Chapter 24: Prison Break

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(At Neo Beacon Academy)

Glynda: The Huntsmen, the Cartoon Heroes, the Video Game Heroes and the Justice League combined grant us enough firepower.

Jaune: I wonder if our teamwork is actually enough to take down Brainiac.

Zero: We must not forget he has the society and Sigma by his side.

Axl: Not all is lost, Zero. We can still fight.

Nebula: What about Superman?

Dew: His loyalists are still trying to free him.

Winter: Don't worry. I have taken action about this.

(At Stryker Island, Elm and Harriet finished training the young heroes)

Elm: You did well, kids.

Mowgli: Thanks, Elm. Can we fight Brainiac now?

Ralph: Hey. You know I tend to wreck things. But I also know we are still not prepared.

Jason Rusch: What do you mean? We have just been trained by the two best Ace Operatives of Atlas.

Blue Beetle: My suit is an alien war machine. Mordecai and Rigby learned deadly moves. Ralph wrecks things. Mowgli was trained in the wilderness. Not to mention the Firestorm still doesn't sync well yet.

Saki: Jaime is right. We are not prepared.

Jason Rusch: We are tough. Tough guys should be in front line.

Harriet: Here IS the front line. Brainiac, Salem and Sigma are already a crisis. Now Superman and the other villains together? This could be an apocalypse.

Frank: So our actions can make a difference between a crisis and an apocalypse.

Jason Rusch: I can agree with this.

(Then Stryker Island is under attack)

Rigby: Brainiac...

Mordecai: Or Superman's Fan Club.

Martin Stein: Time to fuse!

(Jason and Martin fuse and become Firestorm)

Firestorm: All right.

(Outside Stryker Island, Black Adam and Wonder Woman are seen entering the prison, determined to rescue their allies)

(Back to inside the prison)

Harriet: We better check out the generators before Superman gets out.

(As the heroes go to the generator room, Superman smirks as his eyes glow red)

(As the heroes go in there, Damian's cell's ceiling is blown as a girl with the very "S" used by Superman is seen)

Damian: Am I dreaming?

(Then the girl drops a package containing his Nightwing uniform)

(At the generator room, Black Adam is seen using his powers to shut the generators down as the heroes come in)

Harriet: Very well, Elm. Your team will take care of Black Adam, while my team will try to restore the generators.

Black Adam: A very bad plan. You're likely to die here.

Saki: It looks like we are in the front line.

(Black Adam sets to face Elm, Mordecai, Saki, Blue Beetle and Mowgli)

Black Adam: Your numbers are nothing against my powers. They have been bestowed upon me by gods!

(Elm's Team learned how to work as a team and they easily overwhelm Black Adam)

Elm: Power is not everything, Black Adam!

(Harriet's team restores the generators)

Harriet: It's done.

Frank: Now let's get back and make sure Superman is kept in there.

(Then Nightwing comes in)

Nightwing: So desperate to impress your new general, aren't you? Why? She's weak.

Harriet: You sound much like our former general.

Nightwing: At least I'm alive.

Firestorm: Time to teach this brat some lessons.

(Then Elm's team goes towards Superman's cell. Then Ralph punches Nightwing really hard)

Nightwing: Now you asked for it! I'll give you a definitive "Game Over"!

(Harriet, Ralph, Frank, Rigby and Blue Beetle face Nightwing, who seemed more skilled, but got overwhelmed by their combined firepower)

Firestorm: Class closed!

(Then Harriet's team goes to Superman's cell)

(Cyborg is seen trying to release Superman)

Cyborg: Diana is handling the prison guards.

Superman: If she didn't set you free, who did?

????: I did.

(Then Supergirl is seen coming closer to her cousin)

Superman: Kara?

Supergirl: Kal.

Superman: I thought... I thought I couldn't have a family again...

Supergirl: Don't worry, Kal.

(Then Supergirl notices something wrong)

Superman: Go.

Supergirl: But Kal...

Superman: I'll be waiting for you.

(Supergirl reluctantly goes)

Elm: Great. Another kryptonian.

