Kuroka Fitting In

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Kuroka POV:

I began to wake up with Eri on my chest. She had a bad dream about Overhaul again with wanting to stay with her aunt that night. "Just gonna move a little so she can stay here while I get something to eat." While moving, I noticed Kuro on the nightstand of the room UA had given me wake up. "Make sure she stays asleep, ok?" I smiled while holding my finger to my mouth for him to get the message before hopping down from his spot and up to the bed. I left the room and began stretching before feeling a bit peckish. "I think I'll raid the fridge to see what the kids have at their disposal."

Coming down the stairs, I noticed the boy with blond hair and a lighting bolt, the boy with red hair and the boy with tape elbows in the common area. "Why hello there little kitties, nya." They glanced over towards me and immediately had a nosebleed. "Now that's just rude. Not even giving me a good morning nya."

"MADAM! GOING AROUND LIKE THAT IS ABSOLUTELY IRRESPONSIBLE! WHAT WOULD SOMEONE LIKE MIDORIYA THINK IF HE SAW YOU LIKE THAT OR FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, ERI!" The boy with blue hair and glasses stated for me to glance down and notice I was still in my sleeping attire.

"So I like to sleep without clothes on, big nya."


Somewhat tired of hearing his shouts, I decided to play a little prank on the boy. "Tell me something Mr. Straight arrow~" I walked up to push my body on him and give him a taste of my seducing charms. "Let's say we let this little mishap go under the rug~ If you do, we could have a little fun ourselves without anyone having to know~" I pulled his chin up with my face close enough I could feel his pants on it. "You know, favors for favors nya~" I traced my finger down his neck and around his chest to notably see him uneasy. This only stopped when I felt someone grab my tail and send me a foot into the air. "MRRRROOOOW!"

"Can you stop harassing my classmates and put some damned clothes on? There's a million ways I wanna start the morning with seeing my older sister naked and trying to jump one of my classmate's bones nowhere near being one of them."

"....Tease. Fine, but I'm raiding the blue haired girl's wardrobe. She'll fit me arguably the best out of everyone." I walked up before passing almost everyone in my brother's little harem. The smaller girl with aux cords for ears stared at me in awe before I pushed her mouth shut. "Look all you want. I'd actually like to see what having a little affair with one of my brother's mates would be like-" I was cut off once again, but this time by the girl with orange hair and the tomboy holding my brother's kitten in her.

"GET SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON BEFORE ERI SEES YOU!" I groaned before heading upstairs to avoid having Eri see something she shouldn't.

Izuku POV:

After Kuroka went up to get something on, I immediately apologized to Iida and the guys on the couch. "I'm really sorry about that. I have no control over her doing that and I hope there isn't any problem with that."

"Nothing personal man." Kirishima tried to recover with the issue of what he saw showing itself with his nose.

"Damn Midoriya, your sister's got one hell of a rocking bod-" I threw a nearby frying pan at Kaminari for his comment about Kuroka's body.

"Next time, keep your Percy comments about someone's sister to yourself."

Going into the kitchen, I started on breakfast with each of my hands and tails using a spatula. "Four paw style." Nejire joked at this as I began cooking.

"So Izuku, how's it feel knowing you've got your family back together again?"

"Bittersweet, Mina. I can't say I don't love the fact I have Kuroka back in my life, but I'd wish she was a little more modest about what she does." I started to remember what happened yesterday for Kuroka to live in the dorms.

Flashback a day ago

"Starting today, Midoriya's sister Kuroka will be living with all of you." Nemuri bluntly stated this as every one of the guys shouted in shock.


"Sir. After everything that has happened, everything that Midoriya has said about her, do you honestly think having someone who is a bloodthirsty Devil here a good idea?"

"Trust me engine boy when I say I have no desire to harm any of you or my brother." Eri walked up to sit on Kuroka's lap with her immediately becoming a doting aunt. "Aww, you're so cute Eri. Aunt Kuroka just wants to eat you up." She began smothering Eri in affection with Kaminari noticing Kuroka's body features.

