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Momo POV:

I began to walk down to the common room to see a few of our classmates awake. "Has anyone seen Midoriya this morning?" "He left a little while ago to train. Apparently, Sitri said he doesn't have to worry about using his nekomata powers anymore and can go all out with training." Kitishima states this while smiling in excitement. "The guy was holding off his older sister with barely any understanding of his full strength and actually almost won. That's fricken manly as hell." "Thank you for the help." I began to exit to see bright flashes near the forest. 'I'm going to assume that he's over there.' "Seeing what Midoriya is up to *ribbit*?" "AAAHHH!" I looked directly behind me to see Tsu with her straight face. "Sorry about that. I didn't see you there." She stares at me with a face I couldn't get a read on before asking something. "Did you want to help Midoriya by chance?" "WHO TOLD YOU!?" "Just a hunch. You looked like you wanted to yesterday." I hold my head down in shame as she pats my head.

"Midoriya was holding so much guilt over his little sisters death that he never thought of the possibility she could be alive. I just thought I might be able to get his mind off of this. If not entirely, at least for a little bit to make him feel better." Tsu looks at me for a minute before answering. "Guess were in the same boat. I can understand his frustration being an older sibling myself, so I kinda want to help him." She smiles with me feeling a little better. "Then why don't we head over there together to try and help him." "I'd like that." We began walking over to where the bright flashes and the sound of trees falling was.

Izuku POV:

"KASHA SMASH!" "Not bad Deku. That one went a distance." "...Thanks." Kaachan started to look at me a little worried with Ochako walking over to us. "Do you wanna talk about it?" "...I'll manage." I kept my head down while Kaachan pats my shoulder. "Why don't we take a break. You haven't used this much power for a long time, your probably a little worn out." I stayed silent while Kaachan started to put my head in her chest. "I know it's hard Deku, but being mopey doesn't help at all." "I know. It's just...for years I believed Shirone was dead with no hope she survived. Now that I know she's alive, do I even have the right to be a hero?" She turns my head to have my ear to her. "Hear this heartbeat? This is the heartbeat of a girl you saved. If you didn't deserve to be a hero, this heartbeat would not exist anymore." I start to smile a bit before hugging Kaachan back. "Thank you."

"Aww, even Katsumi can be sweet when she wants to be." Ochako started to laugh before Kaachan made a retort. "I'm just doing this cause Deku's all mopey. Don't think this will happen often. Also, not a word of me being soft to anyone. If it gets out, your getting fucked in front of the entire class. Both of you" "And just like that, the explosion thot is back." "You know it fur ball." We began to laugh before we started to hear people walking towards us. "So this is where you three are hiding." Tsu states this while walking out of the woods with Yaoyorozu. "What are you two doing here?" "Well you see, we were wondering if you would like to join us for today out into town since we have no classes." I think on this before Kaachan answers for me. "Fuck yeah he wants to!" She starts to push me over to them. "Kaachan!" "Don't be a pusy Deku. Think about it, a day on the town with two sexy babes with the chance of getting to plow them." "WHAT!?"

Katsumi POV:

"Have fun you three." I began to wave them off with each one of them beet red. Once they left, Ochako walked up to ask me while watching where they left from. "This was your plan, wasn't it." "Not exactly, but I did want him to spend the day with some people other than us. Originally planned for Nejire and Mina, but frog girl and ponytail beat them to the punch." She began to smile at me. "You really do care for him." "I may want his bod, but that doesn't mean I don't care for the guy who owns it. Get your ass in gear, we've got some work to do." I began to walk away with Ochako following. "What kind of work? Hey, wait up!"

In the city Izuku POV:

After we got into the city, Me, Yaoyorozu, and Tsu started looking around. "So, what do you two wanna do first?" "*grumble*" Both their stomachs started to growl with their faces turning completely red at it. "*snort* Ok, lets get some breakfast first." "O-ok." We head into a little diner to get something to eat. We all order something close to our normal food with the smells making me go a little wild. "Here's your orders." Once it got to the table, I nearly went head first in before grabbing my chop sticks. "Thish tashtes swo gwood!" I began to smile from ear to ear at the flavor with both the girls smiling at my reaction. "How adorable." "*ribbit* *ribbit*." I come out of my state to see them staring at me. "Sorry, I kinda didn't eat today and was a little hungry." "Don't worry about it Midoriya, we were the ones that asked you out. So if anything, we should be sorry to bring you here without knowing you didn't eat yet."

