Dc/Teen Titans: Sparky

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Name: Alexandra Roth
Nicknames: Alex, Sparky, Al
Alias: Surge
Age: 14, 15, 16
Gender: female.
Species: meta-human
Abilities: she's a trained fighter, good with swords and guns, she has the power of electrokinesis.

Personality: she's a stubborn girl, she learns quickly, she's kind, smart, brave, and a little reckless.

Quote: "I think lightning is beautiful. Deadly, but beautiful and unique."

Faceclaim: Odeya Rush

Family: Carla Roth (mother, dead), Jackson Roth (father, dead), Sue Deacon (grandmother, dead), Edmond Deacon (grandfather, dead).

Outfit in combat: a uniform similar to Robins. Except it's blue and white, instead of red and green. She has a blue domino mask and no cape.

Outfit when not in battle: a light blue hoodie with jeans, black and white sneakers, and a necklace her grandma gave her.

Love interest: Damian Wayne

Backstory: Both of her parents were killed shortly after she was born so her grandmother raised her. Years later she got into Gotham Academy, where she met Damian Wayne. They became friends after a long while. She found out Damian's secret by accident. Robin came crashing through her window, badly hurt. While she was patching him up she removed his mask to fix his eye, revealing Damian to her, she promised to keep it a secret. A few months later, Alex's grandmothers died and she was invited to stay at the Wayne mansion. She unlocked her powers when she was caught in an electrical explosion and survived.


• She was trained by her grandmother. Who was a former member of the League Of Assassins.

• She became Surge after she had an encounter with the Joker. She wanted to help her friends defend Gotham City from people like him.

•Along with her electrokinesis, she can control anything electronic, anything that has electricity running through it she can use it to her advantage.

• She joined the Teen Titans a year after Damian left Gotham.

• She loves to train and spar, it calms her when she's angry or upset.

• She has trouble controlling her powers when she's angry or threatened. She nearly killed Dick once while they were sparring, she didn't use her powers for two months after that.

Name: Benjamin Newton
Alias: Hijack
Status: Villain.
Age: 35
Gender: male.

Quote: "I will make them pay. I'll kill the one thing they left behind. The one thing I missed."

Personality: impulsive, genius, clever, violent, insane, a little too happy about what he does.

Face claim: Harry Treadaway

Family: none.

Outfit: A white leather outfit, white armor that protects the important areas of his body, white utility belt, no mask, and white boots.

Love interest: None.

Backstory: He used to be normal. He graduated college at age seventeen with a degree in chemistry. He became friends with Alex's mother, Carla, and her father, Jackson. The three of them got along well. However, Benjamin formed a connection with Carla, soon falling in love with her. The love turned from innocent and sweet to obsessive and violent when Jackson and Carla got married. He went into isolation, locking himself inside his apartment. And when Alex was born, he changed from isolated sorrow to obsessive revenge. He saw Alex as the reason why Jackson and Carla got married. So he decided to get rid of the infant. But Jackson got in his way, earning himself a bullet to the head and chest. When Benjamin finally found Carla and Alex, Carla was protecting her baby, screaming at Benjamin to leave them alone. Benjamin became enraged and strangled her. Just before he could kill Alex, Batman came and took him away. He vowed revenge against Alexandra and Batman, and became Hijack.


• He enjoys hurting people.

• He loves hearing the sounds of his enemies screams.

• He created a serum, which he calls 'The Final Ploy'. The serum turns the victim into their worst selves, turning them into Hijack's puppets

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