Part 3

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Region 3 can be said to be a region very similar to the Cyberpunk scenario: the hybrid between high technology and space is not too high-class; People and complex members of society who need to pay attention that your eyes should best not look close to them; the neon lights are flickering with content that wants to attract those who need alcohol and bone grafting...

... In contrast to the always neat Zone 1, the main color is ivory white with many modern and sophisticated works.

John said that not everyone in Region 3 is a bad person, after the War opposed the prophecy, the lost party (Region 3) just wanted a peaceful life so those with below average beauty also accepted life. Many been living here and mostly try to keep their hearts pure. Oscar tried very hard not to complain about the covered raincoat he had to wear and was tied to the purple silk suit underneath. Occasionally, John had to be wary of Oscar not taking two more steps before stepping on the drunk person lying on the ground. Oscar hissed, his arms pressed against him and tried to tiptoe over the drunk person. For Henry, this was a truly new experience. In a place unfamiliar with the rain, wearing a raincoat, not someone holding the umbrella for him, he could clearly feel the cold that gave the Second Prince goosebumps, a dark space with lights from shops, Hologram advertising,... contrasting with each other, all create an extremely new thing for Henry.-Where are you going, tall babe?A beautiful girl wearing heavy makeup flirts with Henry. Henry was dumbfounded when he accidentally slipped and fell into a wall of flesh, or rather, a grumpy guy glared up- Walking some kind of way- Eh no, no...Henry's three bodyguards immediately approached when the brazen guy spoke

- It's easy to fall down on the sidewalk like this, go up the sidewalk and don't break your legs like my friendA skinny guy limped his head out and smiled: - I even broke 3 teeth Henry and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, smiled wryly and continued. It turned out that the guy just now looked scary and didn't meet the same social beauty standards, and his tone was fierce but he had good intentions. It's true that you can't look at people's faces and judge 

. The second prince felt both happy and a little excited from dopamine when he was scared just now. After a while, they reached the subway and then the station at the other end of Region 3. Using a taxi needs to scan your eyes to declare your identity, if the Royal Family knows he's in Region 3, it's chaotic. As for the mysterious person, he only agreed that they should come meet him. The more Henry imagined that mysterious person, the more he saw the edge of his mouth smile more contemptuously at him. They finally arrived at an apartment.

-Wait here, I'll ask the other guy to pick us up .

A moment later, John said they would go up to that mysterious person's apartment. On the way, John said the other person's identity was Magician Da Ho - Night Fox. That person is very talented in many areas, especially when it comes to relationships, and as long as they do this or that, they can even ask someone else to do it for them. Because that person is good and often helps others, he gets even more help. Henry feels a bit like his younger sister Merila, Merila is very good at speaking and diplomacy, there is no one who doesn't like her. Whenever he and the King had a heated argument, Merila could reconcile them. Going to the 20th floor of the building, John pressed the call button for people in apartment 2086. The door opened, they entered a very normal apartment but there was no one. John said the three bodyguards would stay in this apartment and they would go see the Night Fox privately. Next, they went to the bedroom on the left and went out and then went back to the 25th floor.

- Are you sure I'll be safe without my bodyguard? - Probably - John shrugged

Oscar and Henry peeked at each other. Henry was quite worried a bit. On the 25th floor, John led them to another apartment and pressed the 3-button, 2-button extension door. Henry nervously wanted to see the identity of the Night Fox. 

- Hello John 

Two people came out to hug John. A slightly chubby uncle, wearing quite dusty clothes and a woman about 36 years old, a bit round and dressed simply.

 - So... This must be Da Ho, right Henry stopped by and asked John silently, his face was still covered with a mask and pointed to the other uncle.

 - No... Where is Da Ho, Uncle Mary - John asked the other woman 

- Well, she went downstairs to buy some Macaroni.

 - Wait a minute, by the way, Uncle Mary, Uncle Gale, this is our customer: Prince Henry 

The two looked at them in surprise while they took off their mask and raincoat. 

- P... Prince, you're older than I thought - Gale gasped and stood in front of Oscar

Oscar felt insulted, placing one hand on his chest- Everyone at the Royal Palace said I looked 5 years younger than my real age- Stupid brother, this is Prince Henry - Mary pulled Gale back to where Henry is. Gale gasped, Mary continued gasping, as did the girl who had just entered the house. Everyone who saw someone suddenly entering the house was also surprised. A sudden burst of ice transmission spread. 

- That's Da Ho - John pointed at the girl at the door.

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