Part 7

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After running away, Henry and Oscar decided to quickly hide in a small shop that was closed because the henchmen were about to approach. They tried to open the door but couldn't. Henry immediately hacked the door's electronic security and they escaped. After making sure the henchmen were far away, Henry immediately sent John the address and sent a message to his brother Hector that he had escaped.

 Cold, tired, unclean, wearing random clothes, Henry and Oscar sat on their knees, silently looking at each other, then Henry pondered again. A Second Prince like him has never been in such a situation, it's scary... but also very exciting. It was also a bit fortunate that Henry was not a very stupid person, and his kidnapper was actually not very advanced.

 - We should go back to the Royal Palace, you see, Prince, we've already been kidnapped.

- Sorry Oscar, I still want a chance to prove myself.

While Oscar complains about the Prince being able to find the perfect girl without going out, there is a loud noise outside. Just in case, Henry sat down under the window and took a nearby mirror to look in the opposite direction, it was John. John came to pick them up in a flying car.

- Where are we going now, Your Highness?

- I think we should return to the Royal Palace immediately after what just happened - Oscar

- What's up? - John asked


- We'll talk later, right now I don't want to return to the Royal Palace, and also need a shelter where payment can't be scanned by face or easily found, do you have any suggestions, John?


- Hm... how about going to Kyra's house?... that place is in Area 3 but it's quite safe and hard to find. Region 3 has a few payment places that scan chips in hand, but they are in areas that are not very safe 


- Let's go to her house temporarily and ask for her opinion, I will text her to give her a notice first.

Later, at Kyra's house.

Kyra: So you escaped the kidnapping place on your own, quite talented, Prince 

Henry shyly:'s nothing, I'm used to these things

Kyra: used to being kidnapped?

Henry: No, I mean getting used to trying to escape from a place I want to escape from

Oscar: You don't know how many times I said goodnight to him at 9pm, only to catch him back from the Club at 11pm

Kyra: Why, after all that, do you still want to venture into Area 3 just to find someone you don't even know is real?

Henry thought back to the thrill and joy he felt when he first escaped, when he had a little adventure: I... really wanted to find that Person, besides, being in Area 3 didn't seem so bad

Everyone immediately looked towards the person who had just been tricked, betrayed, kidnapped and chased. 

The area where Kyra lives has many people who are quite nice and secretive, so Kyra agreed that they could stay temporarily. The prince will not be allowed to go out without permission, and should stay away from windows as much as possible. Luckily, there were 2 rooms left since Kyra's parents and her younger brother, who had long since moved to Region 2.

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