Mina's Playtime

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Mina POV:

I start to wake up to the sound of people yelling and what sounded like things breaking downstairs. "Common people, it's Sunday. Why can't I just be lazy?" I look at my clock to see it's 11:30 and start to laugh a little. "Guess I did almost sleep half the day away." I began to get up since I was already up and wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. Once I opened the door though, Mido ran in and hid under my bed. "The heck is going on?" "You gotta hide me Ashido! The class is trying to bathe me!" 'Why is he that a problem?' I began to scratch the inside of my shirt before Ochako and Katsumi came to my door. "Mina, you wouldn't have seen Deku around here by any chance?" "Sorry, but no. What's going on by the way?" We're trying time bathe Deku and he keeps fucking running!" 'Why is she shouting in my ear.' "So why are you both trying to?" "Cause Deku won't do it himself. Me and Katsumi kinda made it our goal to do it ourselves when we were in our third year of middle school after we kinda saw each other naked already and, you know."

I wanted to tease Ochako about having a lust filled night with a cat, but I knew Mido would come out at that. "Well then, I'll leave you both to that. I'm gonna get some more sleep." Thank you and sorry for waking you Mina." "YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CANT HIDE YOU FUR BALL OF CUTENESS!" They run up the stairs for me to shit the door behind me. "Their gone now." "That's a relief." Mido starts walking out in his cat form with me getting a nosebleed from the cuteness.

(Like this, but with green fur)

"Oh my god, you are so adorable!" "Thanks, I get that a lot." He starts changing back into his human form with me looking away to avoid seeing something that may make me lose my reasoning. 'Avoid staring. Avoid staring. Avoid staring.' Once he finishes changing back into his clothes, I glance over to see him smiling at me. "Thank you." "Uhh, no problem." He began to open the window before I grabbed him. "Do you mind if we just hang out together for a little?" He begins to smile at me again before replying. "Sure. I would like that."

1 hour later Izuku POV:

For about an hour after I came running into her room, me and Ashido have just been talking about random things. We initially began with who our favorite heroes were, then found our way to talking about our classmates. Eventually, we got to some funny stories about me, Ochako, and Kaachan that made both of us laugh our butts off. "So how did you and Katsumi meet Ochako?" "Now that's a nice story. You see, Ochako came into the class due to her parents moving into the town for work. Right off the bat she was nervous. Things didn't become easier when nobody would open up to her. At the end of school, I went up with Kaachan to talk to her and notice these three guys cornering her trying to get her number with Kaachan getting angry that they ganged up on a girl." "Oooh, bad move with her there." "Very. Things got worse when they tried to throw a punch at her when I was walking over."

I began to smile like a demon while remembering it. "Those fools thought it was funny to lay a hand on one of my women. I figured a few broken bones out of the skin would prove enough of a point for first time offenders. Khehehehe!" "Uh, Mido. Dial it back please." I come out of my evil state with Ashido a little scared. "S-so, what happened after?" "After, I came over to her and said for her to hang out with me and Kaachan. Nobody really messed with us unless they had a death wish or something, so she'd be fine. While walking home, we realized we lived within walking distance of each other and began to hang out together more often. It was a nice coincidence that turned into a lovely relationship after." Ashido smiled at me before hugging me. "You are one of the nicest people I could ever meet Mido." "Thanks, but maybe you can call me Izuku instead?" I say this with a blush for her to smile at me. "Ok, but you gotta call me Mina." "S-sure."

As we sat there, Mina started to look at her skin a bit. "You know, maybe I would be happy like Katsumi and Ochako if I was with you three back then." She began to frown at this to make me worried for her. "Did something happen in your past Mina?" "Yeah, some jerks just made fun of me because of my body being weird. I normally shrug it off when it's said, but that doesn't make the words completely go away." I begin to reach for the hand to hold onto it before she looks at me. "I know the feeling of being different, so I can understand that." "But your difference makes you cute as a button, what makes my difference and yours the same?" "...Lets just say without going into depth, I know the feeling of being an outcast for something I had nothing to do with myself. I've plastered the name of Deku on me for a reason of what happened when I was 5." "You mean the car incident?" I shake my head no. "Something else."

