Corruption: BNHA

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Corruption: your actions are not your own. You must watch from inside your mind as you hurt people against your will.

OC #1: Seyuki Togoma
Age: 14, 15, or 17 (it depends on the RP)
Species: human
Status: hero in training.
Alias: Titania
Quirk: body manipulation, she can change her body's form. When in certain forms she maintains control over that element or material.
Personality: she's shy when you first meet her, but she's truly kind and will defend her friends no matter what they face, she's brave and sometimes acts before she can think.
Family: Yukiyo Togoma (mother, alive), Tagoto Togoma (father, alive), Mayu Togoma (sister, alive).
Love interest: Izuku Midoriya
Target or not: her quirk makes her a prime target for corruption.

OC #2: Yuro Natsui
Age: 32
Species: human
Status: Villain
Alias: Dark Moon
Quirk: control over shadows, corruption.
Facts: no one has ever seen the top half of his face. He keeps it hidden with a mask or his hair.
He gets angry if you call him by his real name.
He finds enjoyment in corrupting people.
Known Appearance:

What a corrupted person looks like: remember that episode when Izuku fought Shinso? Exactly like that.

Inspired by an amazing RP I'm in with: My_Tree_Broke now known as _Spxked_Pxnch_

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