I smile a bit before looking down to start to ask a serious question to them. "Do either of you think I'm a monster?" "Why do you think that?" I look at them worried before asking. "Just please tell me the truth. Do you with what you know of me, think that I'm a monster?" Silence came over us before Yaoyorozu spoke first. "No. A monster wouldn't feel guilt for something he didn't intentionally do. The first night at UA, you woke up from a nightmare and told me about how you feel so much guilt for what you did to your little sister that you didn't think you deserved to be in UA. You wanted closure with yourself for what you did when you were 5. If you ask me, the fact you hold guilt is proof your no monster. Your nowhere near the type of monster you think you may be."

I hold my head down a little before I say what I said next. "Ochako and Mina got hurt yesterday. They got hurt because of me." Silence came back into our booth before I kept going. "When I talked to them after the whole ordeal, I found out that Kuroka tried to kill them because I slept with them. She would've killed Ochako if Kuroka didn't have a change of mind at the last minute. If it wasn't for me, Ochako and Mina may have been able to leave unharmed. If it wasn't for me, you all wouldn't have been dragged into my problems. If it wasn't for me-" "We may have been chum to some villains." Tsu speaks up for her to look at us. "You saved me, Utsushimi, Kendo and Intelli when we were in the flood zone. If it wasn't for you, we may have not made it out of that so easily. You were even ready to face that monster thing they had and fought your own sister who took that down with no problem." "...But I choked at the last minute in that fight."

I held my fists in anger when I said my next part. "I could've stopped her. All I had to do was land that last punch. But when I was about to hit her, I saw her when I was younger. I saw her when she didn't do what she did. I hate her. I hate her more than I think I could hate anyone. But even after everything she did, she's still my sister. I don't know why, but I didn't have the heart to kill her when all was said and done." "That's why you aren't a monster to me *ribbit*. If you were one, you wouldn't have saved us in the flood zone, you wouldn't have stood to face that brain villain, and you wouldn't have stopped yourself from taking your sisters life. As a person with siblings, I can't think of anything worse than killing your own blood. No matter what they do, their still your family. To me, only a monster would try and kill their family. You didn't, so you aren't."

"But in the end, I couldn't stop Kuroka when I could've. I could've saved a lot of problems for people and avenged what happened to Shirone if I had just killed her instead of hesitating." "Hesitating to kill someone doesn't make you weak Midoriya. It makes you human." I remained silent while Yaoyorozu continued. "Killing her wouldn't have brought back Shirone who was alive all this time. Killing her wouldn't take back the 10 years you felt guilt and hid. Most importantly, killing her wouldn't make you any less of a monster she was when you were 5. Your better than her. Though you can't forgive her, you know deep down killing her would only spill more blood and change nothing. You'd be hunted by heroes, devils, and who knows what else after. If you did that, you wouldn't be you anymore. To me, your a kind person that I would rather stay the happy cat that likes yarn and chases red dots. I love the fact your yourself and not afraid to be that."

I look at her with amazed eyes before Tsu speaks. "Momo, did you just say you love Midoriya *ribbit*?" She immediately freaks out before fixing what she said. "I-I-I mean I love the person he is. You know, kind and caring....and adorable....AAAHHH WHAT DID I JUST SAY!?" She starts to panic with me laughing. "Thanks Yaoyorozu, I needed that. I also like you a lot too." "...Momo." "Excuse me?" "Starting now, please call me Momo." I smile at her before speaking. "Ok, but you and Tsu have to call me Izuku now." They both smile at me before nodding. "So I gotta ask this Izuku. What was up with those gloves that you had before at the USJ? They looked different from the ones in our battle training." "I actually wanted to ask that as well. They couldn't have been damaged enough where you needed a change, could they?" "Actually, I kinda had 3 different gloves made. The one in the team battle you saw were made of a refined steel that isn't easy to break. The second you saw was made of blessed silver with crosses embedded in them for the day I would meet Kuroka again. You know, crosses and blessed metals don't work that well for devils." They were silent until Tsu spoke up. "That's very clever." "Hehe, thanks."

