Chapter 12: Seek for Revenge

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Hyperdimension Neptunia. Here is Chapter 12. So, sit back relax and enjoy the story.


"Nepu? What's wrong Kiria? We could hear your voice from here...Nepu? Why are you hugging your brother so tightly? Don't tell me that you-"

"Just stop right there Neptune. You are starting to become like Compa..." You said as you let out a sigh. "Kiria, please let go of me. I need to go and destroy it once and for all before it comes and destroy Planeptune. There is no one else can do a better job when it comes to destruction." You said in a soft tone as you pat Kiria head lightly.

"But Onii-chan! With those wound of yours, you won't even last a minute against it. Furthermore, I don't want to see you dying. You fought it previously and was about to get kill, do you even understand how I feel?" Kiria said as she starts to cry. You just stood there in silence with a guilty look on your face.

"...Sorry, but now I have to do what I need to do to protect this world." You said as your hair cover your eye. However, despite what you said, Kiria continue to hold on to you. "I am not letting you go no matter what Onii-chan!" Kiria said with a determine tone. You sigh as you didn't want to resolve to this method.

"Forgive me, Kiria... I will make up to you somehow." You said as you knock Kiria out as you hold onto her body to avoid her slamming into the ground. You than went ahead and put her on the sofa.

"Nepu? Did you just knock your sister out? How cruel can you be? I get that you want to defeat that monster but don't you understand that Kiria is worried about you? You seem to be more violent than before for some reason, the old you will not even lay your hand on your sister." Neptune said as she and the rest glare at you.

"I have become more violent huh...Well I won't deny that or at least that was my true personality from the start. It just that I have seal that personality up till now. Well regardless, I don't care how you see me or what so ever as my only mission now is to defeat diablo and nothing matter to me as for right now." You said coldly as you look at them.

"Oi [Y/N], cut it out. We know that you obtain back your power and this is your true personality but you don't have to be that way to them. They are just worried about you." Tia said with an angry look on her face as you look away with a sigh. "Anyway, I am going...I left Kiria in your care Tia." You say as you snap your figure and teleport away.

You than arrive in an area that look like hell. "As usual, nothing has changed much huh..." You thought to yourself as you walk towards the room where Diablo lies in. When you reach the room, you kick open the door and glare at it.

"So...You have come [Y/N]. That expression on your face tells me that you have awaken your power already huh...Very good...indeed very good..." Diablo said as he stood up and grab it lance before walking towards you.

"Cut the chase and let get into it shall we? I have a score to settle with you after all." You said as you drew out your sword and enter your battle stance. You than start to chant "In the name of the Seeker. I, [Y/N], Successor of the Chaos and Destruction shall release the seal and grant me the strength!"

At that moment, a dark energy was release from your body as it surrounds you. As it dies down, you are now in a dark sinner armour emitting dark aura; another sword that give the feeling of death appear on another hand; and a helmet that give people the feeling of despair.

"That form... As always, no matter how much I see it, I could not help but to tremble in fear... Indeed, you are worthy of the name of Seeker of Chaos and Destruction..." Diablo speak as it feels onto it feet upon feeling the pressure from you.

"Hmph...Frankly speaking, I do not wish to rely on this strength of mine as it brings me nothing but unhappiness. However, now that I have something that I wish to protect, I have no choice but to rely on this power once more even if means to sacrifice everything that I have! Thou that said, it been a while since I feel this sensation, do entertain me alright, Diablo!" You said with a sadistic and a sinner smile which you are currently hiding due to the helmet.

Diablo than release a series of lighting bolt at you as you cancel the attack out easily by just swing your sword. "Tch... As expected, you power and strength seem to become another level compare to your human form. Before we fight, can I just ask something that I fail to ask before?" Diablo ask as it look at you with a determine look.

"Hehehe... you are going to die either way yet you are trying to bet for mercy? Well not that it is going to change anything but since you manage to defeat my human form, I guess I will answer to my best ability than." You let out a sinner laugh as you cross your arm.

"Are you a human and are you really [Y/N]?"

"...I see. So that is what you want to know huh. Well first off, I am the same [Y/N] from my human form and nothing have changed much other than my personality when I enter to this form. Next off, I am still a human to a certain extend or rather I am partially human in this form." You explain with a sigh as Diablo shoot you a confuse look while you look back at him with a disappointed look thinking that he will ask something more interesting.

"So, you are not really a human in actual fact?" It asks.

"Hmm...I wonder. To a certain extend that we are human until we awaken our seeker power that is. You see, we seeker start of as human who contain desire of certain thing and till a certain extent, we will awaken the power that holds that desire which will we then inherit it power and will from the previous wielder.

However, when we awaken that power, our blood will undergo a transformation which allow the power to merge with it resulting and allowing us to enter to this state known as 'True Awakening' or true form for a simple term. In this form, we are not half human, another half is what we call 'Desire'.

This form 'Desire', as what we call it, represent another us. You may call it as our split personality to a certain degree. Well franking speaking, I only know up to this much. Anymore than this I afraid I don really have the answer. Have this answer your question?" You said as you get enter your battle stance while looking at Diablo.

"That is some complicated stuff you have there. Yes... You have answered my question. In return for telling me all this, I will come at you with my full strength. Do not disappoint me this time [Y/N]." Diablo said as it glares at you, preparing to make his move. "Same goes for you!" You shouted as you charge at him resulting the battle to begin...


Okay, let stop here for now. The next time we shall witness the battle between the reader and Diablo. Until then, peace out! 😊 

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