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Chapter Twenty-Seven
Everyday , This is our normal though

3rd Person POV

thena went to elisias house and she saw rowan there.

"ro?" she asked

"sorry i didn't tell you i was leaving" rowan said and thena hugged her

"it's fine; i'm just glad you're okay" she said and then there was a knock on the door and elisia opened it to see tessa standing there

"tess?" thena said and she looked at tessa as she brought her inside and she wrapped a towel around her

" we haven't told very many people" Rowan said as she explained everything to tessa

" If someone knows too much, they become a target. Obviously" Elisia said and thena rubbed tessa's arms as she handed her a cup of tea

" I mean, I can't believe that somebody was in my house, recording me, and I didn't even know it. You know, are you guys scared, like, all the time?" Tessa asked

" Every day this is our normal though" Thena said and rowan sat down

" But what about hawk?what do we know about them?" elisia asked

" He picked up Allison from the diner, so they know each other. Dude, she works for Mr. empty. She told me we could find him by using missed connections on flash" Rowan said and tessa spoke up

"Wait, I think I got a message from Mr. empty" Tessa said and she handed her phone to thena

" XOXO. zoe does that" elisia pointed out

" I got the message on Tuesday. When did Zoe die?" Tessa asked

" Wednesday" thena and rowan said together

" Hi, I saw a video on jais computer. It was a video that Nikki made, sitting a house on fire. She was wearing a mask. Is she part of the zoo?" Tessa asked

" No, Nikki was blackmailed by monkey man to make a video for the zoo. Why did Jai have that on her computer?" rowan asked

" I don't know. I mean, she told me she was going to tell me if I met her at her house, and the next thing I knew, I was spitting up water beside Jais pool, and her computer was gone" Tessa said

" I've seen jai before. She was at Nikki's house the night Nikki died" elisia spoke

" Where are you at Nick's house that night?" Tess asked

" Tessa...... My, my parents weren't in the house and then Nikki powered down, and, they died" Elisia said and thena got up as she wrapped her arms around her

l What? Oh my God elisia I'm so sorry. Your parents, I mean Nikki would've never done that if she had known" tess said

" I was sent a video and then I was black out full of rage, and I got a gun and i went to her house.." elisia explained

"you did what?" tessa questions

"no no no but i didn't do anything" elisia said

"Did you hurt her?" tessa begged

" No, I didn't even go inside. I went to her house, and then I saw Jai go up to the front door" elisia tried and thena looked at tessa

" Guys I need you to back away from her just give her a minute" thena said and they let tessa breathe

" I don't know why Nick he didn't tell me that. Alicia, you didn't have to bury the gun. But you saw video of someone in my house. I mean, I barely know you why would you help me?" Tessa asked

" Because she's a good person and because we trust you tess.We know we shouldn't but we do it and if elisia trust you, we all do because it's a lot coming from elisia" Thena said and jake walked in

" Hi this is Tessa Tessa jake" Elisia introduced

" Where's ash?" jake asked

" He keeps leaving. I don't I don't know where he goes" Elisia said and jake walked upstairs

" There's one more thing OK? Nikki wrote me an apology the same day that I got that video. But it's just a cut off in the middle of it" elisia said

" Like she was interrupted?" tessa said

"yeah exactly" Thena said

" We have to go back to Joe's house. We need to search and find out what she's hiding. You in?" Tessa asked

"yeah" Elisia said and they looked at thena

"i can't i love you guys but i can't" thena said and elisia nodded

" i get it t" elisia said and thena smiled gratefully. she went home and the next day, she went to rowan's and sat next to her

"anything?" thena asked and rowan shrugged

"nothing yet" rowan said and trevor spoke up

"mr.empty posted just now" he called and rowan walked over with thena

"what the hell does that mean?" thena asked

" It's a code. Maybe double transposition. Where is the poem that someone sent Zoe? In World War II spy sometimes used poetry as the key for a code"  he said and brandon walked in

"burrito, babies" he said as held up the bag and they got up walking into the kitchen

"i'm starving" rowan said as she leaned against the fridge

" Don't say I never did anything for you, beautiful" Brandon said to thena and she shoved his shoulder as she grabbed the burrito

" Obviously not Brandon" Thena said and Sean walked in

" What is he doing here? Trevor, he was at the bonfire with Zoe" Rowan said

" Well duh Brandon was the one who told him to go to find out who sent him to Juvie. He was the one who told me it was Zoe." trevor said and thena drew in a breathe. it wasn't zoe

" What about the dance studio? Or Zoe's house, why were you there?" rowan pushed

"ro" thena tried

" Same reason you were. I was trying to find her she did Ruin Brandon's life" Sean stated and thena sighed again. she ruined brandon's life

" That was me. Pig mania here" Trevor exclaimed

" But the mask wasn't Sean's locker" Rowan said

" Obviously bro and we created those flyers so they were obviously going to check trevor and brandon's locker cause of the fliers. They had to put the mask somewhere" Thena said

"thank you" trevor said

" Hey did Zoe say anything at the bonfire?" rowan asked sean

" Honestly, it was a whole lot of bullshit. It was like some which which roll thing. They kept calling us empties" Sean said

" All right well while you two fraternal twins scour the Internet for Mr. empty, Sean and I are going to find lance Broadley. Thena you coming?" he asked

"yeah yeah i will" thena said

" Thena come on no" Rowan said

" Rowan I have my own life I love you but I'm gonna do what I want bye" thena said and she looked at sean and brandon

"let's go do this yeah?" thena said

" i see why you like her" sean said to brandon as they watched thena walk away and brandon shoved his shoulder as they followed her

they walked to the grotto and saw a group of guys

" Hey, any of you skate bitches know who is Lance Broadly is?" brandon asked and they looked at thena

" Yeah, he's like a wizard or some shit" A guy said

" ooh. a wizard" Brandon said

" He is, man. He can get you anything you want. Any girls, any drugs, any gun, anything. It's serious, man" The guys explained and brandon looked over his shoulder as thena grabbed brandon's hand. they looked at the two empties and brandon pushed her slightly behind him

" Do you know if we can find him?" brandon asked

"yeah, i'll show you" the guys said and they followed them. brandon put thena in front of him as he felt her shaking

"shh youre okay i gotcha" he said and they followed them. they got to place and the kids walked away. brandon stuck his hand for thena and she grabbed it as sean stood there awkwardly

"Are you okay?" he asked her and she shrugged

" i don't know b, are you?" she questioned

"i have you and when i have you , i'll be fine" he said and they stood at the door as the door opened and there stood rowan looking at them

"rowan?" she asked

"thena?" she said

god dang it i love them so much

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