Their Reunion

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So just for people who are curious where DxD is in the story line for this is at. This will be taking place after they save Asia and before the reveal of Riser Phoenix in the series since it will play major roles in the story going forward. Now, onto the chapter!

Izuku POV:

The day was rather normal of a start for all of us. The only real difference was a smile plastered on Nejire's face from ear to ear. "You look really happy today Hado. Did something happen?" Jiro came over to ask her with most of us half listening out of curiosity. "Yeah, I got to feel Izuku's love first hand." "...WHAT!?" We all answered with only a few of us being calmer over it. "Midoriya, illicit sexual acts are not becoming of a hero to be!" "Relax four eyes. He shares a bed with me, Ochako, and Sona who are kinda cool with him fucking other girls. Most of the girls in the class are kinda down for getting with this fur ball as well." Kaachan states this with most of the girls holding a notable blush. "Even so, this is not acceptable behavior for-" "We use protection Ida, can we please stop this argument. It's really embarrassing and shouldn't be blown so out of proportion." I speak up a tad irritated with Ida stepping back realizing we are doing this smart and not making decisions that will drastically change our futures. "Thank you."

We wait in silence until Ms. Midnight walks in. "Oh my, you all are rather quiet. Had one of you committed an act of passion that had come to light?" She says this jokingly with me and Ochako banging our heads on our desks to indicate she was on the dot. "Anyway, the UA sports festival is coming up. Due to that, the lot of you are going to be exempt from hero training to train for that. I wish for you all to bring your absolute best to this event." "Wait, but ain't it a little too soon to do this. I mean we toats almost got roasted by villains at the USJ and Midoriya almost got his respawn button hit, shouldn't we postpone it?" "We're beefing up security with some special guests from the devil realm joining the crowd just in case Midoriya's sister gets an idea to come after us again." "Believe me when I say this Utsushimi. If Kuroka wanted us dead, she would've done it by now." "Lady leviathan said the same thing. But for purposes of keeping it on it's scheduled date, it's to show the world we will not waver due to some wet eared villains that wanted to rattle us. Now without further ado, let us begin."

During lunch period

We all started to get really excited about the sports festival with Ochako being more excited than most. "I'm gonna do my best!" She began to shout with her fist in the air. Some of us started to cheer with her turning to some people that didn't cheer. "I said I'm gonna do my best!" They began to awkwardly cheer this round. "Hey Izuku, why is Ochako acting like this?" "Yeah, she's usually the most mellow person in this." Nejire and Mina came over curious before Kaachan says loud enough for everyone to hear. "Ochako's drive to become a hero is to help her parents. Before they moved to where they are now, they never stayed in a place over a year cause of their construction work. To be honest, they kinda struggled to raise her. She wants to find a way to pay them back for their troubles. So she wants to earn as much money as a hero to make their lives easier." Ochako started to hold her head down a little thinking her reason is silly. "I think it's an amazing reason." Nejire spoke up with me nodding. "If it's Ochako, I know she's doing this because she feels it's needed. Also, I can understand wanting to repay your family for all they've done. That's why I'm gonna do my best at the spirts festival too." Ochako looked over to see us smiling to find on plastered on her face as well.

While exiting, a giant crowd came in front of the door. "Excuse me, but can you all please make a path so we can get through. It's a little hard to get to the cafeteria and I don't want to be rude." "Well your not what we expected." A boy with purple hair that looked like he needed sleep came over to speak to us. "So this is class 1-A. I'm guessing your the kid that stood against one of those villain heads, interesting." "Perhaps, but I couldn't win and kinda caused trouble for everyone. I don't deserve any praise." I began to awkwardly laugh while the guy stares blankly at me. "Don't expect me to go easy on you in the sports festival." He began to walk away with a path opening up for us. 'Something tells me that guy has a story.'

