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Nenari's POV~
    I awoke to the warmth of Ember's tongue lapping my face. I let out a soft grunt before opening my eyes, I gave a soft chuckle rubbing Ember between her pointed ears, "Good morning, to you, too." I greeted. Ember yipped, her bushy tail wagging back and forth, I sat up and rubbed the back of my neck. I then stood up to my full height, brushing the soft sand from my ripped clothing. Today was the day. We set sail for Syracuse today, then off to Africa where, hopefully, we'd find the treasure my family had been searching for. I grabbed my spear, then slipped it's rope over my head so it sat clinging to my back. Ember began yipping and barking, jumping around my legs, her eyes training on me.
    I let out a soft laugh before moving to the shoreline, I watched as the sun began to rise over the gleaming water. I sighed deeply, no matter how many times I saw it, I never got enough of it, it was always so magical.
    "Enjoying the sun?"
    I turned seeing Marina walking up to me, her soft skin glowing in the sun's rays.
    I nodded, "Indeed. It's one of the few perks ion living on this island." I closed my eyes letting the rays warm my skin, "But, all good things must come to an end." I put a hand on her shoulder, "Including my adventures on this island."
    "I thought you hated it here." Marina piped up, looking at me with concern.
    I shrugged, "I may not love it but it's all I've ever known."  I simply shrugged.
    Marina stared with slightly widened eyes, "Did you . . ." she hesitated, "ever have . . .a . . ." she was weary to finish her sentence.
    "A family?" I finished, I then chuckled, "I did. They're . . . gone."
    "I'm sorry . . ." Marina peeped, looking downward.
    I turned to her and put my well-worked hand on her shoulder, "You did nothing." I smiled at her, "You do not need to apolo-"
    "Morning, Ladies!"
    I looked over seeing Sinbad walk up to us, "A perfect morning to hoist anchor and set sail, right?" he asked, smiling.
    I brought my fists up and I slammed my right one into my left palm, "Aye, it is." I gave a soft laugh.
    Sinbad looked me over curiously, "That accent . . . I've never heard of it before . . ." he noted, "what is it?" he then asked.
    I shrugged, "I don't know. I never knew what country I was from." I replied, peaking a brow.
    As the morning became later, everyone woke up and began loading up the Chimera with food, rope, wood, tools and so on. I picked up a large coil of rope and slung it over my shoulder and I began the trudge to the Chimera, I looked over my shoulder to the jungle foliage merely 15 yards away. My eyes softened before I sighed deeply,
    "Goodbye, my home." I whispered before hiking up the gang plank and laying the rope down amongst other coils much similar, I turned and looked across the deck, "Ember, to me!"
    Ember, who was playing with Spike, perked up at my voice, and made a mad dash at me from across the deck. She took her position at my side, her rope collar wavering with her movement.
    "Hoist the main sail, hard to port!" Sinbad ordered.
    "Senorina! Catch!"
    I turned, just in time to catch a rope from Rat. As my fingers closed around the rough rope, it all came back to me, the knots, the orders, the shanties. I sunk my weight in my hips and hauled on the main line, Kale came over and grabbed it as well--Together we tied off the line and the second our hands pulled away the Chimera turned and began it's route out to sea.
    Kale gave a chuckle, "Not bad." he complemented.
    I felt my heart slightly quicken at his complement, "Oh, uh . . . thank you." I replied, my cheeks warming.
    Kale flashed me a smirk before moving off to perform other duties, I watched him go for a moment before I felt a nudge on my leg. I looked down to Ember who let out a soft bark and wagged her tail. I sighed in annoyance, "It was one complement." I held out a single finger, "It doesn't mean anything." I hissed to her.
    Ember simply shook her shaggy black coat and trotted off, her tail raised above her back. I turned my back to her and gave a scoff, I placed my hands on the rail and sighed as the sea spray tickled my skin. I felt the rocking of the ship, and I clutched the rail, looking out to the prow of the Chimera , I felt something swell up in my chest. A sense of pride maybe? Or joy? I remember the last time I was on a ship was with my mother, I remember her soft voice as she pulled me to her hip and showed me all the stars across the night sky. I remember the song she'd sing to me every night before I fell asleep.

Here we stand with open arms
This is home, where we are
Ever strong, in the world that we made.
I still hear you in the breeze, see your shadows in the trees
Holding on, memories never fade.

Summer in the hills, those hazy days I do remember
we were running still, with the whole world at our feet
Watching seasons change, our roads were lined with adventure
Mountains in the way, didn't keep us from the sea

Here we stand with open arms
this is home where we are
ever strong, in the world that we made
I still hear you in the breeze, see your shadows in the trees
Holding on, memories never fade.

    That song, aside from the map I held with me, was the last memories I had of my mother. The rest was just a blur of smiles, laughs and wisdom. I don't even remember her face, I held my hand to my chest, and grit my teeth before turning away from the rail. I was met with Sinbad's stare, I walked past him, not making eye contact. I whistled through my teeth and Ember came bounding over. She nuzzled into my leg, whining. She knew my mood, she knew I was trying so hard to remember the life I once had. All I knew was that my family had been searching for this treasure for generations.
    Maybe, just maybe, this treasure, in Africa . . . can tell me who I was and where I came from.

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