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Izuku POV:

After the announcement of the rounds for the final event, we were all allowed to take a break to get lunch. "Izuku." Koneko and Sona were waiting for us near the exit with their houses by them. "Hey Koneko, how do you like the festival so far?" "Feels like we were kids watching it with Inko again. But now your in it and kicking butts and taking names." We started to laugh a little before Kaachan patted my shoulder. "Oh yeah. Koneko, I'd like you to meet Katsumi, Ochako, Nejire, and Mina." "Sup. Sona filled me in on the fact your doing these four and are engaged to her. Congrats." "Thanks." "While were introducing people, behind me are the members of the house I serve under. Kiba our knight, Asia our bishop, you already met Akeno our queen and Rias our master, and the perv Issei who's our pawn." "Nice to meet you." "Hello." "What's up man." I glared at the perv before holding my hands up. "*ching*" "GYAAA!"

"Saw that one coming when she said perv." "Yeah." Everyone nodded with the fool rolling around on the ground after getting my claws in his eyes. "Why did you try to claw my eyes out!?" "So we're gonna go get lunch. You all wanna join us?" "Sure." "Don't ignore me!" We start walking away before a rather unsettling feeling came behind me. I immediately turned to see a man with red hair smile at me.

"Hello. You must be the nekomata Izuku." "Hello. Your correct Mr?" "Oh, where are my manners? My name is Zechs Lucifer. One of the four demon lords of the devil realm and Rias's older brother." There was a silence until my class shouted. "LUCIFER FROM THE BIBLE!?" "Why yes." He begins to smile with all of us going pale. "...Your not here to kill me, right?" "Oh no, I just wished to speak to you. To be honest, I'm one of the few devils that opted to keep you alive." My mind was a little blown back by this. "Wow. Not many devils can say their a big fan of the nekomata after Kuroka's little stunt. Uh, thank you." "Your very welcome. Now if I may, might I have a word with you?" "I don't see how that's an issue. I guess I'll catch up with you all in a bit." I began to walk away still confused at the situation.

Once we had gotten to an area nobody could listen in on us, Lucifer began to stop. "We should be away from wandering ears now." He turns to me with a saddened look. "I apologize for taking up your time with your little sister Izuku. I know you have missed so much with her over the last 10 years." "It's ok, what you need to say must be important for you to call me away like this." "It is. *inhales* I need you to stop the arranged marriage of my sister." "Wait, what?" "Perhaps a little information is in order. Your aware of the situation in the devil realm about our population correct?" "About the pure blooded devils not having enough children to balance their population because of the war right?" "Yes. Because of that, only a few of the original pure blooded devils are left. In an attempt to unite our families, our parents and the heads of the Phoenix family had agreed to an arraigned marriage with their third son and my sister. I personally wish to let my sister choose who she wishes to marry herself, but I cannot get involved with this."

I start to understand the situation a little better to see where he's coming from. "So you want me to do this. But the real question is, why me?" "Out of everyone, you stand as an outside faction that has no diplomatic standing among the devil ranks. If you can do anything to do this, I will repay you any possible way I can." I think on this before answering. "My girlfriend Ochako. If you can help her parents construction industry a little and not make it seem like their getting help, I'll stop it." "An easy task. How much do you wish for me to assist them?" "Just enough where they can manage their price of living and maybe reduce the level of dept they owe. I don't want Ochako to think I'm going out of my way for her out of a feel of obligation or anything. I just want her to not have to worry so much for them." Lucifer began to smile at me. "You really care for the girls you love, don't you?" "If it's for them, I'd take you on." He begins to laugh at this before we exit. "I like you Izuku Midoriya. Your a nice guy." "Thank you Zechs Lucifer sir." "You don't need the 'sir' or 'Lucifer' part, just Zechs is fine."

We began to return to my friends with Kaminari trying to coerce them into doing something. "I'm telling you, Ms. Midnight told me that you had to wear them." "Wear what?" He glanced over to stiffen a bit at my return. "Portable charger here wants your class to put on cheerleader outfits." Koneko answers with me only glaring at Kaminari. "Ok, it was a lie! Please don't claw my eyes out Midoriya!" I sit down next to Koneko and Ochako with them passing me a little food. "Your lucky I'm in a good mood today Kaminari, or I'd go lower for that statement and show you what being fixed feels like ." I hold my claws up with some murderous aura leaking out. He agrees and sits down. "So Katsumi told me about your harem a bit more. Not a fan of you having one, but the girls seem pretty cool with the ones that said they'd join." I smile at Koneko before I hear someone run over.

