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Season two
Chapter Nine
Why Us?

3rd Person POV

Thena went home that night to find her parents sitting on the front stairs waiting for her. They looked up and ran towards her seeing her covered in blood, Dunbars blood

"May , what happened my love?" Her mother asked and she crumpled in her mothers arms the way she had done to Brandon

"he killed himself in front of me mama. Why me?" She cried and her mother looked at her father as he walked forward and hugged them both. They let her cry in their arms, they knew that right now there was nothing they could do but support her

they let her sleep in their bed that night and she slept there every night for the next three months until a week before school started up. She started to sleep in her own bed and stay up at night. she excluded herself from the group, she knew about the zoo.

Everything, she was horrified to say the least and the only thing she could do was stay home, she wrote in her journals , started going to therapy. She herself had changed


and now we're here. The first day of school, she got dressed and then went to schools She quickly found rowan and she hugged her. Rowan hugged back tightly

"dude where the hell have you been?" Rowan asked softly as thena pulled away

"I just couldn't be around , I'm sorry" she told her and rowan nodded as she made eye contact

"I'm sorry i don't check on you" She stated and thena shook her head

"I'm sorry I wasn't around" She sadly whispered and rowan sighed

" we all needed time" Rowan said and soon after Thena looked up to see Trevor, Brandon and Sean standing there , she made eye contact with Brandon and he for a second looked sad for what about he was about to do. Next thing she knew a blood balloon was thrown at her and it splattered the wall and her face as well as rowan

"hey girls that's a good look on you" Trevor said and thena made eye contact with him

"ASSHOLE" she said and she lead rowan to the bathroom as everyone chanted loser at them. What had changed , when had Brandon become an asshole?

she leaned on the bathroom sink as she kept wiping the fake blood off her face

"Why us?" Thena asked

"why is it always us?" She cried into Rowan's shoulder until Hailey walked in

"thena? Rowan?" Hailey said and they stopped hugging

"we didn't know you'd be back" Thena said

"My mom didn't give me a choice" she said and thena nodded as their phones jingled and they opened it to see the video. Thena sighed as she turned off her phone

"what is it?"hailey asked them

"we know Trevor sent it to the whole school" Thena said

"is it a flash?" Hailey questioned

"yeah. This is the third time he's hit me with a blood balloon. First time for thena, but they always sound like a gunshot" Rowan said

"at least you know itll disappear" Hailey said

"will it though?" Thena whispered as rowan rubbed her back softly

" you know when somethings out there, it doesn't disappear. There's gonna be, like, 1000 screenshots by noon" rowan said

"it's not over, it'll never be over" Thena whispered

"did you see this one?" Rowan said and she showed them a meme of her that said

'when you're so ugly , he blows his brains out'

" Trevor tweeted it and it basically went viral" Rowan exclaimed

"I never saw that" Hailey said and thena nodded

"Where is your phone Hailey?"Thena asked her

" I just left it at home. My mom moved us yeah she didn't even tell me until she picked me up so she wanted to clean start, that there were too many bad memories at the old house. I love the house" Hailey sighed

"Us too" Thena said

"You should really check your texts" Rowan said turning to her

"I like not having a phone, you should try it" Hailey told them

"You never heard anything? From monkey man? In case you were alerted ?" Rowan asked and the door opened as Nicki walked inside , she made my eye contact with Hailey and thena and she then left the bathroom

"what happened to her?" Hailey asked them

" Same as all of us right? It was her house that he was killed in that he killed himself in" Thena said as she grabbed a shirt from her bag and she changed into it

the bell rang and she walked out of the bathroom deciding to skip first period. She walked outside behind the school and sat down as she looked at her wrists

"thena" he said and she stood up backing away from her and the wall

"you stay away from me" she said and he stepped closer

"Brandon go away" she tried but he ignored her words

"Thena please" he said and she shook her head

"No no , you've lost your chance. Who are you anymore?" She asked and she up and left the school for the rest of the day

that night she went home and she was almost asleep ignoring the text from Brandon and Trevor. The re-tweets all of it, she couldn't do it. She couldn't leave with him in the back of her head knowing who she was and what happened

She thought he cared but obviously he didn't. He never cared did he?

she laid on her bed until she got a text and opened it to see the words monkey man

"fuck this" she said and she silenced her phone for the rest of the night but was that really the best she could do?

Was that really her best decision?


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