Part 5

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 Henry and everyone returned to the hotel, which was arranged in advance by Uncle Oscar. They were in Area 2 but close to Area 3. John stayed in Area 3 to visit his sister. Before breaking up, Kyra gave Henry the calling code. He only needed to select key 8 when calling using the electronic button implanted in his hand. As soon as he arrived at the hotel, they asked to pay with the latest ID scan - a full face scan. Luckily, Uncle Oscar paid for him, otherwise the news " Prince Henry in Area 2" would blow up and it would be very dangerous for the Prince when he's outside of Zone 1 like this. However, at night, when Uncle Oscar is in the room above and Henry returned from a walk, the hotel asked him to take off his mask to verify his identity and call the room owner. 

While Henry was waiting, news of the Second Prince's disappearance spread everywhere. As soon as he met Uncle Oscar's eyes coming down from the electromagnetic elevator, he knew they might be discovered when Uncle Oscar had recorded in the system that they paid for the room. 

 - I just called the bodyguards. When they come down, we will leave immediately. 

Uncle Oscar said as he adjusted his mask tighter. Henry's heart was pounding, where could they hide now? In Region 1 and Region 2, now all payments are made using the new system... maybe in Region 3... but no, it's too risky for a "missing" Prince like him. After waiting for a long time, three bodyguards came down. One of the three bodyguards said he knew a faster way to escape. Oscar had a bad feeling and said they should leave right at the main door to avoid being suspicious. Suddenly, both Henry and Oscar were knocked unconscious with quick and noiseless actions.

Waking up vaguely with the feeling that his body was tied tightly and that his mouth could only make sounds through the tape rather than speak clearly, Henry panicked and found himself lying next to Uncle Oscar who was gradually opening his eyes. 

The two of them were tied up in a dark room with only one light source from the LED lights on the ceiling. Henry tried to keep his balance and slammed himself against the thick steel door but failed. Tired while sitting down, suddenly a virtual screen appeared.

- Hello, Dear Prince, do you like our service?

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