After school

Once school got out, I began training right off the bat until the evening when Sitri came home. "Hey Sitri, can I ask you a question?" "What is it?" "Well, do you mind teaching me the fundamentals of magic use?" She looked at me confused before asking. "Why?" "Well the sports festival is coming up and I want to see if I can learn as much as I can in that time. Not that I don't think my nekomata powers aren't enough, but I want to find different ways to use my powers. If I can use magic in a healing factor, then maybe I can pull some weight off of some heroes." She listens to my comment to nod. "Very well, I accept. However, you are not to use it on anyone who doesn't deserve this power. If you hurt or kill someone, it looks bad on me." "Understood. Thank you again." I bow to her with her smiling. "Training begins in an hour, use that time to regain your composure." She walks up to the room to change with my tail wagging a mile a minute. And with that, my two week training began.

Time skip to the sports festival

The day of the sports finally came with all of us excited for what will happen. "Were on in a few minutes everyone, do any final prep you need." I came into the room with everyone staring at me confused. "What?" "Don't 'what' us bro, you dyed your hair." "Correction, I 'use to' dye my hair. I did it more as a way to avoid devils noticing me. Now that the me is out of the bag, I have no need to dye it anymore." I began to look at my formerly forest green hair that is now almost dark to be considered black with green tints near the end. "Izuku, I'd like to have a word with you." I look over to see Sona at the door. "Sure." Over the time we had trained, she started to relax her demeanor around me enough where she is fine with us using first names.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" "She wasn't the one that needed to speak to you." I look to the side to see the Gremory successor come over with who I believe is her devil house. "Hello Ms. Gremory. Will you be staying for the sports festival?" "I will, but somebody needs to speak to you before you start." "...Who-" I immediately get tackled by someone to look down and notice white hair. "It's really you right Izuku. This isn't a cruel trick or anything." I began to notice cat ears and a tail come up with the smell of the person entering my nose. "Sh-Shirone?" A year started to fall down my face realizing it was my sister. "I go by Koneko now, but yeah." She looked up to me with eyes holding back tears with regret overflowing within me.

"Shir-Koneko, I want you to know that I am so *sniffle* so sorry for leaving you. I failed you as your brother and it makes me sick thinking I should've done something and chose not to." "It's not your fault. I was too scared to do anything. If anyone's to blame, it's me. So please, I'm begging you to forgive me. You have no idea how much I really need that." At this point, I wrap my arms around Koneko and begin to bawl my eyes out. "You did nothing wrong! I was supposed to protect you, not the other way around. I'm the older one!" We began to cry in the hallway with the class poking their heads out to see. I couldn't stop tears and neither could Koneko. We just bawled our eyes out finally seeing each other again after 10 years. "I promise Koneko. I promise I'll be there for you now." "*sniffle* I promise too."

After our reunion, Sona had taken everyone to the stands with me thanking her up and down for doing this. We began to wait for us to be called with Mic shouting too loud for me to have to keep my ears covered. "LETS GIVE IT UP FOLKS FOR CLASS 1-A!" We began to enter the stadium with other classes right behind us. "AND NOW, THE REFEREE FOR THE FIRST YEARS IS THE R RATED HERO MIDNIGHT!" The crowd began to cheer with it being mostly the men. "Anybody want to tell her to at least wear something less revealing?" "Your turned on by it Deku, don't lie and say you aren't." "I never said I wasn't, but I'm saying cause we have kids watch this and a 'rated R hero' may not set the best example for kids." "Fair point." Everyone answered with my comment with it not surprising me.

"And now to state the athletes oath. Your class representative is, class 1-A's Izuku Midoriya." "Wow Izuku, class rep and 1-A's rep. What's next, best harem in the underworld." Mina started to tease me with my face going red. 'I gotta make a good first impression. Everyone's eyes are on me to see what I'll do.' As I got to the podium, I took a deep breath before moving my arms into a karate pose. "Meow." ".....PFFFTAHAHAHAHAHA!" Everyone in the crowd started laughing with some of the students stifling laughs. "Now that the tension of the room is better, time to get serious. We all held our own against thick and thin in our lives to get here. We as members of the school promise to play fair and try our bests no matter the outcome. So please watch us and understand the hardships we may have needed to go through." I bowed with everyone clapping.

