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Chapter Fifteen
Watch Yourself, Bitch

3rd Person POV

Thena and Brandon stayed up the rest of the night at her house, he held her as she cried in fear. He left at 5:30 in the morning this morning, she woke up at 7:00 and got dressed.

She rode her bike to school and met up with Elisia

"dude I was cornered by some people from the zoo last night" Thena stated and Elisia made eye contact

"You too? Shit this is bad" she exclaimed and they walked to the bathroom. Elisia walked in first and was seen by some girls

"smile for the camera" a girl said and Thena walked in behind Elisia as they saw her recording her face

"Come here" she said and she grabbed her backpack. Thena stood there before she grabbed the other girl and turned her, she swung and knocked her out. The girl fell to the floor but her friend didn't care

"Show us your scars, no one believes me , show us your scars, come on" the girl harassed and Thena grabbed her phone, she threw it on the ground and stomped on it

"hey what the fuck?" The girl yelled and Thena pushed her into the wall

"watch yourself bitch or you may just end up like your knocked out friend on the floor, Eli let's go" Thena said and she walked out of the bathroom with her, Thena wrapped her arm around Elisia and walked her out

"does anyone have a gun? Because I would rather put a bullet in my brain than have to look at your face for another second" Trevor said to her and she shoved him

"I'm not in the fucking mood Trevor" she said and she walked away until she saw Brandon push Trevor up against the wall. She blushed and continued to walk with Elisia

"Let's go" Thena said and she walked elisia to class , she sat there for the next few hours in school, doing nothing all she thought about again was Brandon

Why had he stood up for her? For the first time? To Trevor? It was weird to her but she was also happy. She went home and then she thought about Brandon again

She made the decision at 7:30 pm to head to his house, she rode her bike there and leaned it against the wall under his window

"hey, up here" he called and she looked up smiling at him softly

"wow taking my idea are we?" She called up softly and then she climbed up the ladder and sat next to him

"you can really see the stars up here" she said softly and he nodded again

"so why are you here?" He asked and she looked at him softly

"wanted to see you" She said and he smiled at her

"So we switched each other's personalities huh?" He asked and she chuckled under her breathe

"thanks for helping me with Trevor today" she said softly and he looked up making eye contact with her again

"you don't deserve it Thena, you're better than what he does" he said and she smiled at him

"thanks b" she whispered and he nodded

"so isn't it past your bedtime?" He said and she chuckled as she leaned back on his rooftop and he did the same

"oh definitely but hey that project" she said and he chuckled turning his head to her

"oh yeah the project, right. What do you want to know?" He asked and she shrugged

"did you play baseball with your dad?" She asked as she noticed the ball in his hand

"damn women get right down to it then. Yeah, coached me, he gave me his old glove  and I would wear it everywhere. I took it to school, I took it to bed, I wore it in the shower" he said and they both giggled

"Does he go to your games?" She asked

"yeah every game, front row with popcorn, I mean you met him Thena what do you think?"

"I think you deserve better than him" she said and he smiled at her

"wow Thena being nice to me? Surprise" he said and she shoved his shoulder

"I'll let you get used to it" she stated softly and he chuckled

"You're gonna continue to be nice?" He asked and she nodded her head softly

"this project needs to be done" she said and he nodded

"Right the project" he said

"you know this morning? You said I deserved better , and I know you mean it but there has to be something else" she tried and he nodded

"Trevor's a dick and you didn't tell anyone about fishy" he said and she nodded

"you didn't tell anyone about piggy, right?" She questioned

"fishy and piggy for life" He said and she nodded

"Figgy? Pishy?" She said

"Figgy definitely figgy" he agreed

"Brandon by the way I don't need you to defend me" she exclaimed

"I know but I wanted to. What's with all the questions Thena?"
He asked and she smiled

"I'm trying to figure out why you're such a fuckhead" she said and they both laughed

"it's just Brandon growing up , 13 year old me did Some fucked up shit and I know that you used that fucked up shit against me for me to do your homework and I want to think you're a bad guy and I used to say you're a bad guy. looking at you you've changed and I don't think you're a bad guy anymore" she explained

" Thena I'm sorry for what I did and I'm trying to change but uh it's really sweet of you to say I'm not a bad guy" he said and she  chuckled

"it's factual" she said and he snorted before he looked at her rings and held her hand up

"that's a really pretty ring" he said as he looked at the star ring on her finger

"thanks I bought it" she said and she went to grab his notebook out of her backpack but something of them fell out

"Give it back, give it back Brandon" she said but he held it

"Woah what is this?" He asked and he opened it to see the letter she wrote to him when she was 14

"Thena what is this?" He asked again and she wrapped her arms around her knees

"it's nothing Brandon, nothing" she said

"Thena this is my name, this has my name on it what is this?" He continued

"it's nothing Brandon leave it alone" she tried and he scoffed

"Not until you tell me what this is" he said and she broke

"It's what I needed to say to you when we were 14 and you were being a dick, I have to go" she said and she stood up as she grabbed her back and climbed down the ladder

"Thena wait" he called and she handed him the letter

"Brandon at this point read it , I don't care , I have to go" she said and she walked away from him, she got on her bike and she rode home

She snuck in through her window and she fell asleep.

She slept through the rest of the night, only Brandon on her mind

You know if Brandon and Thena weren't endgame, I'd totally ship Elisia and Thena

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