Part 6

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On the screen appeared a guy with an chubby face, eyes covered by black steel plates and a robot hand.

- Prince, just stay there until your brother comes to redeem you, I promise to take full care of you two.

Having said that, the screen turned off. Henry was a bit panicked, what was he planning to do to Hector? Must escape and warning before Hector arrives. Oscar could only lie down and tremble in fear. Henry tried to calmly think. Moments later, one of the three bodyguards that betrayed them opened the door. Usually, this type of door is opened by scanning the electronic chip in the palm of the hand from the outside, that's what Henry remembers when he studied Mechanical Engineering. The bodyguard pulled off the tape and untied both of them

- Why did you do that? We hired you

 - Henry asked

- How naive, Prince

- The Royal Palace can give you a lot of money and status, tell me, what do you want? - Oscar groaned. 

The traitorous bodyguard said nothing, another henchman brought them two meals that didn't look very appetizing. Henry has martial arts, but the outside image shows that there are quite a few henchmen and can't do anything. Later, when the henchmen left, Henry also tried to contact everyone using the multi-purpose chip on his wrist but there was no network. He tried listening through the steel door and could see two guards talking. If he knocked on the door, there would definitely be as many soldiers as before.

- Oh, I knew we shouldn't have left the Palace, poor Second Prince, I don't know what will happen, huhu - Oscar was confused and felt sorry for himself.

- We'll get out of here, we'll get out of here

After a few meals, Henry was obedient, the number of henchmen gradually decreased and in the end up only one of the two guards left to give him food. Henry immediately resisted the soldier. Henry immediately injected him with an anesthetic that he had stored up when leaving the Palace to protect himself, hidden in the booth. The remaining soldier thought it was taking too long so he went in to see and saw Henry lying face down. He was confusingly looking at the remaining guard when the guard with Henry's face knocked him unconscious. Putting on two soldiers' clothes, he and Oscar tried to escape.

 Of course, the guard watching the camera saw them hitting the first guard, he alerted the henchmen and came running. Henry and Oscar were running away when they saw a team of henchmen. Henry told Oscar to run back to the cell with him, pretending to be two henchmen who went there quicker. The henchmen quickly ran to the cell to look at the two fainted bodies in the cell and then were locked by Oscar. Henry and Oscar quickly ran through the hallway, rapidly observed, Henry pulled Oscar to the nearby kitchen section. They could hear the sound of another team of henchmen approaching. 

Oscar panicked:

- Why did we come here, Prince?

- Usually in the kitchen... ha, here it is

Henry pulled Oscar into the trash dump, right to a trash can in a small alley. Oscar grimaced in resignation and tried to run after him.

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