Chapter 2: A confuse feeling develop

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Hyperdimension Neptunia. So sit back, relax and enjoy the story. Here is Chapter 2.


"Nep-ko, we are back! I have brought your pudding already." You heard a voice coming from the doorway as you could hear the door been open. You then saw Neptune get to the doorway at an insane speed and wonder what is going on.

As you lost in your thought, you notice that two girls have walk into the living room while Neptune was behind them eating her pudding while making a joyful expression. You notice that one of the girl wear a large huge jacket over a black shirt while the other wear a pink colour dress-like shirt. Not knowing who they are, you ask "Erm, who are you girls?"

"I could ask the same thing mister. Should you not introduce yourself before asking for our name?" The girl in the large huge jacket said as she look at you as if you are a suspicious looking person. You close your eye and say "My bad, I am [Y/N] an adventure."

The girl let out a small sigh and said "I am IF, call me Iffy if you want and the girl over here is Compa. Nice to meet you." Compa smile at you as you bow your head slightly to greet them.

"By the way, you say you are an adventure? So you also work for the guild?" IF ask as she walk and sit beside you on the sofa. You then saw Neptune went back playing her game and realize that she have finish 1 entire pack of pudding.

"Just how much can she eat?" You thought to yourself as you sweatdrop and not sure if you should be impress with it or not. You then turn towards IF and say "Yes and no. I am a freelancer so I am not bounded to needing to help the guild. Most of the time I just pop by and do some quest. It seem like you work for the guild, I assume."

IF look at you and nodded and say "Thou now I have become someone 'slave' due to her lazy attitude." You know exactly who she was talking about and look at Neptune. You sigh and ask "How many people is actually helping to prevent this nation from destruction?"

Everyone exclude Neptune raise their hand and you could not help but felt that at this rate this country will fall in one way or another. You glance at Neptune who was smiling and laughing away as she play her game.

"...Gezz, this is the first time of my entire life as the 'Black Demon' see a lazy goddess running a whole nation. I wonder if the other 3 nation CPU are like that too. Well, I guess in a way I am enjoying my life as it is so I guess I will time hang around Neptune for the time being to kill some time." You thought to yourself as you hope that they would not find out your identity in one way or another.

As you continue to watch Neptune playing her game, you suddenly hear a phone rang in a distance. You turn and saw it was actually Neptune phone. "Hey [Y/N], can you pass me my phone?" Neptune ask as she look at you with a puppy eye. You sigh and toss it to her, which she catch it.

"Nepu! Gezz, I say pass not throw. What will you do if my phone break?" Neptune ask as she frown her eyebrow. You roll your eye and said "Just answer your call." You see Neptune reaction changes as she answer it.

After she put it down, you saw her change into her CPU form and say something to Nepgear which she then leave the house through the balcony. "She look worried...I wonder what wrong. Wait why should I even care?" You shook your head as IF look at you like you have lost your mind.

"What did, Purple heart said before she leave?" You ask in curious as you drink your water. Nepgear explain the whole situation to you as you listen to it quietly.

"I see... so there is an enemy name Arfoire that you all have been fighting till this day and has been defeating her. So now she creating some weird thing in the wasteland on the outskirt of Gamindustri accompany a few unknown people and wanting to destroy you all. So Neptune and her friends of CPU is going there to deal with it?" You say as you see Nepgear nodding her head.

"I should better go and check on Neptune and her friends in order to ensure that they are not caught up in any kind of trouble. Not to mention, I am somehow worried about Neptune. Hold on a minute, why am I worried about her? Arrg what the hell is wrong with me today?" You rub your hair as you thought to yourself. Again, you could feel that IF is giving you that look.

You decided to leave and go to check on Neptune. "I should go home first to get my equipment before I go to the location. I don't want them to know who I am anyway." You mumble as you head for home to dress into your 'Black Demon' outfit.

After you are in the outfit, you decided to use teleportation magic to prevent creating an uproar in the city, after all you a the 'Black Demon' that everyone fear off. "I really not good in teleport magic so let just hope that I can teleport to the wasteland successfully." You say as you activate the magic.

'Splash' you teleported into the sea and was 1 meter off from the wasteland. "...I should really work on the teleportation magic..." You sigh as you swim towards the land. As you reach the land, you dry your hood with a simple wind magic and heard an explosion coming off from a distance. "What is that?" you thought to yourself as you back your hood and rush off the location where the explosion was heard.

When you reach there, you saw Neptune was been capture and been tie up to the wall while the other CPU was trying to save her but was been interrupted by a bunch of weird gun robot accompany by a Pink and Blue robot. You then notice a grey colour amour looking robot, which remind you of gundam series, was holding up Neptune chin while touching her everywhere.

Upon seeing this, you could not help but to feel frustrated for some reason. "That bustard! I am so going to destroy him and break him into pieces for touching Neptune!" You said as you emit dark aura energy around you. Just as you was about to walk out of your hiding place to attack him, you heard a familiar voice coming from a distance.

"Hiya!" You saw a girl in a black jacket, wearing a pair of denim pants and holding a light blue crystal looking sword which is somewhat similar to your design. You immediately come to realize that she is your disciple, Kiria, who is also sort of your little sister when you are not in your 'Black Demon' attire. (AN: I know it sound complicated but i will cover this part in 2 chapter or so.)

"What the hell is she doing here? No I should say when did she even get here? The last time I remember was she is currently training how to use her power... Have she master it?" You silently thought to yourself as watch her destroying all the gun robot that the other CPU have trouble with.

You then notice that there is a purple witch suddenly appear in front of them and summon a large mutated monster which she call it Zillion. "So that witch is Arfoire, I suppose...Opps now it not the time to watch how the CPU and Kiria deal with her and the other pink and blue robot." You mumble as you see that Neptune, who was on the verge of crying, was still been touch by the Gundam robot.

Being anger by him, you then release a dark stream of energy beam at him causing him to fly towards Arfoire and her friends. "Who there?" You heard him shouted and you walk out of your hiding place. "Master!" Kiria said as she look at you with happiness.

You sigh in relief as kiria has not forget the promise with you and went to free Neptune. "Who are you?" Neptune ask as she was pull up by you. You then turn and face towards the Gundam suit looking robot and his friends. While pointing your sword at them you said "Many people call me 'Black Demon'. I am here to assist you CPU."

"'Black Demon', you say?" The CPU in white hair said as she speak your name. You look at the CPU and said "I presume you are?" The CPU then introduce themselves to you. "I you are Lady Norie, Lady Vert, Lady Blanc and...Lady Neptune." You say as you and Neptune when and stood beside Kiria.

"Although I know your name already..." You thought to yourself while thinking that acting sure is tough. "Master..." Kiria said as she look at you. You then pat her head as she smile happily. "Guess you have not change huh?" You said as Kiria seem to enjoy you patting her head.

"Well then I assume that you, CPU goddess have a ton of question for me, but let save that for later. We have 4 robots plus one mutated monster to deal with here. What do you say that we take this things down before we start our Q&A section?" You turn and look at them through your hood.

They nodded and was ready to engage into the battle. You smirk as you release your limiter and said "Sorry to keep you all waiting, now let me show you all the true meaning of fear!"


Okay, let stop here for now. Honestly, I think I have bring in villain from Megadimension Neptunia but does it matter? Well personally I think it is still fall under Hyperdimension Neptunia. Who knows if I will be continue to use them...Well the next time we shall see how Reader and his disciple together with the CPU take down their foe. Until then, Peace out!J


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