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Chapter One
Fuck Off

3rd Person POV

Here thena was walking home with her headphones in her ears and her phone in her pocket. She walked by the park and was stopped by hailey

"Thenaaaa" Hailey called and Thena sighed as she took her headphones out of her ears and looked at them as she made eye contact with Brandon

"What's up, hailey?" Thena groaned out as she just tried to walk home but they wouldn't let her

"Hey come here" Brandon called and thena scoffed

"Leave me the hell alone Darrow" she groaned as she put one headphone back in and they walked over

"want a beer?" Brandon interrogated her and she scoffed

"No Brandon I do not now leave me alone" she said and she was stopped again

"don't be a little bitch, take this" Nicki said to her and she shook her head

"fuck that" Thena sighed

"Oh wait it's on one condition, you in an abandoned building on your knees" Brandon said

"Hailey told me she's still a virgin" Nicki said and Thena scoffed

"Fuck this" Thena said and she walked away from them as she heard Brandon whistle as she put her headphones back in and continued walking home

when she got home, she took off her shoes and her jacket as she laid face down on her bed and was knocked out. The next morning she quickly woke up at 6:30 in the morning and she got dressed as quickly as she could and she walked to school

she walked into class and sat down in her seat and she pulled out her journal as she drew doodles in it until Hailey and Nicki walked in and looked at her

"All right I know it's hard to focus the first week back but let's settle down. Phones off , in your seats. My name is miss Dawson, this is 11th grade English. Just making sure you guys are in the right place" she said and that's when the door opened and in walked Brandon Darrow as he sat down next to Thena and looked at her journal

"that's cute" he said pointing at the heart that had wilted flowers around it

"fuck off" she whispered back, Brandon had always been an asshole and the night before had only proven that more

"I will be working with ROTC as well as occasionally you'll be seeing me in uniform" she said and Brandon whistled

"Real mature" Thena scoffed

"you love me" he whispered back

"you wish" she said back as she looked back at Ms. Dawson and then at her journal

"Let's get one thing straight, I was one of you not very long ago. I love my phone. I get it but I want you to put them away during class. I know all the tricks in the book, don't even try it, okay? I get you.

"Tess of the d'urbervilles" who did the summer reading?" She asked and Rowan, thena and Hailey raised their hands

"Who are you three brave souls?" She asked them

"Rowan fricks" Rowan said

"Hailey Jensen" she said

"Thena Madden" Thena exclaimed

"No disrespect , miss but I heard you were in Afghanistan. Thank you for serving our country. I'm actually planning on joining when I graduate and I was wondering how do you have time for books, when you're like annihilating hajjis? Am I right?" Brandon said

"You're a fucking idiot" Thena said as Ms. Dawson nodded at her agreeing

"you should read more so you don't sound like such a dumbass" Ms. Dawson said and Thena giggled under her breathe

"Your name?" She asked him

"Brandon Darrow. Do you want my number? How old are you anyway?" He asked and then exclaimed

"My god you are on fire today aren't you?" Thena asked and he smiled at her

"that's none of your business, Brandon Darrow. Did you bring your book?" Ms. Dawson asked as Thena made eye contact with Rowan and then she looked where Rowan was looking, Sean's hands on haileys waist

"what the fuck?" She mouthed and then Rowan brought her phone out as Thena felt hers vibrate too.

"You were tagged in a video by @m0nk3ym4nnn" she read and then opened the notification to see a girl getting shot by a gun and then she looked at rowan again

"no, just no" she mouthed and then at the end of the class, she got up and went to the bathroom with Rowan

"okay but what the fuck was that?" Thena asked in fear

"I don't know, I have no idea" Rowan said and that's when Hailey walked in

"what's what?" She asked and Rowan showed her her phone

"monkey man tagged you in a video" Rowan said and Thena watched a smile grow on Haileys face

"it's fake. I see stuff like that all the time. See, "dad falls for it every time" fake blood or whatever. Edit trucks" Hailey exclaimed and Thena threw her hands up

