CHAPTER TEN, perfect day

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(winnie's outfit for this chapter)

Winnie and Stick had been dating for a few weeks now and they haven't been more happy. They still act the same as they always did, but now there are a few added changes. Like cuddling and kisses and the occasional date. Their friends always teased them about being together. They're just really happy for them.

Winnie was looking forward to this weekend. Her older brother, Reese, would be coming home to visit. He had been away at college and she missed him. She hasn't seen him since the end of summer, and that was three months ago. They've kept in touch through video chats and calls, but it's not the same as seeing him.

"Brooke, who are you talking to and what's got you all smiley?" Winnie laughed, noticing Brooke wouldn't stop texting someone as they walked out of the school one day.

"Someone." Brooke shrugged with a smile, not looking up from her phone.

"I hate that vague answer." Winnie whined and leaned over, trying to see who the blonde was texting, but instead Brooke covered the screen.

"Hey! No looking." Brooke told her. 

"But I wanna know who has you all giggly." Winnie frowned and kept trying to see who she was texting, but the blonde had playfully shoved her away. 

"No you don't." Brooke grimaced, earning a confused look from Winnie. 

"Yes I do!" Winnie laughs and tries grabbing Brooke's phone from her, but the girl just held it away from her. "Who is it?"

"None of your business." Brooke laughed, trying to keep her phone out of Winnie's reach. The two girls ended up in a playful tug-of-war, giggling as they stumbled around the sidewalk.

"You're being so secretive!" Winnie teases, finally giving up and throwing her hands in the air. "Come on, Brooke. It's the least you can do since you were the one who locked me and Stick in a closet that one time." 

"You guys should thank me for that since that got you two in a relationship." Brooke quips. "And guess what? Still haven't got a thanks." She smirked, holding her phone triumphantly above her head, just out of Winnie's reach.

Winnie rolls her eyes playfully and sighs. "Okay, fine, thank you for forcing us to confront our feelings in a cramped closet. But seriously, who are you texting?"

Brooke hesitates for a moment, her playful expression softening. She glances at Winnie, then looked away, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "Promise you won't freak out?" 

"I won't. Pinky promise." Winnie promised and stuck out her pinky.

Brooke sighs and grabs the blonde's pinky with hers, nodding. "Fine. I'm kinda sorta seeing someone. His name starts with R and ends with Eese."

Winnie stares at her with confusion for a few seconds before she put the pieces together. She gasps, eyes widening. "You're seeing my brother?"

"Maybe." Brooke sheepishly replied, her face turning a bit red.

"You're seeing my brother!" Winnie exclaims in shock, not being able to wrap her mind around the thought of her best friend and older brother dating. She stops walking and stared at Brooke, her mind racing to process this new information. "How long has this been going on?"

Brooke bit her lip, glancing around as if hoping no one else could hear their conversation. "A few weeks, I guess? It just kind of happened. We started talking more, and...Well, one thing led to another."

Winnie blinks, still trying to wrap her head around the idea of her best friend and her brother dating. "So, you and Reese are dating...Wow, I didn't see that coming."

"We're not dating." Brooke quickly explains. "Just talking." A dreamy smile made its way to her lips. "We've been texting non stop for awhile. Honestly, I never thought I would like Reese this way 'cause he just seemed so annoying and arrogant, but he's not. He's sweet and funny and kind. And he's super hot, like wow."

"Ew, stop! That's my brother you're talking about." Winnie complained, covering her ears and making a grossed out face. She did not want to hear about Brooke talking about her brother in that way. Ew.  

"Well, it's the truth." Brooke shrugs, sending her a sympathetic smile. "Are you mad? I'm sorry. We didn't tell you that we've been talking 'cause we didn't know how you would react. I totally get it if you're mad." She nervously rambles. "If you're not okay with it, I understand. I won't date him if you're not okay with it." Brooke looks at Winnie with worried eyes. "I know how important you are to each other. I wouldn't dare come between you two. Plus you're one of my best friends. I would never wanna do anything to hurt you or our friendship."

Winnie's heart softens and she sighs, her expression relaxing. She knew her best friend wasn't the type to intentionally hurt her, so she couldn't stay mad at her for long. But it was so weird that her brother and Brooke were talking. That Brooke clearly had feelings for Reese. She felt a mix of emotions—surprise, curiosity, and a hint of protectiveness. She knew Brooke well enough to trust that she wouldn't hurt her, but the idea of her best friend and her brother being involved was a lot to process.

