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Chapter Seven
Nothing, Everything, I don't know

3rd Person POV

Rowan had left her house not longer after thena had fallen asleep to the sound of music playing softly on her phone. She fell asleep holding the bear that she got when she was only 6 years old from her aunt who committed suicide.

she soon woke up at 2:30 in the morning to see Elisia at her balcony standing there shaking

"Elisia, what's wrong?" She asked as she opened the door and let her in

"nothing, everything, I don't know" Elisia said and she laid down on thenas bed staring at the ceiling

"okay so start from the beginning" thena said now fully awake

"I don't know if there is a beginning, I'm tired T, can we just sleep?" Elisia asked and thena nodded as she climbed into her bed and held Elisia to her chest.

Her phone buzzed and she ignored it. Brandon, rowan, hailey, monkey man , she didn't care. She was with Elisia and that was enough for right now.

At 7:15 she was woken up by elisia moving and sitting up. She sat up with her as she ran a hand through her hair and then looked at her

"do you wanna talk now?" Thena asked and Elisia nodded her head

"rowan was fucking jake" Elisia said and thena now nodded in sci-fi

" I knew she was fucking some guy but your cousin?" Thena said and Elisia nodded

"that's gross and bad" Thena said and Elisia chuckled in annoyance

"yeah I know" Elisia said and Thena got up as she got dressed and gave Elisia a change of clothes. She felt her phone ring and she answered it to hear Hailey

"hey is Elisia with you?" She asked he and Elisia looked at her as she shook her head

"No why what's up?" Thena asked and Elisia sighed

" I have to go" Elisia said as she stood up and thena hugged her goodbye

"call Brandon and meet us at the grotto now" Hailey said and thena sighed

"Why can't you call him?" She asked and Hailey sighed

"he's mad at me right now, you know he's in love with you thena just please call him" Hailey said

"one , he's not in love with me and two, fine" Thena said and Hailey sighed happily

"thank you" Hailey said and thena ended the call as she called Brandon

"Madden youre the one calling me, what a surprise" he said into the phone and thena chuckled

"look I need to talk to you" Thena said

"why , what's wrong?" he asked and she was the one signing now

" I can't tell you that but I need the truth Brandon and I need it now" she said and Brandon nodded

"Fine the grotto" he said and thena left her house and she went to the grotto finding Brandon

"You actually came" he said and she nodded as she sat down next to him

"yeah last week , did you bully a kid here?" She asked making eye contact with him

"I did but it was for good reason" he said and then her phone rang again

"Fuck I'm sorry" she said and she answered her phone

"We need you at Elisias now" hailey said and thena looked at Brandon's

" I have to go" she said and she got on her bike riding away and to Elisias house, she knocked on the door to find Elisia with Rowan, hailey and ash

"what the hell is going on?" Thena asked and rowan pushed her behind her but thena stayed where she was

"ash is monkey man" hailey said and thena shook her head

"no way" she said

"We saw the video ,the video of you killing someone" Rowan said to ash

"you're monkey man" hailey said

"No it's not like that. I was there that was that was the night at the motel in south view" Elisia said and thena drew in a breathe

"The night she was attacked" Ash said

"You shot the guy?" Rowan asked

"In the leg, he didn't kill anybody. That's why he went to Juvie" Elisia said and she handed the phone back to Rowan

" Monkey man made this video. He was following you" Rowan said

" Which means he would've just let it happen" Elisia spoke up

"oh that sick sadistic prick" Thena said as blood rushed to her face in annoying

" He was watching the whole time" Rowan said and she stopped herself

" If you hadn't been there" Elisia said to ash

" Monkey man wants to cops to think ash shot raven" Rowan said and there phone notifications went off as a video of nickis house came up

"That's nickis house, he better not hurt her" Hailey said

"We have to tell my dad. Elisia? Thena?" Rowan asked them

"yeah no we have to" thena said

"Yeah I agree we have to" Elisia said

"okay let's go" Hailey said and they left the house as jake pulled into driveway

"jake" Elisia said

" I got this text at work" Jake said handing his phone to Elisia

" Unknown number it's monkey man. If anyone talk to the cops, I'll make sure you spend your life behind bars I know where you were Saturday night your alibis a lie" the text read and thena rang her hands together

"we have to go to that party. How much time do we have left?" Rowan said

they looked at the timer and then at each other

this would only end badly

Thena with everyone at this point is just *muah*

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