly, your master refused and you retaliated in a way to defend us."

Kuroka remained silent before looking at the hand that slashed her former master's neck. "I didn't care if I was a villain. I didn't care if you and Shirone hated me. I....I just wanted to keep you all safe."

"What happened after then. What did you do all was said and done?" Izuku tried to find out with Kuroka looking to Gremory.

"Your father came to me after. He said Shirone would be safe in your house. He also found out that Izuku would be in running towards the human world. He made certain that my brother would make it there. Unfortunately, I'd take all the blame for what happened and Izuku would have to be looked at as a wanted witness in the manhunt for me. Don't get me wrong, I have no remorse for what I did. I killed because if I didn't, I'd lose my family again. I did what I had to do and I don't regret it. You can call me a monster all you want, but I still will be who I am."

Izuku walked up to his sister and stared her in the eyes. Thinking he was going to attack, Kuroka prepared to take his blow. But what he did next was the opposite of what she expected. Izuku hugged Kuroka. "It's ok. I know you did what you did to protect me and Koneko. If it was me, I'd have done the same. But please, just stop this. The three factions have called you off as a threat. I want you to be part of Eri's and Usagi's lives. I want you to be back as part of my life." Izuku started to bury his face in Kuroka's chest while pleading. "Please Kuro-nee. Please stay as part of our family again. That's all I want from you. Just stay and be my sister again. I love you and I don't want to fight you."

Kuroka thought of this and saw Izuku hold tears running down his face. "Izuku, I'm not-"

"PLEASE! If we keep this going the way it is, one of us is going to end up killing the other. I don't want that and I'm sure you don't either." Pulling away, Izuku held his hand out. "I know this is a bad time to ask, but please. Let me be your brother again. That's all I want. Just start fresh again and we can be a family one more time." Kuroka looked down to see her hand one last time and witness the remembrance of blood on it from the stunt she did. She eventually made a decision to answer.

And that finishes this chapter. See Kuroka's decision next time and the madness of the war after. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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