"Dang, Midoriya. Your sister's got a rockin bod. Makes me kinda wonder how your little sister is so fla-"

Before he could finish, Kuroka held her claws up with a sinister smile on her face. "Would you care to finish that statement, walking battery?"


"THAT ONE TIME I ASK YOU TO GET ME FLEA SPRAY CAUSE I WAS TALKING TO A STRAY AND YOU NEVER LET IT DOWN!" Everyone began laughing with Miruko sitting down next to my sister with Usagi on her lap.

"Welp, I guess you're in our lives now. Try not to be that much of a cock block."

"Oh, I would never come between my beloved little brother and having the time of his life with you lovely ladies, nya."

I stared at her knowing that was a lie before seeing Kuro hop up on the couch and soak up some of Kuroka's attention. 'Well, at least she's not trying to kill somebody....yet.' "I'm gonna go make a snack. Kuroka, want something specific?"

"Dangos!" She raised her hand in cheer with Eri mimicking her.

"Yay! Dangos!.....What's a dango?" Everyone laughed again at the lack of knowledge Eri had for Kaachan to start explaining while I began making them.

"Good luck with this, I have an appointment with Recovery Girl in a few minutes and I need to be on time." Nemuri left for me to continue making the sweet product"

Back to present

"I'm back nya!" Kuroka shouted with joy as I turned to see her in a pair of skin tight jeans and a shirt that had the collar around her shoulders to show a white bra with Eri half asleep holding her shirt hem rubbing her eye.

"Hey, I liked those clothes and wanted to wear them today." Nejire complained while still in her nightgown.

"Oh well. You snooze, you lose."

"Define losing when we sleep on top of your brother." Shouto pointed out as Kuroka rolled her eyes.

Eri noticed me to walk towards me and give a good morning hug. "Daddy, I'm hungry."

"Daddy's working on breakfast right now, honey. Just be patient and sit down with your mommies." She nodded before going to sit on Irina's lap. I quickly went back to work with Kuroka resting her chest on my head and looking over me. "Kuroka, this is extremely awkward as well as difficult for me to focus on what I'm doing."

"I'm just watching you cook. The fact you can do four things at once is amazing."

"I'm quite proud of what I can do." I held a smirk while noticing Er start to nod back off. "You seem to treat Eri really nicely."

"What can I say, she's just so adorable. She reminds me of you when you were that little."

"Speaking of Eri, I have a question." Kuroka smiled before answering what it was about.

"You want to know where Overhaul is, don't you?" I stepped back a moment with the fact she answered what I wanted . "To be completely honest, I don't know where he is. After I retrieved him, him and Kokabeil went their separate ways to try and make a drug that could reverse natural strength with beings such as the Sitri girl and such. In short, they wanted to reverse their power to be not much stronger than a human being. I also heard that Overhaul became Kokabeil's Ace. You should be extremely cautious with him."

"So Overhaul's now a Fallen Angel. This makes things slightly more complicated." I maulled the idea in my head around before going back to cooking.

"If anything happens, know I'll protect Eri as well as Usagi and the women holding your children. I have no reason to let what happened in the past repeat itself with harming you indirectly. I'm back and I will fight for your happiness." I smiled knowing this to finish plating some eggs and hug Kuroka.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much it means to me knowing you're on mine and my family's side."

"Well....I'm still technically playing on my side, but formalities aren't my thing." Kuroka laughed before grabbing the thing of bacon out of my tail and placing it on the plate. "I'll start bringing stuff out."

"Also, please don't tease Iida anymore. He's got enough to deal with not having someone try and seduce him."

"I won't make promises, nya." She walked away with the comment kinda annoying me.

"Why did I expect her to actually agree to that?" I continued with making breakfast while Kuroka sat and learned of my class a little more.

