Cheering On

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Izuku POV:

"Classes start back up for UA tomorrow, right?" "Yeah, were gonna probably need to catch up on the curriculum though." I began to talk to Sitri before she left for school. "Well your motto is go beyond plus ultra for a reason." "I guess you have me there." We started to laugh a little at her interpretation of UA's saying for our work. "Anyway, I'm running late." "Ok, have fun." She began to leave with the door shutting behind her. "Ok, lets see what we can do about getting stronger now." I began to walk to the room to get a few training clothes before Nejire and Ochako grabbed my arms. "Deku, you busy?" "Well I was kinda hoping to train, but not really." "Great, you can come meet my adopted mother with me." "Wait, what?"

They began almost dragging me out of UA to meet a woman who I knew from hero leader boards.

"The dragon hero Ryukyu? She's your adopted mother!?" She notices us and begins to smile. "Why hello Nejire. It's good to see you again." Nejire instantly began to run to her and hug her out of happiness. "It's great to see you again Ryukyu." They began to smile at each other before they turned to us. "These are some of my friends. The brown haired one is Ochako Uraraka. And the cute kitty is our boyfriend Izuku Midoriya." Silence was in the air when she said boyfriend. "Y-you have a boyfriend and didn't tell me?" Shocked would be the best statement for what the dragon hero would show. "Wait, did you use the term 'our boyfriend'? As in, he's dating more than just you?"

I began to see Ryukyu transform a bit before Nejire tried to calm her down. "It's ok Ryukyu. Izuku isn't the type of guy that will just use me for his own gain." "And how do you know that?" "Because he's seen me. The full me." She stops before I become a cat pancake for her to explain the situation. She began with saying how I was the one who saved her during the exams even though Ryukyu told her she didn't have to do the exams and just take her offer for recommendation. She also went on about how we both understand each others pain and how I helped her when she was down on herself. This was when Ryukyu noticed Nejire wearing a shirt that showed a scar on her chest. A face of irritation on her changed to one of shock and understanding.

"It does seem like he is a kind man to accept you as you are." Nejire smiled and nodded before Ryukyu continued. "I can see already how much more confident you are in yourself also. Before, I could never get you to wear something that showed more skin than your neck and upper arms. But your wearing a sleeveless top now. I think he deserves a chance for me to learn a little of him." She looks over to us before motioning to follow. We began to find a nice coffee shop to which we talked about ourselves. Apparently, Ryukyu was a pro who was working a conjoint project with two heroes where she gave information to help with ones operations. The two had interns with them at the time before they found Nejire beaten and bloodied. After they brought her to a hospital, they realized that her father was abusing her. Ryukyu was enraged at this while explaining it. The fact Nejire had to deal with this herself made me have my stomach turn as well.

"So as pro hero laws dictate, Nejire was under our protection." "Wait, but why didn't she take your last name?" "I wanted to use my mothers." We looked at her smiling. "When I remember her, I always saw a kind woman who wanted the best for me. So I decided that I'd take her name as proof that I'm her daughter and that I can be as kind as her." I felt tears welling up inside me with my tail going a mile a minute. "That's so beautiful *sniffle*." I began to cry with Ochako petting my head. "There, there, Deku. No crying." Ryukyu began to laugh at me with my sudden act. "You have got to be the funniest thing I've ever seen. Crying over the fact Nejire took her mothers last name to honor her, too adorable." She laughed for a solid minute and a half before calming down.

"You know something Nejire, I like this kid." "You do!?" Nejire started to have sparkles in her eyes with Ryukyu nodding. "If he's willing to accept you as who you are and care enough about you to make you happy, then I have no quarrel with him." Nejire started to hug her with excitement while me and Ochako watched with some satisfaction in ourselves for seeing the adorable mother daughter moment. "This kinda makes me miss my mom." "I understand the feeling. I wonder how their doing right now?"

Meanwhile with Mrs. Midoriya and Uraraka

"ACHOO!" "Bless you." "Thanks honey/Mr. Uraraka."

Few hours later at UA

After our little chat with Ryukyu, me and the girls headed back to UA to have some breakfast and relax a bit. Once we were done, Nejire brought us up to her room to talk and hang out. Her room was kinda normal looking. A rug or two with a sky blue color along with a bed set and drapes with a similar color scheme. The most notable thing that caught my attention was a plushy doll of Ryukyu in her dragon form on the dresser. I thought this was adorable. We spent most of our time talking about simple things with no real importance on anything. The tide of the conversation went a 180 when Nejire asked a rather personal question.

