Fated Reunion

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Just pointing this out folks, this chapter will go over one of the two different gloves that Izuku's costume has that I mentioned was made of special materials. Keep that in mind when the USJ incident begins. Now, on to the next chapter!

Izuku POV:

Today started as any normal day before class. Everyone was getting ready with Utsushimi taking her seat behind me. "So, you and like four of the girls in this class are in a relationship? Toats boo magnet man." "..." I was not really paying attention due to some weird feeling I've been having all morning. I couldn't tell what it was, but it felt like every fiber of my being was telling me to run. 'I probably shouldn't have eaten that old tuna can like Nejire said. I thought it was still good. That's the last time I eat stuff that expires the next day.' "Oi, Deku! Can you answer the slang bitch so she stops rambling about our dirty secrets and hitting the mark." "Wait, WHAT!?" I come out of my thoughts to Kaachan chopping my head and Utsushimi next to us. "Whats wrong? Your normally not this to yourself." "It's nothing Kaachan. Just me overthinking something." "Ok, just know I'm here if you wanna talk about it. Same with Ochako, Nejire, and Mina if it means anything." I smile and shrug off the feeling to reassure Kaachan. She doesn't really drop it, but accepts that it's not best to dive into it.

"Ok everyone, today we need to do a few important things before class." Everyone stops dead in their tracks when Ms. Midnight says this. "Calm down, it's nothing like the first day. We just have to pick out a class rep and vice rep." "Thank goodness, it's just normal school stuff." Everyone answers with this before they start shouting with cheer to be class rep. "I wanna be class rep!" "Me! Pick me!" "What we need, is someone manly like me." Everyone kept doing this until Ida spoke up. "I suggest that we need a vote system to which we choose out of majority!" "That actually sounds like it could work." I speak up to this with everyone looking at me. "Think of it this way, we don't really know each other much to make any solid impressions other than what we basically know. If we do a voting election, anyone that has the majority votes will have stood out enough to lead our class. First will be rep, and second will be vice rep. Sound fair enough?"

The room stayed silent until Kirishima spoke up. "When you put it that way, that sounds awesome man!" Everyone agreed with Ms. Midnight passing around small sheets of paper for us to write who should be class rep on it. Once the tallies were done, I was the class rep with 7 votes with Yaoyorozu being vice rep wtih 2. "How did I get 7 votes? I didn't even vote for myself." I start to see Ochako, Nejire, Mina, and Kaachan look away with a whistle like they were ignorant. 'Figures.' I look to my side to see Yaoyorozu whistling as well. 'The hell!?' "Now that we have our rep and vice rep picked, lets begin class."

At lunch

I began to sit at a table consisting of everyone that voted for me with a few extra. "Ok, so you four count for most, Yaoyorozu counts for the fifth, who else voted for me?" "To make matters clear Midoriya, I was one of the seven." Ida speaks up with a bit of a smile at me. "You have fought and risked your life several times without hesitation since the incident at the entrance exams. You were also able to hold your own against two of the strongest students in our class. How could I not?" "Yeah man, the way you were able to take out both Bakugo and Todoroki in a cat form was so manly." Kirishima started to wrap me in a choke hold with a smile. I looked around to see everyone smiling back at me to feel happy. It made me feel like I belonged with them.

After lunch, we all headed back to the class with something catching my eye. "Ooohh! A red dot." I try to catch it for it to always evade me. "Get back here you little thing!" "Is it this easy to beat this guy, or is this weird?" I look over to see Utsushimi with a pen that's making a light. "Oh, that's what that was. Sorry." Everyone started to laugh at the fact I could get so distracted by just a red dot on the floor before we sit down for Ms. Midnight to come in. "Today for hero training, we will be going to the USJ. I won't force you to wear your costumes, but you can if you wish." She presses a button for our costumes to come out. "Once your changed, meet me outside for a joint training session with class B you green horns~." She says the last part in a disturbingly sexual way to a point I was a little scared.