Harriet: Come on, Elm. General Winter trusts us.

Firestorm: Harriet is right. Let's go!

(Then the heroes attack Cyborg as Ralph easily destroys his force field, leaving him wide open for Rigby's Death Punch)

Rigby: Time for the death punch!

(Rigby easily defeats Cyborg. Then Elm manages to close Superman's cell)

Superman: Is it so hard to realize Brainiac is too much for you?

Harriet: We have the strongest superhero in Remnant.

Mowgli: We have enough firepower, we have strategies, and we have a great teamwork!

(Then Supergirl comes in and grabs Mowgli)

Supergirl: Stay away from him!

(Then she throws Mowgli down)

Ralph: Kryptonian, huh? Then just call me your "Doomsday"!

(Ralph punches Supergirl hard)

Supergirl: You're much worse than they said.

(Then Frank West tries to throw a kryptonite grenade on Supergirl, only for Wonder Woman to use her lasso and grab him)

Supergirl: We are gonna free Kal, like it or not!

Elm: Time to finish this!

Harriet: Right!

(Harriet faces Wonder Woman while Elm faces Supergirl)

Supergirl: Don't you really understand? Can't you see what Brainiac is capable of?

Elm: Maybe not. But I know what Superman and Salem are capable of!

(The Atlas' Ace Operatives do their best against Wonder Woman and the newest member of the Regime. After a long fight, they managed to defeat them)

Elm: You should have surrendered!

Blue Beetle: Good work, Elm. You defeated a kryptonian.

(Then Black Adam and Nightwing come in)

Nightwing: Damn it!

Black Adam: We can't give up! Superman needs us!

(Then Kevin, his teammates, Batman, Lex Luthor, Ozpin and Glynda come in)

Black Adam: You...

Kevin: I didn't come to fight.

(Then Batman is face to face with Supergirl)

Kevin: I thought Kal was the only kryptonian in this universe.

Batman: How did you know that?

Glynda: The symbol. It's very obvious to me.

Supergirl: My name is Kara Zor-El. Kal-El's cousin.

Glynda: Hmph.

(Then Batman decides to release Superman as they come closer to each other)

Superman: Ready to stop Brainiac by any means.

Batman: I'd rather my means.

Superman: I'm not going back here!

Batman: We will discuss about it later.

Ozpin: For now, the multiverse needs us!

Kevin: All of us!

(In the Hall of Justice, Catwoman and Looma come in with blueprints)

Catwoman: This is the data of all the cities which are targeted by Brainiac.

Looma: As these points are shown, they are the cities which he seeks to add to his particular collection.

Mercury: But we cannot forget that besides him, there is Salem, Aku, Wesker, Jafar, Grodd and their society.

Mega Man X: Not to mention Sigma. Thanks to him, Brainiac was able to corrupt various vigilance systems.

Ben 10: Azmuth 2.0...

Ozpin: Neo Beacon's systems are compromised too.

Batman: Brother Eye is no exception.

Kim: Even the vigilance system I built lately was corrupted.

Kevin: Pyrrha and Penny will try to restore Neo Beacon. Team CMEN and Mercury will go with you!

Chun-Li: Guile, Charlie and Alia will try to restore the Capcom Network.

Kim: Woody. Buzz. You're with me.

Ben 10: Looma, Charmcaster and Robotboy will try to restore Azmuth 2.0.

Batman: And last, but not least, Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Cyborg...

Cyborg: Forget it. I'm not helping.

Superman: This is not an option. (comes in) The Earth will be destroyed within four hours.

Star: Let's go, Freedom Force!

Robotboy: Cartoon Network Unite!

Buzz: To infinity... And beyond!

Guile: Let's get it on!

(As the heroes leave, Superman and Batman are still seen)

Superman: Why did you guard this?

Batman: Guard what?

(Then Superman takes the curtain which covered the table with Justice League Logo)

Batman: Didn't know it was there.

(Batman goes away, leaving Superman to look at the table)

(Batman decided to free Superman. This decision may cost very dearly)

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