Chapter 11: Regain the strength

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Hyperdimension Neptunia. Here is Chapter 11. So, sit back relax and enjoy the story.


After a few minutes of walking, you finally reach the training hall. You enter inside to only find it is as the way it is left the last time you are here. "Well... I guess I better get it underway." You mumble under your breath as you walk to the centre of the room and close your eye.

You then start to concentrate your power as you draw out the darkness strength in you. "Here goes nothing..." You thought to yourself as you enter your sprit world in order to reawaken the strength that you once own.

You arrive at your sprit world shortly to only find yourself in the middle of an abyss. "I guess this must be my sprit world where the power of darkness been seal up in here huh?" You said as you start to walk and explore the place. As you continue to walk, you then suddenly felt a sinner presence coming beyond a door that was located in front of you.

Knowing what is behind it, you waste no time to enter the room. When you enter the room, you notice a dark figure, that look like you, were currently sitting down there with a chain on the neck. "My, my, what do we have here? A little kid coming back to cry to his father about his miserable state he is in after sealing his father here for who knows how long have pass..." It speaks as it stood up and look at you with a cold and hated eye.

"Enough joking around...Are you the darkness that reside in me?" You ask as you try not to be intermediate by his look. "Man...You are boring for being the one to make me end up in this state... Yes, I am. I am the one who you have seal away when you have awakened your true power due to that incident. You, who have been using a little of my strength, seem to be able to survive to now... I am impress." It says as if it is mocking you.

"And? What do you want from me now?" It asks. "I want you to grant me your strength once more to protect those that I care about. Please become one with me once more!" You said as you release the seal that was bounded to it.

It looks at you and thought for a while. "Become with you once more? What a selfish thing you speak off after you are the one who separate me from you... Tell me what your reason for wanting my strength and I will consider." It asks as it look at you with a cold gaze expression. You took a deep breath before speaking.

"I... No. Ever since the day she died, or rather at that moment she died, I have awakened you due to the hated and anger against the demon clan. During that awaken state, I lost myself to your power and start to kill anything and anyone in my way and when I came to my sense, I realise that all demon clan have been killed.

I was afraid of you at that time honestly... You, who is born out of negative emotion, is reside in me granting me immerse amount of power is scaring me. I was afraid if I were to lose myself or give in to you, I might hurt people around me that why I seal you up.

However, I know that is not enough. In order to fully control your power, I have to sacrifice my emotion in exchange for your power which I am not prepare to it. I don't want to lose the meaning of life. If I were to exchange them for your power then I know I will come to regret in the future.

But now... after the fight with Diablo, I come to understand that if I want to get stronger, if I want to protect people that I care around, I will need you, you who is the strongest and yet the most fear power that will bring any kind of seeker to their knee. Hence, I came to this decision." You said as you clench your fist tight in determination while looking at it.

"You willing to face your fear, which is me just in order to protect people you care about huh... I see... Your eye tells me that you are willing to sacrifice anything just to want to protect your family, friends and people you love... What a nice resolve you have.

You get one thing wrong thou... I have no idea who tells you that you need to sacrifice your emotion or feeling or any of that crap, but the truth is as long as you can control my power in the awaken state, you will not have to pay them as a medium to control it." It says as it walks to you.

"What? So, all this time I am just having the wrong concept of you? Haizz... somehow it wears me out even more than before..." You say as you wonder why on earth did you think that way before. It smirks at you.

"However, if you were to use your awakening state, I cannot grantee you will be able to control my power compare to when you are using my power during your normal state. In awakening state, you will be expose to all my negative power resulting you to have only 5% chance of controlling yourself. If you were to lose to that power, you will go on a rampage until you ran out of power.

But nevertheless, if you are using my power normally then that should not be any problem. I must warn you that you must never ever go into the awaken state nor matter the situation and must not give in to your rage easily once you reobtain my strength. Knowing that, do you still want my power?" It asks as it look at you. You nodded without even need to think twice as you told it the same exact reason you told it early on.

"I see... So, you are resolve to it huh... Then as for the final step, prove it to me your determination and your strength. Prove it to me so I can acknowledge you!" It said as you and it get into each respectively battle stance.

"Here I come!" You said as you charge at it with your sword. It then parries your sword and counter you with a heavy blow to your stomach. "Ack...?" You groan in pain as you barely keep your conscious. "I forgot to say. Since this is your spirit world, you and I will not be killed or rather the way to win me is to either knock me out cold, which is impossible or make me surrender." It taunted as it looks at you with a grin.

"Tch... I am not giving up so easily!" You said as you get back to your feet and rush at him again with this time activating your sword skill <Strike shot>, where it prevents opponent from countering the attack. However, it seen the attack and doge it and deliver a powerful strike to your body again. You felt to your keen again as you try and endure the pain.

Not giving you anytime to recover, it then delivers another strike to your stomach sending you flying a few meters away. You start to cough in pain as you felt the energy from your body is depleting fast. "What the heck? I somehow feel that my power was been drain out from my body fast...This is bad... at this rate I won't be able to defeat it!" You thought to yourself as you try to raise to your feet while noticing it is approaching you.

"What wrong? Are you that weak? Hehehe... look like you are nothing full of talk only. Look like this is it..." It mocks at you as you continue to try and get on your feet.

"N...not yet... I am...not giving up...I promise...her...promise Lapis that... I protect...this that she loves... that why...I will not fall!" You muster every last strength in your body and stood up. "This is my resolve! Final art: Endless Struggle!" You shouted as you deal an attack base on the strength in stamina that the user has left.

You then caught it off guard and manage to a massive amount of damage to it causing it to stumble back a bit as it falls on to it knee. "ha... ha... did I manage to defeat it? No... it seems like it still standing. It should be unable to stand for a while. Time to finish this!" You thought to yourself as you deliver a final blow at it causing the result to be clear.

"...I have been defeated by rather the willpower and resolve that you have huh..." It said as it looks at you with it cold eye. "Very well...You have pass the test master. Once again, I shall give you my power to assist you in anyway possible. I believe that the you as in now can wield my power as yours. Remember one thing... Never ever lose sigh on what is important." It said as it starts to fade away while you feel that your original power is coming back. "I will not let that tragic happen again! I swear in the name of the Seeker." You mumble to yourself as you leave your spirit world.

When you open your eye again, you find yourself back at the training room as the silence continue to fill the air. You then try to move your body to find it was heavy. "Urrg... I feel sick...I see... so this is the after effect when you enter your own sprit world huh...Thou that said, I have feel that my power has return." You mumble as you stood up while head to the living room to meet up with the rest.

When you enter the living room, you notice the goddess and their mother was currently enjoying their talk. You then turn to find Kiria, Compa and IF on the other side was currently enjoying their tea time for some reason. You let out a sigh and told Kiria to contact you once they are done via telepathy.

"Where are you going Onii-chan?" Kiria ask as you check your equipment one last time. "To have a revenge match with Diablo." You said as you left the room. However, before you can leave the room, you feel a light tug from behind to find Kiria was hugging you tightly refusing to let you go.

"No Onii-chan! Please don't go!"


Okay, let stop here for now. It was kind of hard to find a stopping point for this chapter. As much as I would like to continue to write, let us save the excitement for the next chapter. Until then, Peace Out! 😊

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