Time skip to the afternoon

After a day on the town, me, Momo, and Tsu went back to UA with our spirits a little higher than when we left. Once we neared the entrance of the dorms, Momo grabbed me to pull me back behind her and Tsu. "Any chance you could wait out here for a few minutes?" "Uh, ok but why?" "It's a surprise." I didn't get it, but followed their instructions to wait outside the door. When a few minutes pass, Momo shouts for me. "Ok Izuku, you can come in now!" 'What are they doing?' I open the door and nearly pass out from a nosebleed. "Welcome back Izuku nya."

I could not believe my eyes. Ochako, Kaachan, Nejire, Mina, Momo, Tsu, Todoroki, Kendo, Utsushimi, and Intelli were in front of me wearing cat ears and tails that matched their hair color. "W-W-W-W-WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING WITH CAT STUFF ON!?" "I told you all that this is his fucking fantasy." Kaachan starts to laugh at my action with Nejire and Ochako coming close to my side. "We kinda knew you weren't so high in your spirits, so we asked around and had everyone here put cat cosplay on to try and make you happy." "Ochako and Katsumi said you liked the Pussycats, so we thought dressing in cat stuff like them would liven your spirits." I could barely speak as the scene was beyond my comprehension right now. "Common Deku, say something! We did all this just to fucking make you happy! The least you could do is say how adorable we look."

"....Mmmmmrrrrrrooooowwww!" I cover my mouth with everyone laughing. "That is adorable!" "Does he always do that?" "Only when he really likes something." "I guess everyone has some kind of preference *ribbit*." "I think it's precious." "Toats cuteness boo magnet." "Anyone wanna join in on the fun? You won't be disappointed with him emotionally or physically." Everyone stopped to see if Kaachan was joking. "No bullshit. If you wanna date Deku, me and Ochako are fine with it as long as you understand were number 1 and 2." Some of the girls were a blushing mess with them all slowly nodding at this. "It's settled then. Yo Sona! We got some more harem sisters for you to hang with! Better get your Deku tail fast before there isn't any left for ya!" "Why are you yelling at me? Also, why do I have to wear this ridiculous getup?"

Sitri walks down the stairs in cat cosplay as well with me staring directly at her. She looks at me waiting for my reaction. "Well. If your gonna laugh, then do it now." A silence came into the room before I broke the silence. "Mmmmrroooowww." I cover my mouth again for everyone to laugh. "HAHAHAHAHA! Seems Deku likes the cosplay Sona!" Sitri began to go beet red before looking at me. "Pervert." She walks back upstairs before I look around to everyone laughing at the scene. "What just happened!?"

Sona POV:

I began to walk up to the room I share with Midoriya and the others to decompress with what just happened. "Nnnn! The only reason I wore this stupid thing was because Katsumi wouldn't stop pestering me to put it on!" I pulled the ears off my head to stare at them. 'Would my kids have cat ears like these if me and Midoriya go that far?' The thought of a child with black hair and cat features pops into my mind to make me go completely red. "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! The last arraigned marriage I had didn't get near that part(She was put in a similar arraigned marriage in the story like Rias with Riser. Not much is known in this though since they just say she was and it was cut off for those that are curious)!" I began to look at the mirror in the room to see my reflection. I began to put the cat ears back on to see what I look like with them on. "It doesn't look that bad. Maybe I'll keep them for some time. What are you thinking Sona? This arraigned marriage will never get that far. But if it does, I wouldn't mind it...I think." I look at the ears to remember Midoriya's smile. 'Maybe Rias can get out of her arraigned marriage to be with someone she likes as well.' "Wait, as well!? Why is my head becoming a jumbled mess!?" I spent the night in our room freaking at my statements before giving up to get ready for bed.

And that finishes this chapter folks. So next chapter will have a lemon featuring Nejire. I'm gonna also do a poll for the one after. Please put down below who you think Izuku should be with after Nejire and the winner will get the lemon after. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading.

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