Chapter 9: Jeopardy?

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(In the Watchtower, the team is seen walking)

Robotboy: The easy part is done.

Deathstroke: To access the teleporters we need the codes...

Mercury: Now that's hard.

Penny: When I hacked Cyborg, I got the codes.

Mercy: Hehe. Kevin did the right thing in recruiting you.

Penny: Thank you.

(Suddenly the heroes notice Mercury, Deathstroke, Jasper and HUNK are walking)

Robotboy: Hey. Did you forget the plan?

Mercury: Don't worry, kid. We'll be back soon.

Mercy: (sighs) Foolish brother.

(In the teleporter room)

Shazam: I guess we're not doing what he says we are...

The Flash: What do you mean?

Shazam: Protecting the innocents and eliminating criminals is one thing. But invading other dimensions?

The Flash: I'm starting to have my doubts too. But I guess Superman just wants to catch Batman. Nothing more.

Shazam: And THEN the slaughter will begin. Remember what happened to Green Arrow? Hawkman? And even Martian Manhunter?

(Suddenly the four bad guys come in)

Mercury: So you are part of the Regime, huh?

The Flash: You?

(The Flash tries to attack Mercury, but he gets knocked out with a strong kick in his groin)

Mercury: You're not Sonic!

Shazam: Why you...

(Shazam tries to attack Mercury, but Jasper defends him while Deathstroke shoots him)

Deathstroke: HUNK. Cause some overheat at the core. I'll distract him.

(HUNK nods in agreement while Deathstroke fights Shazam)

Deathstroke: You will fail, hero!

(Deathstroke uses his best strategy against Shazam. Then The Flash gets up and tries to attack Mercury again, but fails miserably)

The Flash: You need... to stop this...

Mercury: Too late, Sonic wannabe. It's already done!

(The Flash keeps trying to attack Mercury, but every time he does so, he ends up getting beaten to a pulp. Meanwhile Deathstroke easily defeats Shazam)

Deathstroke: You're just a kid.

(HUNK finally overheats the core)

Deathstroke: Good job, HUNK!

Jasper: I have a bad feeling about this...

(Mercury decides to knock The Flash out)

Mercury: The gran finale is coming. And you got the front seat.

(The heroes and Mercy come in and they are not happy)

Robotboy: What have you done?

Deathstroke: First rule of warfare...

(Deathstroke is interrupted by Jasper)

Jasper: I said I had a bad feeling about this!

Penny: You dare to jeopardize the mission?

Deathstroke: Superman is my priority, not the others!

(Suddenly some beeps are heard)

Penny: We have a problem. The core is overheated.

Batman: Can you fix that?

(Mercury nods in disagreement)

Penny: You have exactly three hours to accomplish your mission!

(Then some other beeps are heard)

Lex Luthor: Nice job, Penny.

Penny: Thanks, but my hands are full at the moment.

Robotboy: What do you want?

Lex Luthor: I need you to borrow me Mercury, his sister, Jasper HUNK and Deathstroke.

Mercury: Seriously? What for?

Lex Luthor: Sienna told me about a package hidden at White Fang's hideout. I need you to retrieve it.

Aladdin: The others know that?

Sienna: Luthor told me about Batman being the head of the Insurgency.

Lex Luthor: Which means if he dies, it dies with him.

Mercy: Send us the coordinates.

(In the underground prison, Harley Quinn and the sisters of Team CRDL are seen watching Roman, Cinder, Neopolitan, Hazel, Tyrian and Emerald. Then Ilia and Roma come in)

Roma: Batman and Zero are almost in the location. Let's occupy any law enforcement we can.

Harley Quinn: All right. We're on it.

(Then Roma comes closer to the prison cell and releases her brother and his team)

Roman: Hehehe... Freedom at last.

Neopolitan: Let's hope they don't catch us again...

Roman: Don't worry, ice cream.

Cinder: OK guys. Let's go!

(At White Fang's hideout, Kolin and Killer Frost are seen searching for the Insurgency base. Then Wonder Woman comes in)

Wonder Woman: Make it quick. I'm needed at Atlas.

Kolin: We found possible locations of the Insurgency base.

(The map shows the red points)

Wonder Woman: Hmm... Send the coordinates to The Flash. He can do it faster than anyone.

(As they transfer the data, Wonder Woman is knocked out by Mercury and tied up by Deathstroke)

Killer Frost: Done.

Kolin: Anything else?

(The duo notices the five having easily defeated Wonder Woman)

Mercy: You did a good detective work.

Mercury: But you're too late!

(Kolin and Killer Frost start attacking the Black Brothers. But just like Mercury did to The Flash, they beat the ice queens to a pulp and knock them out)

Mercy: Too easy...

Mercury: Their moves are very predictable.

Wonder Woman: (gets up) Surely they are.

Deathstroke: I knew your own lasso couldn't hold you for much longer.

Wonder Woman: You're going to pay for what you did to me!

Deathstroke: Bring it on.

(Wonder Woman goes all out, willing to kill Deathstroke. But Deathstroke uses his best strategy and beats her into a pulp while HUNK finally finds the package mentioned by Luthor)

Deathstroke: I'm not impressed at all.

(Mercury decides to stomp her)

Mercury: Such a disappointment...

HUNK: I got the package.

(Mercy communicates with Penny)

Mercy: Penny. This is Mercy Black. We got the package.

Penny: Good. I can teleport you all without any problem.

Deathstroke: Send us to Luthor.

Penny: I hope it's worth it...

(Mercury stops stomping Wonder Woman)

Mercury: So do I...

(The five got teleported off)

(Penny communicates with Batman)

Penny: This is Penny. You have 45 minutes to accomplish your mission.

(Close to Atlas Prison Tower, Jin Saotome is seen piloting Blodia as the other armored warriors are seen alongside him)

Jin: We are ready to take on these scums!

(Winter and Jenny are seen along with the Atlas Soldiers)

Jenny: At your command, Winter.

Winter: We are ready!

Batman: We are in position. Commencing assault!

(The watchtower was taken over. But it's going to explode within 45 minutes, which is also the time the heroes have to rescue the prisoners from Atlas Prison Tower)

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