Once we changed and were by the buses, Kendo of class B came over to start hugging me. "Aww, I get to see my favorite kitty again~. Yes I do~." She keeps snuggling me until a woman with silver hair comes over. "And who do we have here?"

"My my, what an adorable little cat boy we have." "Oh, hello. My name is Izuku Midoriya, the class rep of 1-A miss?" "Saiko Intelli. It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Midoriya." She seemed rather calm and collective compared to the former class B student with a rather refined air around her with confidence as it smelled. 'She seems like a nice girl.' "Oh yeah, any chance I can ask you both to hand these out to your class?" I open my robe a bit to pull out 40 small bottles to hand 20 to them. "What are these?" "Lets just say, somethings weighing my mind down to hold these just in case." They didn't bother to ask any farther and did as I asked knowing it was just to calm my mind.

We began to board the bus with all of us sitting down for Kirishima and Asui to be beside me. "Kirishima, can you take one of these and pass them down so everyone has one?" "Sure buddy, but what is it?" He opens it to smell nothing from it. "water?" "It's holy water. Just humor me." He shrugs it off and does what I tell him thinking I have a screw loose or something. "Midoriya, why do you have holy water on you? You don't seem the religious type." "Well Asui-" "Call me Tsu." I start to correct myself before answering. "Well Tsu, it kinda has something to do with my power." "You mean your quirk?" "Oh yeah, what exactly is it Midoribro? Gotta have something to do with cats right." I try and think of something believable besides 'I'm a nekomata and I have powers to rival angel and devil factions' to answer Kirishima.

"It's called, 'Neko'. I have powers similar to legends of the yokai called a nekomata. So I have cat features, immense power to use long and short distance, and can heal people. But due to some complications, I can't use the healing or long distance things because of something personal." "Dude, that is so cool!" I smile a bit before holding my face down in embarrassment. "Kinda." The bus stops for Ms. Midnight to get up. "Were here everyone, time to get off." Once we get off the bus, both our class and class B merge to the front of the giant building for 13 to greet us. "Welcome UA students to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. Or as I like to call it, the USJ!" We were silent until Ochako started shrieking in excitement. "Woohoo! 13 is one of my all time favorite heroes!" She was so excited that I could almost see it coming off of Ochako from her joy.

As this goes on, 13 explains to us that this place is to train us how to use our quirks in a helpful manner to which we can learn how to put them to rescue maneuvers. "As an example, my quirk Black Hole has the ability to save lives. However, it can easily be used to take them just as well. That is why we train to avoid this." 'That is more true than anyone wants to believe.' As they keep talking about today's class, something fowl crept into the air to make my fur stand on end. "Cool, they even have fake villains here." Kirishima points at the center to show a bunch of people coming out of a portal with it turning into a man made of black mist after. "Those arent fake villains. Their the real deal." "Hello UA, we are the League of Villains. We have come to kill All Might."

In an instant, Mr. Aizawa jumps down to show a pair of goggles to indicate he was the underground hero Eraserhead. "13, Midnight, protect the kids." Knowing the situation is't looking good, I turn to Ida. "Ida! Run to UA and tell them what's happening now!" "But what of all of you!?" "We'll be fine, but we need backup right away!" He understood enough to run to the door for the mist man to stand in front of us. "Hello, we are the League of Villains. We have come to kill All Might, but it seems our information was wrong. Can you please tell us where he i-" I jump him to grab a hold of a metal neck plate with my teeth. "Idha!" Ida uses my opening to run out. "Wvou wove, I Bwiche shown(You move, I bite down)." He complies before I feel something grab my robe to throw me into the students. "Who the-" I stop in my tracks when I see who it was. "Been a long time Izuku nya." I go pale when I see the one person I feared to ever see again. "K-Kuroka."

