Chapter 22 - Final

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own anything of the following character from Hyperdimension Neptunia. Here is chapter 22. This will be the last and final chapter for this story. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


"Urk... hm?" You mumble under your breath as you open your eye weakly.

"Kek... my head feels like it has been hit by a meteor or something. What has happened... oh right... after my fight with Nodne and save Neptune the rest, I must have used up all my strength and have collapsed on the ground due to the fatigue huh? Now then... how long have I been out and where am I? Hmm... I wonder if the Neptune and the rest are safe?" You continue mumble as you struggle to move your body.

As you were trying to get your body to move as to how you wanted, you suddenly touch something soft and squishes, which fit your hand size nicely. "Hmm? This soft sensation... what on earth is this? Pillow or a softball?" You said as you flip up your blanket to see a cute sleeping Neptune next to you.

You then trace down to your hand as you notice that you are currently touching her breast and immediately handoff from it. You then look back at Neptune who is still sleeping soundly. "Whew... guess I am safe." You thought to yourself as you bring the blanket up to Neptune's shoulder while getting off the bed.

You look around the room and realize that you are currently at your room and wonder how did you get back here along with the mystery of why Neptune is sleeping next to you. Not wanting to think of it so much, you decided to change into something comfortable before exiting your room.

When you head into the living room, you notice that there is no one there and wonder where Kiria had gone to. You decided to sit down on the sofa as you think back on the fight with Nodne.

"...Something does not sit right with me. Nodne said something about his backstory not that I really care but the part that Rayla soul makes Gamindustri does not seem to make sense... Who is Rayla really? Why can her soul create this world..." You close your eye as you try to collect your thoughts.

"Let see... So far, we know that the Celestia realm is a part of Gamindustri and it a hidden part while Gamindustri is a world where it is been held by share core to maintain the share of the CPU and the candidates. Share is made of pure power... but it disappears 250 years ago. Hmm... So how did Rayla's soul come into the picture? ...Hm? Disappear 250 years ago?

Wait what did Nodne say again? He and Rayla exist before all of this happens right? However, back at the time they are in our world when their tragic incident takes place... So, what happened during that period of time... Unless Gamindustri is a part of the seeker world? But that is just crazy!" You mumble under your breath.

"Haizz... Well no point thinking about it for the time being. Guess when the time comes to deal with it, I shall find a way." You thought to yourself as you heard footsteps coming out of your room.


You look up to see Neptune standing there with tears in her eye. Before you can ask her what wrong, Neptune went ahead and tackle you on your stomach. You could swear that you almost felt an organ coming out of your mouth.

"!!!... My injury! Neptune, don't suddenly go and do a full-body tackle on me! I am still in-" You stop your word halfway as you hear Neptune crying and was currently holding onto your shirt tightly.

"... I am so glad that you are awake [Y/N] ..." She said as she squeezes out the word from her mouth. Feeling guilty that you made her cry and worried about you, you give her a tight hug as you apologize for it.

After a while, you notice Neptune has calmed down from the crying and the both of you just remain there hugging on another. As you hope that the time would stop and you two can continue hugging one another, you hear the door opening and turn to see a familiar face over there with both surprise and mischievous expression.

"Oh....? You are awake aren't you [Y/N]?" Tia smile at you as you could feel that there is some sort of anger under that smile.

"While we are worried about you... Haizz... I cannot believe that you actually have disappointed us..." Shuri said as he cracks his knuckle for some reason.

"Oni-Chan?" Kiria calls out to you as you can tell her eyebrow was twitching for some reason. Suddenly you feel a chill down your spine as you ask.

"Um... Guys? Are you angry about something?"


After a few minutes of getting scolded by each of them, you and Neptune were currently sitting closely on the sofa to another while not wanting to part away from one another.

"So, what the plan now [Y/N]?" Tia asks as she stares at you across the table.

"Hmm?" You look at her in confusion as to what she means.

"Well, after all we... no rather you save this world, what do you plan to do now? Are you going to ask for Neptune's hand?" She asks as she grins at the both of you.

"Nepu? W-W-W-W-WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ALL OF THE SUDDEN TIA?" Neptune asks in a flustered tone as she waves her hand in a frantic manner. You let out a small smile as you enjoy her fluster reaction.

"Well, I will maybe do that in the future... For now, well let just say we have a new mission." You say as you turn and look at your seeker friends.

"What do you mean [Y/N]?"

"Gamindustri might not still be safe yet... There is still a couple of mystery out there to solve." You say as you glance outside of the window while wondering what will happen in the future.


Well, there mark the end of the Hyperdimension Neptunia x Reader series. Hope you guys enjoy the story as much as I have and do check out on my other fanfic story. Until the next time we meet, Peace Out! 😊

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