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Nenari's POV~ (Two days later)
It was smooth sailing for the following two days, the crisp salty air, the constant meditative sound of the waves lapping at the Chimera's hull. I had forgotten how peaceful being at sea was, especially the open sea. At the moment, it was the start of a new day, I had just arrived on the top deck, Ember at my side, her muzzle against my leg. My black hair was pulled into a French braid, tight to my skull. My rags that made up my clothes lashed on my body in the sea breeze. I walked to the prow of the ship and looked out over the open sea, the sun just on the horizon, casting a blood red glow into the sky.
I sighed a bit as Ember moved off to play with Spike. I watched her run and tussle with Spike across the deck, and I laughed a bit as the two took out poor Luca. I returned my attention to the sea, before I glanced to my left seeing Sinbad stride up beside me,
"Morning, Nenny!" he greeted, sitting on the rail.
I arched a brow, "Didn't we agree that my name was Nenari?" I asked, before resting my muscular arms on the rail.
"Eh, I like Nenny," Sinbad replied, "so, we'll be in Syracuse in a week or so." He said.
I nodded, then pulled out my map and unfolded it, gazing at the writing my mother had left for me, looking over the faded ink and the labels in spidery handwriting. Sinbad looked over my shoulder, and arched a brow,
"Uh, what's the deal?" he asked.
I looked over my shoulder, "I'm looking at my map." I muttered, before folding it up and putting it back in my breast for save keeping. I then huffed and moved off to the main deck where Rat tossed me a long pole, I caught it with one hand and set it up near the mast, I hummed softly as I began tying the post into place as Sinbad took his post at the ship's wheel with Marina at his side.
As I finished up tying the post in place I turned and bumped into a bare, toned, chest. My face flushed a bit as I backed up, looking up to see Kale smirking down at me, several long poles resting over his shoulder.
"Morning." he greeted, a hint of smug in his tone.
I cleared my throat, "Morning, Kale." I muttered as I caught a line tossed to me by Jin, I then tied it off.
"So," Kale set the long poles down, "a little distracted this morning?" he asked, arching a brow.
I shot him a look, "Don't get cocky, it was an accident." I retorted as I moved across the ship.
Kale followed, "I know, I'm only teasing." he patted my shoulder.
I sighed and nodded, before I heard Sinbad's voice, "Nenari, unleash the main sail!" he called.
I snapped to attention, before nodding, "Aye-aye, sir!" I then ran across the ship, and jumped onto a line, and climbed up it, one arm after the other, making my way up to the crow's nest. I felt my bruised arm throb a bit from the strain it had endured battling a sea serpent, but I ignored the pain as I reached the main mast. I climbed onto it and untied the knots that held the sail in place. I then leaned over and tossed the lines down to the waiting crew.
Each member took a line and began pulling, unfurling the crimson sail. I then stood on the cross mast and looked out to the open water and sighed softly. My eyes flickered across the horizon as the sky changed from red, to a pale blue coloration. The sky was clear, without a cloud as a wind filled the sails and the Chimera surged forward a bit.
I walked along the cross mast and moved to the cow's nest, where Rat was perched on the rail of the crow's nest. I hoped into the circular space and spoke,
"Rat." I greeted.
The stuffy lookout turned to me, "Hola Señora." he greeted, "Sleep well?" he asked.
I leaned on the rail and tucked a strand of black hair behind my ear, "Well enough." I murmured softly.
Rat nodded, before I heard Kale's voice,
"Nenari, mind coming down for a moment?" he called up to me.
I nodded and jumped onto one of the downward sloping lines, I slid down the rope a ways before letting go and landing on the deck with a thud. I stood straight and dusted myself off, before looking up to Kale, Sinbad and Marina,
"Something wrong?" I asked, walking over to them, as they stood at the ship's wheel.
"No." Sinbad then pulled out a map and spread it on the rail, "We just wanna go over the course, and we need your map."
I pulled it out and unfolded it, before setting it down beside Sinbad's, the cocky Captain then pointed to a stretch of ocean, "Ok, so, we're here." he said.
"We're about a week's out from Syracuse." I added, pointing to the land mass, "But . . . if we want to make it within a week, we have to go through some bad ocean." I circled with my finger a stretch of water.
Kale hummed, rubbing his chin, "But if we go around there, it takes us another two weeks."
"We should avoid the danger." Marina spoke, "But, I must know, what is in this bad stretch of ocean."
"Pirates." I replied, "But, I think we can make it through." I added.
"She's right, I mean, this is a Pirate ship, we should be able to pass through undetected or unbothered." Sinbad added, smirking.
"And if we don't?" Marina quipped.
"Then I guess we fight." Sinbad drew his sword and flashed the blade, "either way, adventure awaits!" he turned to the crew, "Men, set the course for the Bad Lands, full sail!" he called.
I sighed as Ember trotted up to me and nuzzled my leg. I brushed some dark hair from my stormy eyes and resumed my duties aboard the Chimera.

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