Mina starts to get agitated before nibbling on my ear. "Nnnnyyyaaa! What are you doing!?" "Getting you out of your slump Mr. emo kitty. What type of cheering up speech turns into the person who is trying to make someone chipper turn into a sad stump?" I look at her in the eyes to know she's a little worried about me. "I don't know what happened with you, but it's ok now. You have people that love you. Katsumi, Ochako, Nejire, that Sitori girl from what I can tell, and...me." She begins to move her lips to mine to press them together. We start to share a tender kiss for a few seconds before she releases us. "Y-you know, Katsumi told me about your little relationship with her and Ochako. I might kinda want to try that." She starts saying this with a blush before grabbing my pants. "A-are you sure?" "Yeah. I might be a little happier if you do."

Lemon Warning🍋

3rd person POV:

Mina starts to take her shirt off to reveal a yellow bra with Izuku looking at her with a deep shade of red. "Common, you too. This is a little embarrassing to do alone." Izuku snaps back to reality when he sees Mina in a deep red blush to take his shirt off as well. In a way to calm the mood a bit, Izuku holds the side of Mina's head before going in for a second kiss. He begins to slide his tongue into her mouth for both of them to fight for dominance. Izuku succeeds and begins to venture around Mina's to make her lose herself in the pleasure. As Izuku pulls back, a few strands of saliva connect the two with Mina's staring into space while panting. "*pant* I guess *Pant* you have a cat tongue *pant* too."

Izuku starts to lift Mina's bra up to have her breasts slide out. Going off of instinct, Izuku began to kneed and gently slide his claws over them. Mina tries to hold back moans before feeling Izuku's tongue on her nipple. The feel of the ridges over her sensitive spot was beginning to push her over the edge. Mina began to pant more violently before feeling Izuku stop. In an effort to find out why, she looked up at him to get an answer. "Why'd you-" She stops midway when she sees Izuku's throbbing erection in her face. "Holy sausage! Katsumi wasn't kidding about it being a foot long!" Izuku began to place his member between her breasts with Mina rubbing it in between. As this was going on, Izuku had lost himself in the pleasure to begin bucking his hips to place the head in her mouth. As he began to get more violent, Mina began to notice the void expression in his eyes to realize what Katsumi had meant. 'He does lose himself to his instincts during sex. Well, only one way to see how violent he can really be.'

Mina stops what she's doing immediately to see Izuku glare at her with an emotionless stare. "Maybe you'd like the main instead of the appetizer I~zu~ku." Mina pulls a condom out of her drawer that she had obtained from her friend to place on Izuku. After, she placed her ass in front of him to begin taunting him. In desire for more, Izuku began to literally tear Mina's pants and underwear off her body to throw to the floor. 'At least they weren't my favorite.' Izuku began to rub his tip on Mina's entrance before slamming it all in at once. "Nnngghhh! Holy crap!" Mina holds her voice in as much as she could before feeling Izuku violently pump into her. Not having time to adjust to the girth, Mina was forced to be nothing but a participant in rough sex. "Izuku, can you slow down a little?" Her pleas came on deaf ears as Izuku could hear nothing.

Mina began to see Izuku's tail come around to grab it with all her might. "IZUKU, SNAP OUT OF IT!" "MMRRRROOOWWW!" Izuku came back to reality to see him inside Mina with blood dripping down on the bed. "Crap! Mina, I am so sorry if I did something you didn't like in my state. I'll pull out no-" "Don't!" Mina grabs Izuku's hands before looking at him through pleading eyes. "Just..just take it a little slower please." Izuku listened to her words and turned the pink girl over to look at her in the face. "I really am sorry about that. I can sometimes go a little into an animal state when I get a little too aroused." "Katsumi said you can do that sometimes to make it seem like night and day with you." Mina began to smile at him before giving Izuku a kiss. "You can keep going now. I should be ok if you go slow at first." 