"So how does sex feel with Izuku Ochako?" "...WHAT!?" Ochako became red as a tomato with me not that far away from her color. "W-w-w-why the sudden question?" "Well you see, I kinda wanna have sex with him and know were gonna do that one day. So as a way to help me, I figured getting as much information on it now would work to my advantage." We were dead silent before me and Ochako started laughing. "What's so funny?" "Were sorry, but that is just really funny." I kept holding my sides with Ochako trying to form a conversation. "You don't need to overthink it Nejire. Doing it is just a way to show affection. At least that's what me and Deku think." Nejire started to nod in understanding. "I just got a good idea." Ochako started to smile a bit before running into our room to grab a small bag. "Deku, you get out for a few minutes." I'm practically pushed out the door before they slam it shut. After a few minutes, the door opens to allow me back in to see Ochako and Nejire in cheerleader outfits. "Well deku, you wanna help 'cheer on' Nejire in your own way?" My tail started to poof up with a little excitement going inside my head. "M-maybe a little."

Lemon warning🍋

3rd person POV:

Izuku shuts the door to enter deeper into the room. Ochako and Nejire start to come up and take turns kissing his lips. During the act, Ochako starts to put her hand in his pants to begin rubbing his member. "Seems someones an excited kitty." Ochako began to smile while dropping Izuku's pants to see the bulge in his boxers. "Deku, lie down please." Izuku did as he was asked for Ochako to pull off the last bit of clothing on his bottom half and Nejire to silently shriek. "This is a boys thing when it's excited?" Out of curiosity, Nejire began to poke it to earn everyone a little chuckle at her curiosity. "You wanna help me get him ready?" Ochako smiled at her friend for her to nod. They both began to pull up their tops to release their bare chests.

"Ok Nejire, you push yours on your side of him. And I'll push mine on my side." "Sounds interesting." They both began to push their breasts together with Izuku's dick between them. The feel of both their soft chests enveloping him made Izuku squirm in pleasure. "How adorable." Ochako began to smile before licking and slightly sucking on Izuku's head. She only stopped to allow Nejire a chance to attempt the same thing. Compared to Ochako, Izuku could tell Nejire never did anything like this before. Ochako's mouth was able to coil around him with suction as from their past experiences. Nejrie's was a little more rough with the slight use of teeth by accident. This however had made the small cat ready to lose it. "Ochako, Nejire, I'm gonna cum." Izuku gritted his teeth as he released ropes of sperm on top of both of their chests and some on their faces.

Being the curios woman Nejire was, she had taken a small bit of the sperm to look at it. "So this is what a boy uses to make girls pregnant. I wonder?" She began to lick the essence that was on her fingers before being grossed out. "Ugh, it's really bitter." "Maybe, but it's Deku's taste." Ochako states this while wiping the last of Izuku's semen off of her. "Now it's Deku's turn to please us." Ochako starts to take off her panties from underneath her skirt before lying on the bed. Izuku began to get up to walk over to Ochako. "Trust me when I say this Nejire. You have felt nothing until you feel Izuku's cat tongue play with you."

Ochako says this with a smile before feeling said tongue enter her inner folds. The feel of the ridges on Izuku's cat tongue had sent shivers down her body. She had always known his tongue was rough, but always put it off to the side until he shows her just how dangerous it can really be. As she began to squirm, Izuku latched his hands on her ass with the slight feel of his claws sliding on her cheeks. "Nngh! Deku, I'm almost there." Ochako started to pant before grabbing a pillow to scream into as she came. Izuku got up with a little of her juices on his face with Ochako holding the biggest smile she could. "I love you Deku." "I love you too." Both began to kiss with Nejire holding a little bit of a heated face.

"A-any chance I can try?" Izuku motioned her to come over with a smile. Nejire did this with pulling down her panties for Izuku to do something a little different. Instead of his tongue, he used his fingers with his claws slightly out to swirl the insides of her around. The strange mix of slight pain and pleasure had made Nejire's mind drift from self logic. Meanwhile, Ochako began to place a condom on Izuku's now fully erect dick with a liquid going over it. She moved to her hands and knees before backing his member into her pussy. The act made Izuku unintentionally claw Nejire's insides a bit harder to draw a little blood. "Crap! Sorry Nejire, you ok?" Ochako now realizing she may have made Izuku do something bad to her friend stopped to make sure she was ok.

"Yeah, I'm kinda used to pain somewhat. You know, scars and everything." She slightly laughed while pointing at her body. Izuku felt horrible until he began to get an idea. He began to go towards some of the larger scars on her stomach to begin licking them. "Ahh, what are you doing Izukahh!" He began to slightly smile at the fact Nejire was feeling more from this. "You may not like these scars. But to me, their a part of you I can only imagine you with. These scars are just another thing to love about you. Now until you are content with them as well, I wont stop licking them." Izuku continued this with Nejire feeling confused but happy at the same time. The man she loved was taking the pain and hatred inside her scars and replacing them with his love and desire for her. She could only go with the pleasure as she felt nothing but bliss in herself.