"Okay, okay," Winnie said, taking a deep breath. "I'm not mad, just a little shocked. It's definitely unexpected, but if you two like each other and you're both happy, then I guess I can get used to the idea of you two dating." Winnie gave her a small smile. "Don't worry, you have my blessing to date my brother. But if you break his heart, I'm gonna have to kick your butt." She warned playfully. She was serious though. She couldn't help but be protective of her older brother. She had seen him go through a lot and she didn't want him getting hurt. But she trusted Brooke and knew the blonde would never intentionally hurt him.

Brooke's face flushes a bit, her expression relieved. "Thanks, Winnie. That means a lot to me. And I promise, I won't ever hurt him. I like him a lot, and I hope he feels the same." She hugs the blonde tightly, sighing. "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier."

"It's okay." Winnie grins, returning the hug. "I get it. I know it's a big deal, and you probably wanted to make sure it was something real before sharing. I just hope you two are happy. And don't worry, I'll get used to this new development. It's just going to take a little time to wrap my head around it."

Brooke smiles gratefully, her relief evident. "I'm glad you're understanding about it. I really do like Reese a lot, and I hope things work out between us."

Winnie nods, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'm sure they will. Now tell me all the details." She grins, causing Brooke to smile widely at her and her eyes light up. Then Winnie pauses and grimaces. "Wait, but not exactly everything."

"Don't worry. I won't." Brooke laughed and looped her arm through Winnie's, continuing their walk to her house since they had planned to hang out. Ashley was going to join them, but she got stuck with work.

"Oh, hey, did I mention that Reese will be coming home tomorrow for the weekend?" Winnie asks, getting a surprised look from the blonde. "I mean, I should've assumed you already know since you've been talking and he probably told you-"

"He didn't tell me." Brooke interrupts, feeling a bit disappointed and upset. "He didn't mention it at all."

"Oh." Winnie frowns. "Well, it is Friday. Maybe he didn't want to tell you to surprise you."

"Yeah, maybe." Brooke nodded, forcing a smile on her face. She's a bit upset that Reese didn't say something about coming home this weekend. She understood things can get busy with being in college, but she and Reese had gotten close over the past few weeks and she's surprised that he didn't tell her he's coming home.

Winnie could tell she was upset so she decided to change the subject. She didn't want Brooke being sad, especially when the girl was just smiling a minute ago. "Wanna give me a makeover?"

Brooke looks at her with surprise. Normally Winnie is so reluctant when it came to makeovers. She had a feeling Winnie was just doing this to cheer her up, but she appreciated it. "Wait, really?" She asks excitedly. "Girl, you better not be kidding."

Winnie laughs and shakes her head. "I'm not."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Brooke grinned, walking faster to the house and earned a giggle from Winnie.


"So how do you like your new hair?" Brooke asked, sitting on her bed as Winnie looked at herself in the mirror. Winnie sat in front of a full length mirror, Brooke sat behind her on the floor. Music played on Winnie's teal colored record player in Winnie's room and the two girls had a few snacks and their drinks laid out. Winnie let Brooke paint her nails and do her makeup.

"I love it. It's a bit different than my normal hairstyle, but I love it.. Purple is my favorite color." Winnie smiled, admiring her newly dyed hair. Her blonde hair now had purple peakaboo highlights. It took much longer than expected, but it was totally worth it.

"I'm glad you love it. I love it too. You look really good. Not that you didn't before." Brooke rambles, causing Winnie to laugh. "But your hair looks really good with the purple peekaboo highlights."

"Thank you. You're the best, Brooke." Winnie smiled.

"Okay, what should we do now?" Brooke questioned curiously.

"Girls, time for dinner!" Valerie, Winnie's mom, called out.

"Guess we're eating dinner." Winnie laughed along with Brooke. The two girls got up, deciding to wash their hands that still had a bit of color on them. Brooke did wear gloves that helped not make things too messy, but there still was some purple on them.

After that, they went down stairs to the kitchen. "Honey, rocking the purple hair!" Preston, Winnie's dad, commuted.

"Thanks, dad." Winnie grinned.

"Brooke, you did a great job. Winnie's hair looks beautiful." Valerie praised.

"Thank you." Brooke smiled.

