Part 2

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John arranged to meet the Prince at 9:00 pm, but Henry arrived at 9:30 pm because he overslept. Henry went with three bodyguards, all of whom disguised themselves and snuck away into the night. Henry decided to pack his bags and go on "vacation", after all no one there paid attention to him. It was raining lightly, the Second Prince got in the car and left the Royal Palace. He looked back at the vast Palace but it made him feel empty for a moment before the car flew away into the dark night. Hackers say that Area 3 is most active at night so they can go meet the other person right away and then rest.

At 12 o'clock at night, they arrived in Area 3. Henry had sent someone to take care of a place to rest at the nearby Area 2 border, so they only needed to meet the Wizard. The hacker's name was John, a very ordinary name, but John was not.  Coming from Region 3, John is one of the best hackers so the Royal Family recruited him after John hacked the Royal Palace's computers only for the screens to show a video of two dogs fighting that no one could put down. . John said that the mysterious person he knew helped John find his kidnapped sister. He said they were a Magician. In fact, he was not an expert in magic, but there were many things that person did that was like magic, things like magic. When it comes to special situations, that person can help. Henry was happy and secretly admired after hearing this. A person who took John a week to contact was definitely not an ordinary person. Perhaps, he will be a super old foxy guy, looking big and handsome with a contemptuous smile on his face, looking like he just wants to punch but can't because that talented person is arrogant for a reason. Henry was already a little wary of that mysterious sneering person.

Henry kept thinking about the true Princess, she would be the most beautiful person in Aurelia, with a generous heart that would tame any mosquito that tried to bite her skin, her every move was perfect, when she walks away, everyone will have to check to see if their electronic contact lenses have any filters on... and Henry will be praised the most - The perfect Prince who can marry the Princess true. Of course, if he finds her and she doesn't have feelings for Henry, he won't force her or plan to do anything to her. But Henry is confident that his love for her is enough to make her flutter, even though he doesn't know who it is yet. With that face, title, and talent, Henry is confident that the true Princess will not be able to stand when she sees how good he is.

On the way, Henry and everyone disguised themselves very carefully. Accompanying him is the Chief Butler in his quarters as well as the servant who has taken care of him since childhood - Mr. Oscar. Oscar is a somewhat elegant looking uncle who has taken care of Henry since he was born. Oscar was sulking at Henry from beginning to end because he decided to run away from the Palace.

- What if I would be thrown into prison by the King, stoned by the people, or worse - forced to wear shiny leather all over my body?

- I think the shiny leather is beautiful

- Henry said

- But they make me look like a pile of mucus, they don't suit me

- Then you can return to the Royal Palace

- I was forcefully dragged along with the Prince, huh

Henry chuckled, he knew that although Oscar was afraid of being scolded by the King, he still tried to follow him to protect him.

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