Once I left the podium to join back my class, Ms. Midnight began to have a wheel going for the first event. "Your first event shall obstacle course! Players will run around the stadium and avoid obstacles while trying to get here in the shortest amount of time. The first 42 to get here first will advance to the next round!" We all began to enter into our positions waiting for the green light to go. Once it did, I began to charge up OFA in my legs to jump from the sides of the walls. 'This areas too narrow for three people. Everyone's gonna push for the goal first.' "What the, my feet are frozen!" I looked down to see someone had frozen the ground with only one dual haired girl in mind. 'Todoroki.'

Once I exited the tunnel, I had noticed Todoroki in front with a bunch of zero pointers ready to fight. "So this is the first test." Todoroki began to let loose a lot of ice to freeze everything. But before she could, I had jumped up and tail smacked the center one to both destroy it and the ones near it. "OH SNAP FOLKS! MIDORIYA JUST BEAT THE ROBOTS INTO SHAPE WITH ONLY HIS TAIL!" "Just how strong is your tail!?" I began to flex my tail a bit while smiling. "Strong enough where I can hold you up with it." I began to channel OFA and Touki inside me with a smile growing on me. 'Thanks to the training that Sona did with me, I found a way to merge my nekomata powers and OFA together. This is that synchronization. One For All, Full Meow!'

Koneko POV:

I began to notice Izuku running at amazing speeds with some happiness. 'Show them what you can do bro. Knock them twats on their butts.' "So Koneko, you never said you had a brother." The perv started to try and speak with me with my attention being on the event. "I didn't tell you, because I didn't need to. Izuku is a sibling I thought was long dead until today. To say I'm happy to finally meet him would be an understatement." "Oh my, I would possibly be ralated to you if I take up Katsumi's offer to be in Izuku's harem." Akeno started to laugh before reality hit me. "Izuku has a girlfriend!?" "He does. The explosion girl, the brown haired one, the girl with pink skin, and the girl with very long blue hair. All in the hero course and all are his girlfriends." "You can probably count yourself into that harem to Sona. You are engaged to Midoriya." Rias's words blew my mind when she said this. 'My brother has a fiancé too!? What did I miss in his life!?'

Izuku POV:

I finally got to the last obstacle before the entrance back into the stadium to notice it's a mine field. 'How am I gonna get through this without problems?' "OUTTA THE WAY DEKU! FIRST PLACE IS MINE!" Out of nowhere, Kaachan starts charging past with Todoroki sliding on ice. "UNBELIEVABLE FOLKS! MIDORIYA HAS JUST BEEN PASSED!" "Well, I wanted to avoid causing problems." I started to get on all fours before charging Full Meow. "Don't take this personally Kaachan. MEOW CHARGE!" I began to run past everyone at breakneck speeds with Todoroki and Kaachan only seeing a blur. "What the fu-" Kaachan couldn't even finish her sentence before getting blown away by an explosion. I kept running after until getting past the goal to the crowd of people excited over what they just witnessed.

"AND THE FIRST TO MAKE IT BACK TO THE CENTER IS 1-A'S IZUKU MIDORIYA!" I began to stand and throw my arms in the air. "MEOW!" I started to hang by a corner before Kaachan and Todoroki came back next with their hair rather messy. "Sorry Kaachan. No hard feelings." She looked over to me with an annoyed look before speaking. "I'm getting payback tonight for that." Once the rest of the 42 came back, Midnight began to speak of the next event. "Now for the next event!" The wheel spinned again to stop on our next event. "Cavalry battle! Players will be put in teams of 2-4 and fight out for obtaining headbands with a point system from the last match." She began to explain this by giving an example of 42nd place being worth 5, 41st being worth 10, and so on. The total number of points a headband is worth is made of the combined teams points and is displayed on it. The top four teams will be the ones to advance to the third and final event after. "Now for some fun. The first place in the last event will be worth 10 million points!"