The girls helped Valerie with setting the table as Winnie's put the food on the table. Winnie paused when she saw there was an extra plate setting.

"Why is there an extra plate?" She inquired, causing Brooke to look over with confusion.

"Yeah, about that-"

"Surprise family!" A familiar voice interrupted Valerie and all their attention is brought to the front door that opened. A curly blonde haired boy stepped through, closing the door behind him with a bright smile on his face. Brooke's eyes widen with surprise at finally seeing him in person. She hadn't seen him in person for so long. And he looks so much better than on the screen. He looked amazing.

"Reese!" Winnie excitedly said and ran towards him. She tackled him in a hug, causing him to stumble back a bit since he didn't expect the sudden attack hug, but he caught her. He laughed and hugged her back.

"Happy to see you too, Win." Reese grins. He then notices her new hair, causing him to gasp dramatically. "I like the new hair. The purple looks good on you."

"Thanks. I like the new beard." Winnie smirked.

"Thank you." Reese laughed and released her from the hug.

"There's my oldest son! How's college? And why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Valerie asked, hugging him.

"It's pretty good. And I wanted to surprise everyone." Reese replies, giving a quick side glance towards Brooke. He smiles when he sees her. "Hey, Brooke. You're here."

"Hi." Brooke softly said, walking over and smiling. "I didn't know you were coming."

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you. I didn't get to see you before I left and I missed you. Did I surprise you?" Reese asked with a soft smile, his blue eyes looking into her brown ones.

"Yeah, you did." Brooke smiles, not realizing she was staring at him until she heard Winnie clear her throat. She steps back a bit, blushing. "You should've told me though. I could've picked you up."

"I would've loved that." Reese grins, and she smiles at that, her heart skipping a beat. "But I wanted to surprise you. Sorry. I hope you're not mad."

"Of course not. I'm glad you're here." Brooke reassures him. "I mean, I was upset a bit, but now I'm just happy you're here."

"Glad to hear that." Reese's face softened, his heart fluttering at the fact that she was upset. "Sorry for making you upset."

"No worries. Water under the bridge." Brooke shrugged with a smile.

"Alright, enough with the small talk." Winnie speaks up, gaining Reese's and Brooke's attention. "I'm hungry and I don't want the food to get cold."

"Yes, please. I'm starving." Reese agrees, his stomach growling, causing the girls to laugh. "Let's eat."

Throughout dinner, Winnie noticed Brooke and Reese sneaking glances at each other. They had this look in their eyes and their smiles were fond and genuine. She never thought she would see those looks in their eyes, especially Reese's, but now that she sees it, she doesn't mind. It was very weird at first when Brooke explained she and Reese had been talking, but she had to admit that she's glad Brooke is the one it seemed like Reese likes. She hadn't seen her brother like this at all. He had girlfriends in the past, but never ones that were really serious and some ended with his heart broken. She hoped things will be different for him and Brooke.


Later that night, Winnie and Brooke were watching TV in her room. They had cleaned up their mess from the makeover and were in their pjs. Reese was downstairs hanging out with their parents since with being away at college he didn't get to spend much time with them. He planned on hanging out with Winnie tomorrow and/or Sunday.

"Brooke," Winnie speaks up softly, glancing at her friend with concern after noticing her quiet behavior. "Are you okay? You seem like you're nervous about something..."

"I don't know." Brooke admits with a sigh. "When Reese and I text, call or even Facetime each other it's literally so perfect. But now we're seeing each other in person again and it feels different. I'm just scared that I'm gonna mess it up."

"Mess what up?" Winnie frowned.

"I don't know. Whatever this thing is with Reese." Brooke mumbles, messing with a bracelet she wore. It was one that Reese had given to her a couple months back for her birthday. The bracelet was a thin, silver chain with a little silver heart dangling from it. "I've never felt this way with anyone else. No guy has made me feel like this. Every other guy I've been with, it didn't feel like this. With Reese, I can't explain the connection or feelings I'm feeling. He just makes me feel happy, warm and fuzzy."

"Sounds like you might have a crush." Winnie teases with a smirk, nudging her, causing Brooke to shove her back playfully as she blushes. "Really Brooke, I don't think you could mess this up. I haven't seen my brother look at a girl the way he looks at you in a very long time. I don't know what you two have, but I'm not against it. I like it. Just please in the future when you get together, don't make out in front of me." She pleaded, earning a laugh from Brooke.