In an instant, we were all separated by the man of black mist. I found myself falling down into water with Intelli  and Kendo from class B beside me. I immediately use 20% of OFA to grab them and maneuver them over to a boat to land on it back first with some force. "Tch, everyone alright?" They come out of their shock to nod before Tsu and Utsushimi come over to the boat. "Where are we?" "My guess, still in the USJ. I can still smell that bitch Kuroka not that far away." I say the last part with some anger before Tsu pats my shoulder. "Midoriya, who is that person and how do you know her?" I clench my fist before answering. "Kuroka, my older sister. She's also half the reason I haven't had a decent nights sleep in over 10 years." I walk over to start grabbing everyone to pick up. "Excuse me for the sudden act, but we don't have time to waste here." I get a small running start before jumping over and making a small shockwave against the villains in the water to trap them. "It's judgement day Kuroka. Now were both gonna pay for what we did to Shirone one way or the other."

Meanwhile Ochako POV:

"You idiot nya! I was supposed to get my brother, not those wannabe villains nya!" I watch as the woman that we now know as Deku's sister Kuroka beats on the mist villain with anger. "Nnngh! My apologies, but it just happened like that lady Kuroka!" "*hiss* Your lucky we need you to leave here, or I would just kill you right now nya." She looks over to me and Mina with a look of death in her eyes. "Whoever you are, stop now or-" Kuroka doesn't even give 13 time to finish his warning before slashing through his back like it was nothing. "13!" We try to run to him, but me and Mina are stopped with our necks grabbed by Kuroka. "You both reek of my little brother. Tell me, have the both of you violated his purity?" We could barely answer to make her angrier.

"Did either of you screw my little brother Izuku!?" I glare at her in anger before remembering the glass bottle. "And what if we did!? No matter what happens today, I'm not gonna stop till I carry Deku's adorable kittens to make a happy family with him!" I quickly throw the bottle of holy water in her face to make her drop us from the pain. "Mina! Run!" She does so while I try to do the same to only have it end with getting grabbed by the neck again. "Congratulations whore, you just pissed off a nekomata." She held me with anger to now make it so I couldn't breathe. 'I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die here and now!' Before I could pass out from lack of air though, she stopped for some reason. "Izuku, you found your way back." She throws me to the ground to walk down the stairs. "Congratulations slut, you just won yourself another day to live. But if I ever catch you again, I'll kill you." She leaves with the feel of her hands around my neck still there. 'Deku. I don't know where you are, but run.'

Izuku POV:

Once we got to the shore, we noticed Mr. Aizawa being beaten to a bloody pulp by some monstrous beast. "What is that thing?" "It's got Mr. Aizawa, we gotta help him." "I don't think we'd be much help even if we intervened *ribbit*." I began to smell it to realize this thing was a mutation of several humans and some other races. "I'm taking this thing down." Everyone looked at me while I started to walk over to it. "Are you insane!? That thing will rip you in two!" "Not if I do it first." The blue haired guy covered in ceramic hands noticed me walk up to begin smiling. "Well isn't this adorable, a little brat trying to save a teacher. Nomu, kill the kid." The beast known as Nomu came at me as I charged my fists to 50% OFA. 'Come and get some!' I began to charge at it to have both of us prepare to punch each other. But before we could, Kuroka comes out of nowhere to stop my fist and to place her nails to the center of the Nomu's neck. "It truly has been to long, little brother nya."

In one strike, Kuroka attacks with Kasha to obliterate the Nomu's head. The rest of the body goes limp on the floor with all of us amazed at what we witnessed. "Kuroka...We had a deal!" "And that deal meant that my brother was mine nya." "Shiguraki sir, we need to leave now." The black mist villain states this to the hand villain with him violently scratching his neck. "FINE! He's yours, but don't expect us to stick around for you! Kurogiri, lets go!" The two leave with Kuroka not phased by the act. "Well that was a little anticlima-" "SMASH!" I send Kuroka sliding back a bit to have her attention on me. "Tch!" She feels her cheek to notice that it's burning. 'Rouge devil or normal devil, holy silver works on you the same way." She starts to get mad before moving too fast for me to see and slamming me into the stairs. "Too bad it wont work if you can't hit me nya." 'Oh it'll hit you.' I begin to look up to see Mina, Ochako, and Nejire and turn to see Kaachan with Kirishima and Todoroki before taking a deep breath in. "If I lose control, please forgive me. NEKOMATA LEVEL 2!" I felt my second tail grow out with the feeling of anger swelling inside me.


