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Chapter Twenty-One
God I Hate This

3rd Person POV

thena went home that night in fear, she had elisia sleep at her house and she held her the whole night. the next morning, she sat up breathing heavily and sweating from a nightmare

"god i hate this" Thena said and elisia agreed

"Will we always feel like we're being followed?" elisia asked and thena nodded

"obviously but maybe that's a good thing; stay alert" Thena said and elisia agreed. the rest of the weekend she lay in her bedroom
alone and then she went to the bathroom, she brought out the scissors and cut her hair off, she then buzzed the undercut of it on the back.

she went to school and met up with elisia and rowan

"nice hair you two" elisia said to them

"oh wait until i show you the back" thena said and she lifted the back of her hair up so they could see it

"holy shit thena that's sick" rowan said and she smiled as she watched rowan and elisia grab each other's hands. She looked up and made eye contact with rowan

" So what'd you do this weekend?" Rowan asked them and thena shrugged

" Honestly nothing hid under the covers and cried about Brandon" Thena said

"same, you?" elisia asked

" I move stuff from my dads to my moms. I tried to stay busy you know? Distract myself. I didn't get any messages. Did you two? Have you heard from here? I texted her like 1 million times" Rowan asked

" Nothing she ghosted us" thena said

" Should we be worried?" Rowan asked

" I mean she was freaked out after that bonfire like Shell shocked or something" Elisia said

" Yeah but we all were weren't we?" Thena said

" OK but I've never seen her that scared before. I called, but her mom picked up, and said that Hailey was sick. I texted her, though. I told her to meet us at our locker before Nickis assembly" Rowan said and thena stopped listening . she heard the word nicki and thought back to when she held brandon and let him sob into her stomach

"thena?" Rowan called and thena shook out of her thoughts

"you okay?" elisia asked and thena shrugged

"i don't know anymore" thena said and she heard the bell
ring as she walked into her class with rowan

"thena?" the substitute called

"here" Thena said and she watched rowan text something on her phone.

"brandon darrow?" the teacher called

"he got busted. he's locked up" A student said and she heard people laugh

"alright. yes, it's funny. it's funny" the teacher said and thena snapped her head to him

"a student in jail is funny to you?" thena spoke and rowan snapped her head towards her

"what?" the teacher asked in confusion

"a student who is in jail is funny to you? wow you suck at your job" Thena said and she grabbed her backpack as she got up and walked out of class. she pulled out her phone and looked at brandon's name on her phone

"i miss you" she whispered softly and sadly . she then walked towards the gym and sat next to rowan and elisia as the assembly started

" this week is Suicide prevention week. It is tragic an alarming that we've lost two students to suicide this semester: Nicki Sullivan and Dunbar rakes. we recognize that this is a complicated and sensitive subject, so we want to have an open dialogue, starting today.
If you are confused or scared, if you need to talk to someone, we have counselors who listen in a safe and private environment. If you are suffering from depression, ask for help. Depression is treatable, and you deserve a chance to find healing. And pay attention to your peers.
Someone close to you might be depressed or thinking about taking your own life, and there are several warning signs for suicide, including increased use of alcohol or drugs, acting recklessly, isolation from family and friends, but if you are concerned that someone is thinking about suicide, it's OK to ask him or her the hard question: "Are you thinking about taking her own life?". And it's important to really listen. A student who suffered a painful last wants to Speak with you today. This is Tessa Mitchell, Nikki Sullivan's cousin" The principal stated and Tessa came onto the stage

"... My cousin Nikki killed herself only a few weeks ago. We didn't hang out all the time. Only on the weekends, when our moms got together. I mean, we really paid attention to each other at school, but, uh, Nikki is my best friend. I wanted to talk to you guys today because right before Nikki took her own life, a video was released, and you all saw it . i know you did. I can't imagine how exposed invulnerable Nikki must've felt that night. Yeah, how embarrassed and and scared she must've been, knowing that everybody was talking about the video, watching it.
There all the signs that somebody may be thinking about hurting themselves, but today, I want to talk to you guys about the connection between suicide and bullying. Releasing someone's private video was hateful, and anyone who commented on the video, or watch the video, is a bully. And look, I made some mistakes, too, but we all have to be more careful but what we put online in his life it may ruin.
Because I, I can't imagine how Nikki must've felt that night. Her parents were out of town and she was all alone. And she she didn't leave a note I don't , I don't know why she, I'm not sure why she didn't leave a note" tessa exclaimed and she was walked off the floor by the principal

" And Tessa is absolutely right. Bullying is one of the wrist factors were going to be discussing this week, so after this, we're gonna we're gonna split you up into groups and we're gonna be talking" she said and thena looked at rowan and elisia. she got up with everyone else and she left school quickly

she got on her bike and she rode home. headphones in her ears and her music blasting. she ignored anymore that could have been calling her and she got home. she snuck in through her window and she looked at fishy on her bed with piggy

"why'd you have to do it?" Thena whispered as she fell on her bed . she pulled fishy close to her chest and she fell asleep holding him

she didn't hear the text from rowan or elisia. she slept holding fishy and she thought about brandon and only brandon. Thena slept like a baby oddly but she was okay with that

she wish she didn't miss brandon but she did

abby making thelisia, thowan, thandon, alisia (ash and elisia), Relisia (rowan and elisia) is the most bad bitch thing i've ever done for one of my books

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