In the act, Izuku grabbed Ochako with one arm to lift her up to position her above his dick. She began to moan while holding onto Izuku's sides for support. Right off the bat, Izuku began to buck his hips upwards to force Ochako to bounce on him. Her breasts flying up and down while slightly drooling from the act. Nejire was also on the verge of drooling with the level of love that Izuku was giving her. All three of them began to lose their minds to pleasure as they slowly began to near their ends. "Ochako, my knots coming." "I want it Deku. Please give me it." Izuku had thrust up a few more times before slaming his knot inside Ochako and slightly biting a scar on Nejire's breast to make her lose it. All three came together with the girls falling on the bed. Izuku nearly fell on top of Ochako if he had not put his arms out to avoid this. "You both ok?" "*pant* *pant* Yeah. Just a little much for me." "I'll be ok Deku." He smiled at them before Ochako began to hold Izuku's arms for support before trying to pull him out.

"Ochako, you sure you wanna do that? It may hurt a lot." "Yeah. It isn't fair for Nejire if I'm the only one. Plus, I did put that lube on after the condom. I should be fine." She smiled as she began to pull Izuku's knot out. As she did, she screamed in pain to make Izuku worry for her. "Ochako, are you ok!?" "I'll be ok *pant*. Now I know why Katsumi always goes first in our three ways, this hurts." Ochako put her head back with her breathing going back to normal. "I'm just gonna...lay here for a few minutes." Once Izuku saw Ochako was ok, he disposed of the used condom and put on a new one. Once ready, he walked over to Nejire who was still marveled at what is going on. " this gonna hurt?" Izuku bent over her to kiss her lips. "I'll make sure to be gentle for you."

Izuku began to slowly insert himself in until he reached Nejire's hymen. He looked at her in the eyes before speaking. "This is where it may hurt a lot. Warn me if it's too much for you." She nods with Izuku pushing inside her enough where he opens Nejire up to let him in. As blood began to trickle down them, Nejire began to cry a little from the pain. Izuku began to lick up the tears before kissing Nejire. He immediately stops when he's fully inside her to look at her. She sees his kind and frustrated face to realize he is true to his word. After a few minutes, Nejire tells Izuku that he can move. He does this ever so slowly not to hurt Nejire with her feeling the shape of her insides mold for him. Minutes go by with Izuku slowly increasing whenever he sees her with less pain in her. He eventually gets to his normal pace to see Nejire with her tongue out and panting like an animal. This goes on for a few more minutes until Izuku mentions to her. "Nejire, my knots coming." "I wanna feel this. Show me what it feels like when you finish. Make me yours! Ruin me for anyone else!" Izuku thrusts as hard as he can a few more times before his knot slams into her to climax. As he does this, Nejire arcs her back with her eyes rolling back in her head. The two finish with Izuku placing both girls on top of his chest and kissing them both before taking a relaxing sigh.

Lemon end🍋

Izuku POV

As we began to rest on the bed, I felt my tail wrap around Nejire with my second tail unintentionally coming out to wrap around Ochako. "That felt nice." "Told ya you didn't need any knowledge on the matter. Which reminds me, you didn't go instinctual this time Deku. Why?" I think on this for a possible way to think of it. "Maybe it was a build up of chi because of years of not using my nekomata powers." They smile at me before kissing my cheeks. "Either way, I'm just happy your back to yourself Deku." "Me too." I hold the both of them close while purring for some time.

Meanwhile, outside the room Katsumi POV:

Me and Sona watch as Deku finally pounds Nejire with her face going red as anything. "That's what sex with Midoriya is like?" "..Kinda. Wish he'd go animal so you could see just how brutal he can be. Not that I don't like the adorable nerd we normally see, but that beast in him is like a monster untamed that uses you as nothing but a hole for him to use." I started to feel a little tingle from remembering my nights with Deku being a literal beast in bed. "He looks happy." I smile while seeing Deku hold the two close. "To him, the girls he cares for are the most important things in the world to him. To me, that's him trying to find some closure with his life." Sona starts to smile a bit before walking away. "Maybe this whole harem thing isn't so bad." I start to smile at the thought of Deku getting a new woman to hump in the future. "By the way, have Midoriya use OFA when you have sex with him and see what happens." "Wait...what?" "You think we'd let such a powerful thing go without notice? Higher class devils know of the battle between OFA and AFO." She walks away with me completely confused. "Wait, what's AFO?"

And that finishes this chapter folks. So yes, Ryukyu is Nejire's adopted mother in this. I thought that would look cute since they kinda already act like mother and daughter with the viewings they've shown of them in the series interacting. Next chapter will start the sports festival and a special guest for Izuku to meet. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading.

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