Chapter 10: Rescue Mission

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(The Armored Warriors are seen in their positions as they await the moment to attack. Then Superman, Black Adam, Yokai, Demitri, Sinestro, Peridot, Captain Hook, M.Bison, Hawkgirl and Yellow Lantern are seen waiting for them alongside a horde of regime soldiers)

Jin: Let's crush these scums!!

(The Armored Warriors take off and start their attack)

Superman: TAKE THEM DOWN!!

(Then the Atlas Soldiers are seen taking the regime soldiers down)

(Cut to Batman and Zero, they are seen having their hands cuffed. Then Kevin notices Superman and transforms into Super Sonic 2 to fight him. Leon shoots the cuffs, setting Batman and Zero free. But as they go towards the Prison Tower to rescue the prisoners, they are stopped by Iris, Catwoman and Looma as Sora, Steven and Ben 10 come in)

Iris: Zero...

Zero: Iris... (gets angry and draws his saber) How could you...

(Then Colonel, Albedo and Nightwing come in)

Colonel: You are the bastard here, Zero. What did you expect? She searching for you? YOU killed her, Zero! After finding out about this, I sought nothing but vengeance!

Zero: Do you really hate me, Colonel?

Colonel: If I knew what Superman would do with my sister, I would never get involved in this war!

Zero: It's too late now, Colonel...

Colonel: Likewise, Zero. (to Iris) Sorry, Iris. But one of us will die today!

Ben 10: You're picking the wrong side, Looma!

(Leon, Finn, Qrow and Merida come in and fight Albedo and Nightwing. Zero fights Colonel, Ben 10 fights Looma, Batman fights Catwoman, Sora fights Iris, Leon fights Nightwing and the rest fights Albedo. The fights were epic, Zero and Colonel have a brief clash of sabers, Ben 10 becomes four arms and fights for real, Batman uses his strategy against his former lover, Sora easily defeats Iris as she watches Zero managing to defeat her brother, then Batman manages to defeat Catwoman and Ben 10 defeats Looma. Then Layer comes in)

Layer: Zero...

Zero: Layer... I'm sorry... As you can see...

(Then Zero is interrupted by a hug)

Layer: That's okay, darling. Iris just wasn't  good enough for you. You deserve more than her.

Zero: I know... You've been always there for me, and I simply didn't notice that out of grief.

(Then Layer kisses Zero, causing Iris to get in shock, then she falls in tears, knowing that she lost the man of her life forever. Then Leon keeps fighting Nightwing)

Leon: Bruce. Why is Nightwing fighting for the Regime?

Batman: This Nightwing is Damian Wayne. He was the responsible for the death of Dick Grayson, who was my true son.

(Batman decides to go all out against Damian Wayne. He is completely angered and doesn't hesitate to beat him up until he gets knocked out. Meanwhile Qrow uses his semblance to defeat Albedo)

Batman: Damian is dead to me!

(Then the heroes proceed to cuff the regime members)

Leon: Are you okay, guys?

Batman: Let's get moving.

(Super Sonic 2 beats Superman up until he uses a super spin dash to knock Superman out for a while, then he proceeds to help the heroes to free the prisoners)

Super Sonic 2: How is it going?

Leon: We're going great.

(Then they find and release the prisoners)

Cardin: (weakly) That super scum...

(Then Kevin notices Raven controlling Qrow)

Super Sonic 2: Uncle Qrow?

(Then Super Sonic 2 uses his techniques to defend himself against the mind-controlled Qrow. Then he decides he must fight his own uncle. After defeating his own uncle, he feels Raven's presence.)

Super Sonic 2: Show yourself!!

(Raven shows up trying to kill Kevin, only to be swept out by his incredible power and shot down by Sora's Keyblade shot. Outside the prison tower, Jin Saotome is seen still piloting Blodia and the robot punches Yellow Lantern, knocking him into the prison tower. Then Yellow Lantern gets up and notices the heroes, including Batman)

Yellow Lantern: Look what I found here...

(Then Kevin decides to turn into Super Sonic 3)

Super Sonic 3: I'm not afraid of you.

Yellow Lantern: I'll destroy the freedom force, then the insurgency!

(Yellow Lantern tries to stop Super Sonic 3. But the transformation is strong enough to keep fighting against the fallen guardian during two minutes. Then Super Sonic 3 knocks Yellow Lantern out)

Super Sonic 3: I told I wasn't afraid of you!

(In the watchtower, Shazam gets up and tries to attack Penny, but she stops him with her own electric attacks. Then she starts talking with him)

Penny: Tell me, Billy Batson. Do you still think the regime is the right way?

Shazam: I don't know... Invading other dimensions was really crazy...

Penny: Superman is a cruel and delusional being, Billy Batson. But I can feel that you're not. We both know that Superman won't stop until everyone and everything fears him. Tell me... What do you think he's gonna do?

(Back to the fight between the Insurgency and the Regime, Winter uses her techniques to freeze Superman while Steven and Hiro fight Yokai. Baymax punches Yokai and hero approaches him)

Hiro: I'll take this.

(Hiro takes Yokai's mask and his microbots are deactivated, causing him to fall. Peridot goes to save Yokai as she gets knocked out by Samurai Jack. Mega Man X uses his charge shot to attack Demitri while Jin pilots Blodia into attacking Sinestro and Black Adam. As the heroes finally get out of the prison tower, they manage to rescue the prisoners)

Super Sonic 3: This is Kevin. We are ready to teleport!

Penny: Understood!

(Superman wakes up and notices that he is trapped in the ice. He effortlessly breaks free and sees the heroes rescuing the prisoners. Then he sets to confront them)

Super Sonic 3: How about telling your version of the story, Kal?

Superman: Think about your family! This world needs to be perfected! Some lives must be taken! Crime must cease to exist!

Super Sonic 3: Even if crime took my family, I would not be the gun.

(Then Penny finally teleports the heroes off. Then Superman notices that the watchtower was taken over)

Superman: (angrily) The Watchtower!

(Superman flies towards the Watchtower, only to witness the explosion caused by the overheat. Cut to Beacon, Mercury is seen alongside his sister)

Mercury: Hahahahaha! HAHAHAHA! I really wanted to see that supeesucker's face when he witnessed the fireworks firsthand!

(As Mercury keeps laughing, Lex Luthor sends a message to Superman)


(Superman can hear that as he gets enraged. The heroes managed to rescue the prisoners. And it looks like Lex Luthor is already putting his plan into motion. Will he be able to stop Superman?)

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