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Chapter Two
What The Fuck

3rd Person POV

(WARNINGS: mentions of suicide, drug use, slight overdose)

The next day thena woke up to a car honking outside and looked outside her room window to see Rowan and Hailey in front of her house. She got dressed and left her house with them

"Okay nobody ever needs to leave this early" she said as they got to the school and got out

"well I wanted to be nice" hailey retorted

"Okay well thanks for the ride" Rowan and Thena said together as they went to walk away but hailey stopped rowan

"No problem" Hailey said as thena walked away letting them have their moment

"Madden you're here early" Brandon called to her and she threw her head back groaning out

"Darrow you're still a pain in my ass" She muttered and he chuckled as he walked next to her and put his arm on her shoulder

"move your hand or I'll chop it off" she stated and moved his arm as she felt her phone vibrate , she pulled it out of her pocket to see

"oohhh m0nk3ym4nnn, who's monkey man?" Brandon asked her and she sucked in a breathe

"None of your business, I have to go asshat" she said and she walked away from him and into the bathroom. She got in a stall and opened the picture then she heard hailey and rowan with Elisia

"Thena you in here?" Rowan asked and thena peeked her head out of the doorway

"yeah" she said as she got out of the bathroom and stood between Elisia and Rowan

"todays date" Rowan said as she held up her phone

"12:00, midnight" Hailey said as she now held up her phone

thena held up her phone that held a picture of an knife and a mask

"oh my god" Hailey muttered and that's when Elisia held up a picture of the motel and thena drew in a breathe

"Where is that?" Rowan asked

"* don't know" Hailey stated

"I do , it's the motel in south view" Thena exclaimed and they looked at her

"that's a really , really bad part of town. My dads always getting called down there. Do you go there sometimes?" Rowan asked and thena rang her hands together

"yeah I uh used to sometimes" Thena said and Elisia interrupted

"People party at that hotel" Elisia said to stop not only her embarrassment but also Thenas

"well, he wants us to go there tonight" Rowan said and Thena scoffed

"Screw that" hailey said

"Yeah, no thanks" Elisia said as thena ran a hand through her hair

"That's a plan made for disaster" she said and then the school cop walked over

"Come on, ladies, let's get to class" He said and they separated and walked to class. Thena walked to the bathroom and then to her class when all of a sudden not only did her phone vibrate so did her laptop and she was met with a picture of someone's cut thighs

thena walked to her class and she sat down and pulled out her laptop as someone wrapped their arms around her neck and she shoved him off

"ouch" he said in a sarcastic manner and she made eye contact

"how many times do I have to tell you? Leave me alone" she exclaimed and he put his hand to his heart feigning offense

"how long are you going to hate me?" He retorted and she thought about it

"oh I don't know, do you feel bad about using me as a human dictionary?" She asked and he shrugged

"then I'll continue hating you" she said and he sighed as he walked away to his desk

she sat in class until lunch when she got a text from Rowan in the group chat with her, Elisia, Rowan and Hailey

"Brie now" the text read and thena left lunch as she walked to bries house and saw Hailey and Elisia with Rowan and Brie

"what's up?" Thena asked as she crowded around the laptop with them

" OK i pinged on a second account from the same users you gotta see this. Anonymous095. There's this link in his bio when you click it, this is all you get" Brie showed them

"96 hours? Until what?" Rowan asked

"Who knows but you guys gotta see these videos" Brie said as she showed them a video of Rowan

"That's me" she said softly as a video of Hailey was then clicked on

"and that's me, yesterday" Hailey said as a video of Elisia was clicked and then lastly a video of Thena not ten minutes ago with Brandon

"what the fuck?" She whispered in fear

"have you guys seen anyone following you?" Brie asked them as they shook their heads and Rowan clicked on more videos

"you should tell dad" Brie told her as a video of Rowan's house came up

"oh , no ; that's my house" Rowan said and Thena rubbed her arms in comfort as a second video came up

"he was in my room?" Rowan asked in fear as the video zoomed in on face as they all stood up and thena shook her hands

"you guys can't go tonight , and tell me you're not meeting up with him" Brie stated

"we're not going" Hailey said

"Of course not" Rowan stated

"No definitely but some part of me wants to know who this psycho is" Thena said and Elisia agreed with her

"You need to tell dad,ro. Promise?" Brie stated

"yeah" Rowan agreed and then Brie looked at Hailey

"you be nice to my sister. I don't need her crying into her pillow every night again. Thanks" brie said and they all walked out together. They drove back to the school and thena walked out following her

"Rowan. Just wait up" Hailey said

"So are you two friends or what?" Elisia asked

"We were best friends, always"  Rowan said in sadness

"I met new people. It's no big deal" Hailey said and thena scoffed

"It is when the new people use you for answers and threaten to expose everyone of your secrets" She stated and they looked at her

"thena what?" Rowan asked

"Nothing I have to go" she exclaimed and then she walked away from them going to her class. She stared at her shoes as she walked into class and sat down

She felt her phone vibrate and then she watched her laptop Light up and she was met with a picture of some girls cuts on her thighs

"What the fuck?" She whispered to herself as she looked at her neighbors computer and was met with the same image. She looked at her wrist and saw the needle marks she had from using heroin. She hated this and only then did her neighbor notice her arms

"Are you okay?" They asked and she nodded her head as she ran her thumb over it and then pulled her sleeve down

"yeah yeah I'm all right" she said to them and then she looked up making eye contact with Brandon , he smiled at her in a creepy way and she shook her head

"asshole" she whispered to herself as she looked at her phone and was met with a text from monkey man

"be there tonight or this goes everywhere" is what it said and it held a video of her shooting up.

"elisia" she said and she held up her phone with the text but not the video and elisia looked at the laptop. She listened to Brandon laugh

"What's going on? Brandon?" ms. Dawson asked as Brandon held his hands up

"I didn't do anything" he said and thena scoffed

"Patrick, go get mr.Bradford. Everyone , stay in your seats" Ms. Dawson said as elisia and thena made eye contact , then the bell rang and they left class

"We can't tell my dad" rowan said automatically

"Did you get a message too?" Hailey asked them and thena nodded her head

"Well, what did he say?" She questioned and thena sighed

"It's going to come out eventually but I can't tell you" She said and elisia walked over to them

"hey. We gotta go to that motel tonight" elisia said

"He sent you a message too?" Hailey asked her

"Yeah, look we can't tell anyone" Elisia said and Hailey sighed

"Look it's probably just a joke , right?" Hailey said

"Hailey I wish I could agree but I don't think this is one anymore" thena retorted

"Right we find who posted the video,then it will be over" Elisia said

"Well be fine if we all stick together" rowan stated

"let's just uh meet up at the motel" Elisia said and she walked away as Thena got in the car with Hailey and she looked out the window

"so what's up with you and Brandon?" Hailey asked

"nothing I actually hate him" Thena said and Hailey softly chuckled under her breathe

"that's pretty unbelievable" She retorted and they pulled up to thenas house

"Thanks for the ride" She said and got out of the car as she went in and changed. At 9:00 pm, she snuck out of her window as she went around the house and grabbed her bike and went to the motel as she saw Elisia

"Elisia!" She called and elisia looked at her , they looked around hearing sounds and that's when she looked away from 5 minutes and elisia was grabbed

"ELISIA" she yelled as rowan and Hailey looked at her

"Thena" Hailey said as she ran to her and held her. They then heard a noise and looked behind them to see a van driving towards them

"SHIT" thena said as she got on her bike and rode after Elisa as she hit the back of the van window and thena rode behind the van

she needed to save her and now

Thena said "talk to the hand bitch"

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