Katsumi POV:

While Deku kept making breakfast, Kuroka came in and placed some of the food on the table for us to start digging in. "Alright! Time to eaAAAHH!" The dumbass Pikachu knockoff shouted as Kuroka nearly ripped his hand off trying to eat the food.

"Eri gets her's first, then the girls in Izuku's little mate circle, then the invisible girl, and then you foolish little boys. If you want to take from this adorable little girl, I'm going to rip your arm off your body and feed it to the stray cat's outside, nya." She spoke like a fucking creep for it to even scare me a bit. "Alright Eri, time for breakfast."

"Yay." Eri held her hands up for joy as she began getting eggs and bacon before the bowl was passed to me and Ochako.

"Since you two are taking the most nutrients in, you'll need the better ones second." Wasn't gonna argue with Kuroka's logic to grab a few eggs and bacon with Ochako doing the same.

"I love when Iuzuku cooks. He always knows just how to make everything right." Ochako smiled as she began chewing on a piece of bacon with a smile. "It tashes wike he wused wapwe bwackon." She spoke with a mouth full for me to kinda laugh a bit.

"You know, there's been something bothering me for a while, Kuroka." Itsuka placed a piece of egg in her mouth and finished it before asking. "If everything you did was to protect Izuku and Koneko like the fact you killed a Devil noble and the Phenix Tear thing during the USJ, why didn't you try and explain this to Izuku? I mean, you could've told him the real reason or maybe find some help in your former faction of the Chaos Brigade. What kept you?"

Kuroka stopped for a sec before leaning back on her seat. "Because it would've been a waste of effort."

"How would apologizing and telling your fam what really was the down low be a 'waste of effort'?"

"FINISH WHATS IN YOUR MOUTH BEFORE YOU SOEAK, DAMMIT! ALSO, STOP SPEAKING IN SLANG!" I shouted as Camie was having some bacon come out of her mouth.

"Think of it like this. What would happen if I was to incorporate myself with Izuku during that time? I was still deemed a criminal in the eyes of the factions. So if I were to incorporate myself with Izuku at all, it would make him stand out as well as make me have to protect him from the factions and thus, pull him deeper into the Chaos Brigade. Not only that, but Izuku and Shi-I mean Koneko, we're very adamant about thinking I actually did kill my former master in a power drunk state."

"So you just let him be? That seems a little irresponsible if you ask me." Tsu pointed out before sipping some of her drink.

"Maybe it is a 'little' irresponsible, but I did make sure Izuku was ok. Koneko was taken in by Zechs Lucifer who I made a deal with to keep her safe and allow me to take all the backlash of what happened as well as to make it look like Izuku died as well to keep the Devils from going after him. I also made certain that Izuku made it to the human realm and onto Inko's doorstep."

"So you're responsible for making sure Izuku got to the home he was in?" Kuroka nodded at Saiko.

"I trust Inko. She's a good person who has no ulterior motive with whatever she does. You all probably already know that she watched Koneko and Izuku when they were still with me as kittens. It's only natural she was the one I entrusted Izuku with. Though I did occasionally make sure he was ok from the shadows. That's honestly why I chose to make a small deal with both the League of Villains and the Hassaikai. It was the only way I can make sure he was ok without putting him into trouble."

Everything started to fall into line a little better all things considered. "Huh. I actually have a little more respect for you now, Kuroka. Not a lot of sisters would do what you did for their siblings."

"Trust me Katsumi, there aren't lengths to how far I'd go to help keep Izuku and Koneko safe. With that in mind, any of you even try and hurt Izuku and I will turn you into a personal scratching post." She opened her claws with a dark smile on her face to prove a point here.

'Shit. Who knew the dark malice was a family trait?'

And that finishes this chapter. So small poll folks, who should have the next lemon? Every girl in the harem's had one thus far(except for the Pussycats and I have something already planned there), so who do you want to see get another lemon chapter(Ochako, Katsumi and Midnight are excluded in this also)? Make your comments down below and thanks for reading.

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