Chapter 21 - Vs Nodne Part 2

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own anything of the following character from Hyperdimension Neptunia. Here is chapter 21. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


You look up to see Nodne surprise expression as it took a couple of steps away from you. "I don't believe it, why... why did she appear in front of you? After all this time I had tried to reach you... why didn't you appear in front of me?" Nodne asks with a hint of sadness in its voice as it looks down on the ground. You struggle to get up to your feet as you just almost experience a life and death experience.

"Tch... what was that..." You said as you try to look up at Nodne. You then notice that his expression has to turn odd as you wonder what has happened. You thought for a moment and realize that you just might have seen Rayla.

"I see... So that is why I was been bought there to see her, although I almost thought I have died." You mumble under your breath while feeling an odd sense of power flowing through your body.

"Hey Nodne, seem like you are in a shock huh?" You taunted as you can feel the pressure from his gaze. "Judging from his look, he seems to know that I have seen Rayla... This is bad. His killer intent seems to be overwhelming. Tch, one wrong move and I will be dead." You though in silence as you wonder desperately at what can you do.

"You have the power to defeat him. Please... Please save him from suffering. I no longer want to see him suffer over my death. Tell him that I love him."

You hear a voice in your head as you scan your surrounding but to see no one expect for Nodne, who stood in front of you with an overwhelming aura. "I have the power to defeat him huh? Well, I won't deny that but it has been a long time since I unleash that strength, tho I won't use it as it comes with a drawback. But... I promise Neptune that I will protect her!" you thought to yourself as you strengthen the hand in which you held your sword.

"Nodne! This is my true form. Watch carefully as I shall defeat you and free you from your suffering." You said as you raise your right hand as a dark aura surrounds your body while a crest appears behind you.

"In the name of the successor of the dark lord, I, [Y/N], shall release the bond that holds the seal and grant me your strength!" You said as a body emits out an eerie-looking light as you feel an overwhelming power run through your soul.

As the light dies down, you look down to your body to realize that you have now covered in an amour where you have two plasma cannon attach to each of your waist, two dark swords equipped on your back of your shoulder, a pair of mobility wings which seem floating invisibility on your back near your arm and a dark aura covering your whole body.

"What... is this power? How come you have those strengths? Who are you serious?" Nodne asks in surprise as he wonders who you are.

"Hmph... I wonder about that too sometimes. I am indeed Seeker of Chaos and Destruction but at the same time, I am hiding my true identity. Well, I guess I don't mind telling you as you are going to die with the secret. My father is known as Seeker of Darkness and Light who is currently living in the seeker world while my mom is currently known as 'Guardian of the Goddess' who is currently living in this world... well somewhere..." You said as you drew out your sword as Nodne enter his battle stance.

"Hehehe... That explains a lot of things as much it is insane to see both evil and good flowing through your blood and strength." Nodne said as he senses both the seeker and goddess power flow through you. You ignore him and went for the kill as you launch multiple attacks on him.

As the fight drag on for another 5 minutes or so, you notice that Nodne attack was getting dull and knew that he is about time to rang out of strength to fight. Not wanting to drag out anymore longer, you decided to unleash your strongest move set <<Phantom Reload>>.

Phantom Reload

An attack that can be used only when [Y/N] is in the true form. It is used by shooting with the two-plasma cannon and creating a devastating beam, which is a combination of the power of seeker and goddess, enabling the user to destroy anything in its ways.

You jump back a couple of steps and aimed with both of your plasma cannons at Nodne. "Nodne, you are one of the strongest opponents that I have come to fight so far. Forget all of your hated and rest in peace." You said as you fire off your cannon and landing a direct hit on to Nodne. You watch as he reveals back to his normal form and fall on to the ground.

"It all over huh..." You said as you transform back to your human look while you approach Nodne. You kneel beside him to watch his body start to fade into the air. Noticing that he is still conscious, you decided to ask a pointless question.

"So... what do I call you now? Since you are back in this form, should I call you Endon or still Nodne?"

"Heh, suit yourself [Y/N]. Hey... do you mind if I ask you something?"

"You the world stronger seeker is asking me a question? Wow, what joke are you cracking now?" You ask jokingly as you let out a grin.

"Not anymore after you defeat me." He replies as he struggles to speak the words out from his mouth. Knowing that he did not have the time left in this world, you nodded to him.

"Do you think... what I have done is pointless?" He asks. You look at him in surprise for a second before understanding what the point of him asking these questions.

"Well, I shall call you Nodne regardless, however...I am sorry. I don't know the answer to that... In my view, it seems pointless, but... how do you view it, is it not that more important than how others see things?" You said as you stood up while you watch Nodne smile at you one last time before disappearing completely from Gamindustri.

"Well then now my work is done here, time to pick the girls up." You mumble under your breath as you struggle to the room where Neptune and the rest is been held. Upon entering the room, you saw that all 4 of them are still in a capsule. You drew out what strength you left and break them free from it while catching Neptune in your arm, leaving the rest of the goddess to fall onto the ground. You went and put Neptune down gently on the ground as you heard footsteps approach you.

"You alright, [Y/N]?"

You turn to see that the rest of your friends have arrived at the scene. "I am fine... or so I wish to say that... I leave the rest to you... all" You said as collapse onto the floor due to the exhaustion from the fight against Nodne, not before you hear your friends calling out to you one last time.


Okay, let stop here for now. The next chapter will be the last and final which will conclude the story. Until then, Peace Out! 😊

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