3rd person POV:

Izuku began to charge at Kuroka with his speed now parallel to hers.To avoid the damage from his holy bracers, Kuroka kept all her attention on Izuku and began to channel Touki in herself to increase the gap between them. This did little as Izuku began to increase his speed with OFA. Once a fist landed, Kuroka was sent flying into the ground to create a massive burst of smoke and air pressure. In a fit of anger, Kuroka grabbed Izuku's neck to throw him into the ceiling to have him fall. "Not bad Izuku, but not good enough to beat your big sister nya." Izuku regains his self to have Kuroka charge at him with her claws ready to pierce him. To avoid this, he produced wind pressure with OFA and created a few wheels of Kasha for them to be easily evaded. Once back on the ground, Izuku and Kuroka began a brutal fist to claw brawl.

While this went on, everyone watched in amazement as the normally timid and kindhearted Midoriya was in a fight to the death with someone that some knew were his own sister. Only two people knew however why they were fighting and knew the feelings inside their furry friend. As the brawl continued, cuts were showing up all over Izuku with blood coming off of him to show he was not evading all of the hits. However, Kuroka was not coming out unscathed either. The holy silver in Izuku's gloves were landing on her to make burns happen on her face. Once she attempted to strike him, she noticed Izuku created an after image of himself to be blindsided by him about to punch her with everything. This hit if landed, would without a doubt kill her. But before Izuku could strike, visions of days before the incident were flooding his mind. He hesitated. And because of that, Kuroka punctured his rib cage with her hand for it to come out the other side.

"IZUKU!" Everyone began to run to him as Kuroka just pulls her hand out of her brothers chest. He began to convulse on the floor with Katsumi being the first to arrive. "Hang in there buddy! Were gonna get you fixed up." She began to panic as blood was just pouring out of him. "I can't stop the bleeding! Somebody do something!" Her voice began to show panic as she started to lose him. Ochako and the others came running with whatever they could to close the wound. "Seems we entered at a good time." Everyone looked over to see a magic circle come with a band of people.

"MIDORIYA!" Sona began to run to her friend to see him starting to lose consciousness. "*sigh* I hate seeing this scene nya." Kuroka walks over with many of class A and B prepared to fight with tears in their eyes. "Relax, I'm giving him this nya." She brings out a small bottle to show people

She passes it to Sona in which she immediately opens and pours the confines in Izuku's mouth. Like magic, all his injuries vanished with Kuroka leaving. "My work here is done nya." "Kuroka!" She turns to see Izuku clearly enraged. "You think this is over!? I'm gonna bring you down you bitch! Shirone is dead! She's dead because of both of us! You betrayed your master and killed him in cold blood, making our lives a living hell! I abandoned her because I was too much of a coward to face you back then! I'm not gonna stop hunting you down until I kill you! Only then will Shirone's soul finally rest in peace!" Izuku began to cry during this letting all his anger out at Kuroka. She only chuckles at this before entering a small portal with these words said to Izuku. "Shirone isn't dead, she's alive nya." In that moment, Kuroka leaves with Izuku losing consciousness with these words in his head. 'She's alive? Shirone's...alive?'

And that finishes this chapter folks. So yeah, the second set of gloves Izuku had was made with Kuroka in mind. They were made with blessed silver so any demonic beings would be subjected to injury due to it. Kuroka being a reborn devil, is affected by these and will have similar pain done if say a cross were to touch her. Next chapter will go over Izuku's past and why he feels so much guilt to all of class A and B with some teachers. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading.

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