Izuku began to pump into Mina at a slow pace with the occasional speed up when she had gotten used to it. The feel of her insides had made Izuku melt and nearly go back into his instinctual state again if Mina had not kept his mind on her. Once things began to be more heated with them, Izuku began to nibble on one of Mina's nipples while caressing the other with his hand. The sound of her moans had echoed inside the room with Izuku beginning to pick up pace nearing his end. "Mina, my knots coming." "It's ok Izuku. I wanna feel it inside me." Izuku began to thrust a few more times as fast and violent as he could before slamming himself in to have his knot expand to trap himself inside Mina. The shock of the expansion and feel of the heat off the condom filling had made Mina lose herself to pleasure to climax as well. Once it was over, the two shared a tender kiss before Izuku moved Mina on his chest to make it more comfortable for her.

Lemon end🍋

Izuku POV:

As we laid in Mina's bed, I felt peace wash over me with the feel of her hugging me tightly. "Hey Izuku?" "Yeah?" "I wanted to ask you but, why did you choose that song yesterday?" I start to look up to the ceiling before answering. "I...I have two sisters. One is an older by 10 years, and a younger twin. My older sister did something terrible when I was 5 to make me do something inexcusable to my little sister. Now, I'm trying to become the hero I should've been as a way to repent for what I should've done years ago." She looked at me with worrisome eyes before answering. "You were 5 though, there's no way you could've done anything." "I know, but that doesn't mean my sin isn't there. *sniffle* The sin I bare will follow me to the day I die. And no matter how much right I do, it'll never change the wrong I did." I began to feel Mina pull my head into her chest at this moment.

"I don't know about your younger sister enough to tell if this is true or not, but I know I would be happy if whatever you did made you want to become a great hero to better yourself if I was her." I hold her a little tightly as tears ran down my face. 'If only you knew Mina.' Once a minute passed, Miina began to reach for her phone to text someone. "So how long are we gonna stay like this?" "A little while, why?" In that moment, Kaachan and Ochako come busting through the door with rope. "WE GOT YOU NOW YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" I glance at Mina to see her smiling at me. "You little weasel." "We both gotta bathe now, so it shouldn't be that bad." Ochako comes over to tap both of us to have us weightless with Kaachan grabbing us and bringing us to the bath with the rope. "Nice work Mina. Now after the bath, we can have some tasty foursome action." 'Jeez Kaachan. I feel like your dying of thirst when you get into your moods.'

Meanwhile Sona POV:

Once everyone was together in my house, I began our meeting. "Tomorrow we will head to UA to meet with someone along with my sister after school." "Wait, you mean the most prestigious hero school 'UA'?" Saji asks this amazed while I reply. "Correct." Everyone began to be a bit confused before I answer. "All will be revealed when we meet who we are. 'I promise Midoriya, I will help you. So please accept my help.'

A few hours later Izuku POV:

After the dreaded bath and a vicious round of sex with everyone that happened after, Ms. Midnight had asked us all to come downstairs into the common room. While together, we meet a girl with fawn colored hair smiling. "Everyone, this is Camie Utsushimi. She will be your new classmate taking Mineta's spot moving forward." "What's up? Toats awesome to be rockin it with you all." She immediately sees me to run over to have me get a good look at her um, *ahem* assets.

"OMG your a cat! That's toats adorable fam!" "Uh, thanks. I guess." She starts leaning over to feel down my torso a bit. "Ok! Red flag! Red flag!" She finds her way to my tail to make me shiver up and down. "Whoa, your like so sensitive on your tail. Kinda cute." She starts going back over to Ms. Midnight who is looking at me rather seductively. In an effort to avoid anymore unwanted attention, I hide behind Kaachan and Todoroki with the later being rather flushed with embarrassment. "I'm so looking forward to being your classmate. Like treat me well." She smiled with the smell of a sex demon coming off of her. 'And I though Kaachan was thirsty. This chick may be more lewd than her.'

And that finishes this chapter folks. Next one will be the USJ trip with a major turn of events happening there. How will the class respond to the battle and their new classmate. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and make sure to head over to Story Ideas to take part in the vote for the next harem based story to come on my channel. Thanks for reading.

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