I began to internally panic at the thought of me being targeted. "You have 5 minutes to prepare, so get going!" I began to scramble to find someone to team up with for everyone to avoid me entirely. 'Gotta find someone! Gotta find someone!' I was stopped when a hand grabbed the back of my shirt. "Need a partner Deku?" I look up to see Kaachan and Ochako smiling at me. "You both sure about this? People are gonna be after us cause of my points." "Of course. Besides, it's better to team up with people you like." Ochako states this with me and Kaachan needing to avoid our eyes from looking directly at her because of the pure light emanating from her. 'So briiight!' "Hey Izuku. Any chance you need a partner?" Nejire came over with a smile for all of us to agree. "This'll work." We began to get ready for the match to begin with getting the band and hoisting me up on top of everyone.

"READY, BEGIN!" Once the match started, we began running as fast as we could away from crowds for Mina with some of our class and a guy that looked like Kirishima's clone charging at us. "Here kitty kitty. Mina wants to play." She began to lay down acid to slide her group over to us. "Ochako, make us float!" "Right!" Once we were in the air, I turned to Kaachan and Nejire on our sides. "Now!" They both used their quirks to send us to the other side of the field. "Hell yeah!"  We kept this trick up for most of the match until we faced Todoroki with Kaminari, Momo, and Ida with her. She immediately froze our escape route to leave us cornered. "Guess were gonna have to fight." They immediately cane charging at us with Todoroki trying to grab the headband. I kept dodging her with keeping on her left side. 'I'm not fully sure why, but she seemed to hold the scar on her left side when I was talking about my family's past and chooses not to use her fire half. Must be some internal problem.'

After several failed attempts to notice she isn't getting anywhere, her group backs up to change up their tactics. I start to notice Ida charging his engines up more than he normally does. "Get ready, something's coming." We start to prepare for Ida to go too fast for most of us to react. Todoroki's group stops to show a smirk at me. "The 10 millions ours now Midoriya." I smile at her before commenting. "You may wanna check for yourself." She looks down to see she has the top to my PE uniform. "If you wanted to see me shirtless, you could've asked?" She began to blush intensely before I showed her what I had. "Guess were even though. But I must say pink suits you greatly." I hold up her uniforms top for her to see her pink bra out for all to see. "*scream* Pervert!" "Says the woman that took my shirt." She stayed covering herself until time went down.

"IN FIRST PLACE, WE HAVE THE TEAM OF MIDORIYA, URARAKA, BAKUGO, AND HADO! IN SECOND, WE HAVE THE TEAM OF TODOROKI, YAOYOROZU, KAMINARI, AND IDA! IN THIRD, WE HAVE THE TEAM OF ASHIDO, KIRISHIMA, SERO, AND TETSUTETSU! AND IN FOURTH, WE HAVE THE TEAM OF SHINSO, SHIPZAKI, HATSUME, AND AOYAMA!" I began to cheer for joy with everyone laughing at my meow chant. "That was a dirty trick." Todoroki silently said this covering herself. I started to walk over to her with her shirt to give back. "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to do it." She grabs her top with her face completely red. "Thanks and I don't hold it against you." Once we get more situated, Midnight starts to announce the final round as a one on one arena match. After a lot drawing, the matches were shown on the screen.

Midoriya vs Shinso
Todoroki vs Sero
Ida vs Hatsume
Shiozaki vs Kaminari
Ashido vs Aoyama
Yaoyorozu vs Hado
Tetsutetsu vs Uraraka
Bakugo vs Kitishima

And that finishes the chapter folks. Main reason Ochako and Katsumi aren't facing each other first off is mainly due to them fighting together in the last match. Also, both stories will fully merge as of this point so expect some change to arcs in the future for both series. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading.

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