"Hello little Izuku~! Oh, your so cute I could die!" Kendo started to fawn over me with my face going red. "Hey Kendo, whats up?" It began to get kinda worse today with her sitting me on her lap. "You were so cute when you were posing like a cat I couldn't resist coming up and hugging you~." At this point, she notices Koneko to stop to introduce herself. "Why hello. Sorry about that, I just can't get enough of this cute little kitten. I'm Itsuka Kendo." "Koneko Toujou. Izuku's little twin sister." Her eyes widen at this with Koneko pulling her ears up. "*screams* Another adorable kitty!" She began rubbing her face in Koneko's and kissing my cheek. "Does she always do this?" "Kinda-" I turn to Koneko before Kendo could kiss my cheek to now kiss my lips. We remained silent until she went completely red. "I-I-I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that!" "It's fine." She kept a blush where she was until we finished lunch to enter into the crowd to wait for the final matches.

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE FIRST MATCH OF THE FINAL EVENT OF THE DAY! ON ONE SIDE, WE HAVE THE ADORABLE CAT THAT COULD! CLASS 1-A'S, IZUKU MIDORIYA! AND HIS OPPONENT! THE MAN THAT LOOKS LIKE MR. MUMMY MAN UP HERE. CLASS 1-E'S HITOSHI SHINSO!" Shinso starts to enter into the arena looking rather indifferent with me. "BEGIN!" "A shame that they let a feral cat like you in and not someone that deserves the title." I began to hold my head down a bit at this knowing how right he was. 'He's right, I shouldn't be here. Until a few weeks ago, I was hunted by the devil realm for a crime I didn't commit and felt remorse for something that never happened.' I clenched my fist in anger. "I need to push onward. If I don't, I don't deserve to be here. So I need to prove I do!" I charged at the guy with grabbing him by my tail. He starts struggling to break free with it not working. He even went as far as to bite my tail before I threw him out of the ring. "MIDORIYA WINS BY AN OUT OF BOUNDS FOLKS!"

The crowd starts to cheer with Shinso getting up to brush the dirt off him. "You ok?" I offer him my hand with him just slapping it away. "What difference does it make, I lost." "That doesn't mean you should stop trying." He walks a little away before I speak up. "Hitoshi Shinso, your quirk allows you to brainwash people by having them answer your questions. All your life, people must've looked at you as a villain due to it. But a friend once told me that your only a monster when you commit heartless acts." "And what does that have to do with being a villain?" "Because a villain is a monster that does heartless things. You have not, so you can't be." He looks at me a little amazed before walking away. "This isn't over." I smile slightly before leaving.

While walking back, I notice Endeavor talking to Todoroki with her face showing one of sheer anger. Before she could do anything, I stopped her to hug her. "What are you doing Midoriya?" "Hugging the anger out." She looked at me like I was crazy. "Your not gonna hug my anger out." "Wanna bet?" I lifted her up to hug her a little better with Endeavor walking over to us. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING TO MY MASTERPIE-" I stop him with one tail to glare at him. "Shouto Todoroki isn't a 'masterpiece'. She's a nice girl who deserves a father that at least sees her as more than a tool to beat All Might." He glares at me with me starting to growl. "Don't think I don't know of your family Endeavor. Trust me when I say that I will make Shouto happy without your issues corrupting that."

He walks away with a scoff before I put Todoroki down. "Feel better?" "...Very, but how did you find out about my family?" "I looked into Endeavor to find some small things about him and chose to dive farther. Hugging you right now allowed me to use magic to look into your mind and see your life. So I want you to know, it's not your fault for your mothers breakdown. Please stop blaming yourself and live your life in the present instead of the past." She looked at me amazed before tears were coming down her face. "C-can you let me out for my match please?" I agree with her walking out holding tears back. 'I hope she finds some closure.' While walking back, I notice Sero get frozen by Todoroki with little damage done to the field. 'Maybe I helped her some.'

