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    Nenari's POV~
    It wasn't long after, that we crossed into pirate territory. The entire mood of the crew changed in an instant. Spike and Ember had grown silent as the mastiff-mix hunkered behind some barrels, whimpering, while my dark wolf-dog paced back and forth across the ship, snarling aggressively. I stood at the prow, leaning over the salty waves. I looked down to the churning water below, seeing it had gotten darker, almost black in color, and the white waves that lapped and licked the ship's hull were all frothy and choppy. Nothing like the clam, crisp whitecaps I saw before crossing into pirate territory.
    Kale walked over and came up beside me, he rested his massive forearms on the rail and hummed, "Never liked traveling through here."

    I was standing on the rail, holding onto a rope as I leaned out over the waves, "Hmm. I can see why." I replied, "Everything looks so sinister all of a sudden."
    Kale glanced at me, before he sighed, "Hey, Nenari," he turned so he had his back pressed against the rail, "you can fight, right?" he asked.
    I blinked, then looked down at him, "You remember me taking out the sea serpent, right?" I asked, jumping off the rail and landing beside him.
    Kale smirked, "I mean, can you fight people?" he chuckled.
    I gave him a deadpan glare, "Seriously?" I asked, before reaching back for my spear, "Do I need to give a demonstration?" I asked, annoyed.
    Kale tensed, "No. We're good." he smile nervously.
    I sighed, "Kale. You know I can fight. So, why ask?" I arched a confused brow as Ember came up to my leg and sat at my side.
    Kale tensed, "Uh . . ." He averted his gaze as he stood straight and rubbed his large hands together, "Well, you see, the last thing I want is-" Kale was cut short as Ember planted her forepaws on the rail and snarled out into the open sea. Forgetting Kale's words I turned out to look, keeping a firm hand on Ember's rope collar, to ensure she didn't jump overboard to attack whatever is out there. Kale went stiff, and looked out over the sea, the horizon clouded in fog.
    "What is she growling at?" Kale asked, putting his hands on the rail.
    My gaze hardened as my free hand began twitching, "Trouble." I stated simply. I trusted Ember's instincts, and I knew that she wouldn't simply growl at nothing. Kale shot me a worried look, before he ran to the helm of the Chimera to warn Sinbad. I grit my teeth, my storm grey eyes scanning the fog for any shapes or shadows. Anything could be out there, from a massive sea monster to blood thirsty pirates hell-bent on killing. I looked over my shoulder, seeing Sinbad and Marina run over.
    "What is it?" Sinbad asked, leaning over the rail.
    I pointed to the fog bank, "Ember sees something." I said, as said wolf dog barked several times. Her pointed ears locked back to her skull as she growled viciously, her lips exposed, as well as her fangs.
    Sinbad looked out, before taking out his spyglass and bringing it up to his eye, I watched his expression. His mouth, which was twisted into a confused expression, quickly went thin, and he pulled the tool from his eye, "Oh, Gods. . ." he handed the spyglass to Kale.
    Kale arched a confused brow, as he pulled the glass to his eye, before his mouth fell open, "Ah, no . . ." he mumbled.
    I snatched the spyglass from him and scanned the horizon, I came upon a ship that was heading right for us. It was massive. Beautiful dark wood made up it's hull, I turned my gaze up to the sail, that was the indicator, that would tell us what the ship was. Crisp white sails adorned the masts, that's when I moved up to the flag and my heart stopped.
    "Sinbad, is that what I think it is?" I asked, turning to him.
    "It's a Spanish Galleon." Sinbad said, his shoulders slumping, "Worse than pirates."
    "We're pirates!" Marina stated, "When they see us, they will sink us." she hissed.
    Sinad smirked, "Then we'll make sure they won't!" He ran to the wheel and shoved Jed aside, he then hauled the wheel around and put the Chimera's heading right into the rocks and the fog.
    "Are you crazy?!" I shouted to him, my eyes widening, "If the Spanish don't kill us, those rocks will!"
    Sinbad gave me that sassy smile, "Don't worry, I've got this!"
    I simply facepalmed.

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