Chapter 3: The first fight...

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Hyperdimension Neptunia. Here is chapter 3. So sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


"You say you are the 'Black Demon'?" Arfoire look at you with slight fear in her eye. You could clearly see that somehow she know about you and is currently fear of you. You then let out a small smirk.

"Oh? So what... It does not change the facts that I will kill all of you here." You said in a cold and evil tone which cause everyone to look at you with fear. You then start to emit a huge dark aura around you and decided to destroy the gundam looking robot who have been touching Neptune just now.

You then charge at him and deal a close range 5-hit combo slash at him. "Tch... you are good." He say as he jump back after receiving the damage. You then look at him with a dark, cold and lifeless eye which cause him to shiver in fear.

"W-who are you really? I could sense a huge dark power from you. You don't look like you are holding any share power thou. Just what is your source of energy?" He ask as you charge up your sword with your dark energy which cause it to glow in an eerie black colour.

"Hmm... you somehow seem to be able to sense it... well then, let just say for a bloody hentai like you deserve some credit for able to understand my strength. I will give it to you." You say as you walk slowly towards him as you watch him holding out a large silver colour sword.

"Oh? At your death bed you seem to struggle like a pathetic bug...Well not like I care in anyway." You said as you wonder what is going on with you now. "Why am I feeling so piss off with him? This is the first time someone have make me so angry..." You thought to yourself as you could sense that the dark energy is telling you to give him a painfully death.

"I, Affimojas, shall not go down without a fight. I am a warrior, who deserve blonde hair girls with large tits and good body figure. So I will defeat you and claim Lady Neptune... no, it will be both Lady Vert and Lady Neptune for myself." Affimojas say as he hold out his sword and prepare his two handed SP skill.

"Mr 'Black Demon', please kill and wipe off this hentai off from the surface."

"I am going to have nightmare tonight. Maybe I should ask Nepgear to comfort me later."

You sweatdrop at how much they hated perverts and remember that it is pretty normal for a girl to hold that much grudge against a hentai.

"Eat my attack 'Black Demon'! Vortex final blow!" Affimojas said as he jump towards you with his both hand rise above him. "Know your place trash. Finish move: Chaos Blade!" You said as you do one of your most favourite finishing move on him.

Chaos Blade. A special move that you invented with deal a quick unseen 100 hit combo following up with a 250 hit combo of dark aura attack giving you a boost in all your states by 25% at the same time restoring your health and stamina by 10%. It also gave the user all the aliment buff for 90 second. It is an instant one hit kill move on any kind of foe.

Even if the foe was to survive it, the foe will gain all the debuff and bad statues aliment condition. Quite op right? Thou the down side is that you can only use it when your limiter is off and against a single enemy on top of that it seem to exhaust your strength greatly. Worst case if you use to much? Well you will just die.

Immediately, Affimojas was been spilt into many different small part. Everyone look at you with both shock and surprise at the same time. You then chuckle a little and said "So much for a scrap metal gundam figuring eh? Well then who next?" You turn and look at the remaining 3 and one mutated monster, who seem to ignore you and was busy fighting with Kiria.

"I don't think that monster will post you much of a trouble thou...." You silently thought to yourself as you watch Kiria attacking the monster rapidly. You sigh and then turn to look at the 2 robot looking person and Arfoire coldly.

"Well then, I guess it you 3 huh?" You hold out your sword pointing in horizontal at them while a sinner aura seem to surround around your sword which cause the goddess to look at you in horror. "Just as I thought...anyone who see me in this form would likely be afraid and fall into the state of fear..." You look at Neptune and the rest who have a horrific looking expression on their face.

You then decided to take out the blue looking robot first. You then rush at him with an extremely fast speed following it with a jump and deal a perfect clean slash horizontally down causing him to cut into half.

"....I feel like I am doing the thing they call watermelon split which people do when they are at the beach." You thought in silence as you stood there looking at the blue robot lay down there.

You then turn but to realise that the pink robot and Arfoire has run away. You decided to activate back your limiter. You then look at Kiria and notice that she has also taken down the monster. You look at the goddess which they are still in their HDD form.

You then saw Noire pointing her weapon at your face. "Who are you? Put down the hood so that we can see your face. If you do anything funny, I will stab you." Noire say as she glare at you. Notice that her hand is slightly shaking, you sigh as you cross your arm.

"Lady Black I suppose. Your hand is shaking in fear am I right? Well, it seem that I might have inflict fear into you 4 lady mind. I apologise for that. However, as much as I like to show myself, I would like you to excuse me and my disciple for now. I believe we will be seeing one another soon or later. Farewell." You said as you activate your teleport magic on you and Kiria.

You two then disappear from the sigh of the goddess and have arrived back to your home. Expect that you guys landed in front of your door. "Ouch, gezz. Master, wait since now it only the two of us and you have finish your job as the 'Black Demon', I can call you Oni-chan right?" Kiria said as she look at you with her puppy eye.

You sigh as you start to remember the day where you meet her....


Okay, let stop here for now. The next time we shall see the reader flashback on how he and Kiria meet. Until then, Peace out!J


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