Meanwhile 3rd person POV:

In an alley of the city of Hosu, a man decked with blades from head to toe is struggling to stand. "Oh no you don't~." A woman's boot firmly plants itself on top of him with him glaring at her. "Hero killer Stain. You have some information I want. So I'd advise giving it to me and maybe I'll just give you to the police unharmed." Stain looks at the woman to struggle to speak. "Who-who are you?" The woman smiles before answering. "Serafall Leviathan. Trust me when I say, you don't want to mess with me." Serafall leans down to grab the hero killer by his neck. "Now, where's the League of VIllains and what was the Nomu exactly?"

Time skip to the second round Izuku POV:

The matches seemed to go similar to my expectations to my belief. Ochako and Mina won by waiting for the best moment to strike, Nejire kept Momo's focus on her instead of where she was to be pushed out of bounds, and Kaachan basically won due to her overwhelming tenacity against Kirishima. Now came a real problem. Ochako and Kaachan are facing each other along with Nejire and Mina. The worst of it is that the winners of both will face each other. I felt horrible having to watch my girlfriends fight each other, but I didn't show it. If I did, I'm afraid they might think I don't have faith in them at all. 'Maybe I should do something special for whoever comes out on top. Maybe a nice all day date and a complementary homemade dinner for everyone for their hard work? Hmm, this would be tough with how to keep their spirits up.' I begin to ponder this with a finger tapping my shoulder. Once I turn my head, I notice Todoroki standing behind me.

"Hey Todoroki, what's up?" "Uh, Midoriya. Can I ask you a serious question?" "Sure." She looked down a little before finally saying it. "How can you handle using your power?" I looked at her completely confused. "Your sister had done something so awful to you and your sister, forced you into hiding, and nearly killed you. How can you use your power without guilt?" I start to remember the situation I saw with Todoroki and her mother when she was a child with the scar. "Because it isn't her using my power. Think of this, power is only a way to get to your destination. But the power is something only you can use. If it was someone else's, you would never have it. You make the decision to use the power that you were given. No matter what anyone says, it's your power that you use and do with. Nothing will take that away from you."

She began to have her eyes shine with her left side catching fire. "Um, your on fire Todoroki." "Oh, sorry." She puts herself out and hugs me. "W-w-w-what was that for?" She smiles at me a little before kissing my forehead. "Payback." She heads to her waiting room with me doing the same. 'Oh my god that was unsettling.' I still felt the kiss on my forehead to smile a bit. 'But it was kinda nice.'

Start of the match

"ALRIGHT LADIES AND GENTS, TIME FOR THE SECOND ROUND OF THE FINAL EVENT! ON ONE SIDE, WE HAVE THE LITTLE CAT THAT COULD! CLASS 1-A'S, IZUKU MIDORIYA! AND ON THE OTHER SIDE, SHE'S THE NUMBER 2 PRO HEROES DAUGHTER. ALSO FROM CLASS 1-A, SHOUTO TODOROKI!" We began to walk in before Todoroki comments to me. "Give me your all Midoriya. I promise I will give mine." I nod at her with the match starting. "BEGIN!" Right off the bat, she starts sending massive amounts of ice and fire out. "YEEESSS SHOUTO! HAVE YOU FINALLY ACCEPTED YOUR PURPOSE OF BECOMING MY SUCCESSOR!?" Todoroki doesn't even look at him before flipping him off. "As a lovable cat would say, meow bitch." I could barely hold back my laughter at this comment. "Ok, time to get serious." I charge up everything I have into my fist and charge at Todoroki. As our attacks collide, a giant force is made with the whole arena in smoke. Once it cleared, I remained standing with both my tails out to see.

"Todoroki is unable to continue, Midoriya wins and advances to the third round!" The crowd started to cheer as I went to Todoroki to pick her up. I began to heal her with her consciousness still not being regained. 'She should be regaining her consciousness by now. Maybe she's just tired.' I start walking to Recovery Girls office with Todoroki moving a bit. "Todoroki, your not overheating, right?" I began to worry about her and put my head on hers. When I did though, she immediately pressed her lips on mine with a satisfied look on her. "You were awake!?" "Yeah. Sorry about the trick, but I wanted to see if I could sneak a kiss from you." I began to blush a bit before commenting. "Todoroki." "Also, can you please call me Shouto from now on?" I nod at this with the two of us heading back to the stands. 'My life will get more complicated, wont it?'

And that finishes the chapter folks. So the Stain arc will be nonexistent in this with the Phoenix arc taking it's place. Hope you all enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

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