"you don't know that hailey" She stated

"M0nk3ym4nnn. That's a dumb name" Rowan said and Thena agreed

"Probably someone we know just trying to freak us out" Hailey exclaimed

"Brandon?" Thena asked

"We don't know the same people ... anymore" Rowan stated

"well you know what I mean" She stated

"Okay but why us? There's only one video posted and there's only four people tagged in it. You, me , you and that chick Elisia" Rowan said

"Who cares? It's a prank" Hailey said

"okay well I'm glad you have it all figured out" Rowan stated as Thena and her grabbed their bags

"where are you two going?" Hailey asked them

"we're gonna go talk to elisia" rowan said

"I'll come with. I hate history" Hailey said

"what would the cool kids do without you?" Rowan asked

"jealous much?" Hailey retorted

"of you? Never" Thena said as she and rowan went to walk out

"So you know where she hangs out right? Because I know where she hangs out" Hailey said and Thena scoffed

"Let's go" Thena said as they walked to the hangout spot and found Elisia pretty quickly

"So do you recognize the girl from the video?" Rowan asked them

"yeah , I mean I do but that's a secret" Thena said and then Hailey responded

"hm no I've never seen her before" Hailey retorted

"How do you know about this place?" Rowan asked them as Thena looked around and made eye contact with Brandon

"Everyone knows about the grotto" Hailey said as they walked by Brandon and he was coughing

"you guys friends now or what?" Brandon questioned and Thena threw up her middle finger

"fuck off. Go boil your brains" Thena stated and they found Elisia

"Elisia?" Rowan asked

"So?" She said and Thena chuckled

"oh I like this chick" Thena exclaimed and Elisia smiled at her softly before looking at her phone again

"Did you see the video?" Rowan asked

"What do you want?" She replied

"I want to know who posted it" rowan retorted

"it's not even real" Elisia stated

"But about the girl" Rowan said and Elisia got up from the all and she walked away from them

"so now what?" Rowan asked and then thena walked away from them as brandon walked over and wrapped his arms around her shoulders

"brandon Darrow get your hands off of me before I chop them off" She stated and he chuckled in her ear

"Oh come on babe we can have a little fun can't we?" He asked her and she elbowed him in the stomach making him groan out in pain

"No brandon we can't now as I said before , fuck off and leave me alone" She said and he smirked as he walked away from her and she walked away flipping him off

"bye babe" he called to her

"Bye asshole" she called as she walked away and went home , when she got there she unlocked the door with her Keys and found her mom sitting on the couch

"hey lovely" Katana said and Thena walked over kissing her mom and dad on the cheek

"You got homework baby?" Her dad asked and she nodded

"Going to do it, right now" She said and she walked to her room, she did her homework and then she fell asleep. The next day she woke up to a call from rowan

"what do you want?" She groaned out

"I'm sending you a location come now" rowan said and thena sat up as she got dressed and walked to the location and she walked in

"hello" she called

"come in" rowan said as she walked into the room and saw Hailey, Rowan and Bree

"I don't have time for that anymore, today I'm modifying government records" Bree said and Thena Chuckled under her breathe

"should probably get a real job" Rowan reported

"I make more than dad just in mining our coin, Bish" she exclaimed and thena smiled

"That reminds me, dad says to call him" Rowan said and Thena hissed softly

"Oh, yeah? That reminds me mom really wants to get together. So what do you say?" Bree asked

"I'm busy pretty much always" Rowan said

"Check this out" Bree said and they crowded around the computer

"The video again? No, I'm not interested" Hailey exclaimed

"This could be real and this girl could be dead Hailey what the fuck?" Thena said

"Well I don't know" She answered

" So I can't tell you who posted the video of the account was created three days ago to the IP address bounces around to a few different proxy servers to hide the real one and then it just dead-ends" Bree explained

"wow you're smart" Thena said

"thanks but check this out. So there's a reflection of the shooter in the car window I cleaned up the image he's wearing a mask" Bree said as she inhanced the picture

" It's a monkey mask" Rowan said

"m0nk3ym4nnn" Rowan and thena said together

This could only get worse

Woop woop first chapter done
I love Thena and Brandon
Brena, Thandon?

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