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Nenari's POV~
The sun was high over the sky, beating down on our backs without an ounce of mercy, a hot sea wind blasted us from behind, sending the Chimera ever forward. I grunted, as I hearted a long pole over my shoulder and turned to Kale,
    "Where would you like this?" I asked, peaking a brow.
    Kale turned to me, his skin gleaming with sweat, "Over by the mast, thanks." he returned to his work.
    I walked across the deck, easily avoiding the other members of the crew, I set the long pole down and heaved a sigh, wiping sweat from my brow, I looked up across the horizon to the port side, momentarily entranced by the sheer beauty of the open sea. I exhaled sharply before turning around, nearly walking right into Jed.
    "Nkulunkulu Wami!" I yelped, backing up from him.
    Jed froze, blinking, "Uh . . . I'm sorry?" he stared at me in confusion.
    I cleared my throat, "Uh, sorry," I slipped past him, my hand rubbing my throat. I had no idea what language that was, but I knew it meant 'My God' I scratched the back of my neck as I picked up another long pole and brought it over to the spot near the mast. I sighed, straightening up, I popped my neck before turning out to the sea. I cool breeze whisked around the boat, making my hair quiver. I sucked in a breath, the strong salty scent burning my nose.
     I flinched, turning to see Sinbad waving me down, I ran across the deck and scurried up the wooden steps up to the wheel. Sinbad had both hands on the wheel as he spoke, a glint of mischief in his eyes,
    "So, Nenny," he then hesitated, "can I call you Nenny?"
    I gave him an annoyed glare, "No. Nenari will be fine." I folded my arms in annoyance.
    Sinbad chuckled nervously, before continuing, "Anyhow, I wanted to ask, how did you get stuck on that island?" he turned his head around to me.
    I felt my shoulders tense at his question, my jaw clenched, finding up against my upper row of teeth, "Uh . . . it's a long story . . ." I said, trying to avoid his question to the best of my ability. I remembered how it happened, I just . . . chose to try and forget.
    Sinbad chuckled before giving a wide gesture to the open sea, "We have three months of sailing ahead of us, I think I have time for a long story." He smiled at me.
    I scoffed, "Sinbad, it's not that-" I was cut short as the ship rocked violently. I yelped as I slid across the deck, I grunted from the impact of my gut against the rail. My upper body leaned dangerously far over the rail, and I got a look at the ocean. It was foaming, frothy, violently bubbling around the Ships' hull.
    "Sinbad!" I yelled as the Chimera jerked in the other direction, I grabbed the rail to prevent from falling to the other side.
    "Something's got my ship!" Sinbad yelled, jerking at the wheel, his teeth bared as he fought whatever was pushing us around.
    I stumbled before jumping onto the main deck, "Does anyone have a visual on that thing?!" I called running to the prow, Ember at my side.

    "Over here!" Luca's voice came from the starboard side, "I see scales."
    Scales? Oh, that's never a good thing, I let the momentum of the rocking ship carry me over to him. I slid to a halt beside the older sailor, my feet raking painfully on the wood of the ship, I looked over the rail--Joined by Marina and Kale. Below, amidst the frothy waves, I could see the gleam of blackish-green irredecent scales, green fins and the flash of a giant yellow eye.
    "Is that . . . what I think it is?" Luca asked, his tone barely above a croak.
    "Sea Serpent!" Marian gasped.
    "Again?!" I turned to Sinbad who was still fighting with the wheel, "I thought we ran that sucker off!"
    Kale scoffed, "I think it wants a re-match!" he turned to the crew, "Men, get the harpoons! Move! Move! Move!"
    I grit my teeth, pulling out my spear, "You've fought one of these before?" I asked Kale, keeping one hand on the rail.
    Kale caught a harpoon from Jin and turned to me, "How do you think we got that hole in the hull?" He asked, white-knuckling the harpoon.
     I blinked, remembering the hull damage from when they arrived on my island, I sighed shrugging, "Makes sense . . ." Suddenly, the Chimera was shoved to the left, making us all stumble, I felt Kale grab my arm and put me back on my feet. I grunted, holding my spear, Ember let out a roaring snarl as she took her place at my side.
    I watched with wide eyes as the serpent reared its head high above the ship, it's long muzzle littered with scars. It unhinged it's mouth and an ungodly roar tore from it's throat, I saw it's long fangs--the size of my arm.
    I grit my teeth before cocking back my arm and I hurled my spear into the serpent, but my spear bounced harmlessly off it's scales, and my trusty weapon clattered to the deck at my feet.
    I picked it up, "You have to be kidding me . . ." I backed up as Kale threw his harpoon, which got lodged between the scales.
    Marina came up on my left, watching as the serpent howled in pain, it's scales glistening, "It's scales are like chain-link armor!" She exclaimed, "you have to get in-between them!"
    I tucked into a roll, dodging one of it's fins, "Oh, really?!" I shot back, grabbing a stray blade, "I hadn't noticed!" I sheathed my spear and ran up to Sinbad, "I need a knife!" I exclaimed.
    Sinbad's eyes flashed to me briefly, "What? Why?!"
    "Just give it!" I held out my hand, keeping my eyes trained on the serpent as it began lowering to the deck, but it was pushed back by a volley of harpoons.
    Sinbad reached into his vest and pulled out a knife, I snatched it.
    "Don't loose that!" Sinbad yelled, "That's my favorite knife!" he yelped as the ship jerked again.
    I could hear the Chimera groan and moan under the pressure of the serpent. I put the knife between my teeth and exhaled sharply, Ok, Nenari, time to put this monster back into the sea! I ran to the rail and jumped, I grabbed a stray line and wound it around my arm to secure it. Knife in my mouth I began climbing up the line.

Third Person~

    "What in the name of the Gods is she doing?!" Luca screamed
    Kale turned his gaze upward and his eyes widened considerably. Nenari was hanging on one of the lines, a knife in her mouth and her spear on her back. Kale hurled another harpoon before turning his eyes back up to her, Nenari swung erratically, her muscles bulging as she held on.
    "She is crazy!" Rat exclaimed, just as shocked as everyone else.
    Ember came up next to Marina and barked up and Nenari, the Serpent roared and hit the ship. Nenari let out a muffled scream, as she swung violently, the rope bent and twisted, smashing Nenari into the mast. Sinbad--who was also watching--visibly winced, "Ooh . . . that's gonna leave a nice mark." he mumbled, before he yelled as the wheel jerked violently against him, "C'mon, baby . . .!" he groaned, pulling the wheel the opposite direction. Waves slammed into the Chimera's Hull, splashing onto the deck, making it slick and slippery. Nenari watched below, before she turned to the mast and took the knife from her lips, she then drove it into the wood pole up to the hilt. She held the rope, while bracing off the mast with the help of the knife, her black hair fell before her eyes as she focused on the serpent.
    The ship rocked again, and she screamed as she was tossed willy-nilly, she clung onto the knife, praying to every deity it wouldn't give, she looked down seeing everyone struggle to maintain their balance as they were bombarded with waves. Add the rocking of the ship, the roaring serpent . . . things weren't looking good.
    Nenari was amazed they hadn't sunk yet. She turned to the Serpent who locked onto her with it's piecing eyes, it hissed at her, it's fangs dripping a green goo Nenari had to assume was poison.
    Sweat soaking her body, Nenari snarled back, "Ok, let's go!" she bent her legs against the mast and then . . . she jumped.

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