"Thanks, Nini." Brooke blushed.

Just then, the two girls heard a knock at the door and turned to see Reese standing there. He was leaning against the doorframe, his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, sis, is it alright if I borrow Brooke for a sec? I need to talk to her." Reese asked, looking between his sister and the girl in question.

"Yeah, sure." Winnie nods, getting up and glancing at Brooke with a wink. "I'll leave you two alone." Brooke sent her a glare, her face heating up. Winnie then left her room, closing the door behind her, leaving the two alone.

"What did you wanna talk about?" Brooke questioned as Reese made his way over and sat beside her.

"I just wanted to apologize." Reese frowned.

"For what?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was coming home this weekend. I didn't tell you 'cause I wanted to surprise you. Guess I surprised you and ended up hurting you instead." Reese sighs. "I thought you'd be happy, people like surprises sometimes so I thought you did too."

"No, I liked it a lot." Brooke reassures him. "Yes, I was a bit upset you didn't tell me 'cause I figured you would tell me something as important as you coming home to visit, but I'm not mad. I'm glad you're here. You surprised me a lot, but in a good way."

"I'm glad." Reese looks relieved, a soft smile making its way to his lips. "I never meant to upset you. I didn't want to upset you."

"Reese, you didn't upset me. Don't worry about it. And if I was upset, I'm over it now." Brooke assured him, patting his hand, ignoring her heart fluttering.

"You're amazing, you know that?" Reese asked, looking into her eyes and placing his hand on top of hers and her heart skips a beat.

"So I've been told." Brooke grinned, earning a laugh from Reese.

"Wanna hang out this weekend? We need to catch up." Reese suggested.

"I would love to." Brooke admits. Then her eyes lit up as she thought of an idea. "Hey, actually, I need help with something, maybe you can help me with. You're going to college for filmmaking, right?"

"Yep." Reese nods, furrowing his eyebrows. "Why do you ask?"

"Everyone at school has to apply for an internship. I need to make a video resume thing about myself to get into this group called GEmS where high school girls mentor middle school girls." After Brooke saw Reese's confused look, she then quickly adds. "GEmS stands for The Girls Empowerment Society. The last one I sent they hated the video, so I figured if I had a professional's help," Brooke nudges him with her shoulder with a grin. "And by professional, I mean you, then maybe I could get into the group."

Reese looks at her with a fond expression, his eyes soft and his smile genuine. "I would love to help."

"Really?" Brooke perked up with a smile, her eyes lighting up.

"Anything for you, Brookie." Reese commented, squeezing her hand and grinned as he noticed the blush creeping onto her cheeks. Brooke hated it when Reese first called her that. He had called her Brookie a few times and the first time he did, she had rolled her eyes and told him not to call her that. But as time went on and the two grew closer, she grew fond of the nickname and didn't mind it when he called her that.

"Is it safe for me to come in?" Winnie called out, causing the two of them to blush, blushing even more when they realized they were still holding hands. They pull away from each other and cleared their throats.

"Yes." Reese said, causing Winnie to open the door and step into the room.

"Okay, great. I just came in here to say I want friend back please, so Reese, I love you, but get out." Winnie smiled, patting his shoulder when she walked over to him and Brooke.

"Right, okay." Reese said, getting up from the bed. He glances at Brooke with a soft smile. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Can't wait." Brooke smiles, her heart racing. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Reese replies. He then leaves the room, leaving Winnie and Brooke alone.

"So, what were you two doing while I was gone?" Winnie wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh, shut up." Brooke blushed and playfully shoved Winnie.

"Wait...He said he'll see you tomorrow, what's going on?" Winnie curiously asked.

"Well, Reese is going to help me with making a video for the internship application for GEMS. If he helps me, hopefully it'll get me into the program." Brooke explains. "He's super talented with making videos so I'm sure it'll turn out great."

"Awesome. I can't wait to see it." Winnie grins, hugging her. "Good luck, Brooke."

"Thanks." Brooke smiled, hugging her back.

While Reese and Brooke had a talk, Winnie had updated Stick on what was going on with her brother and Brooke. She was sitting in the guest bedroom, talking with Stick.

"They've been in there for a few minutes." She grimaces. "They better not make out on my bed."

"I'm sure they're not. They're just talking, babe, chill. And if they are, they're not making out on your bed. Your brother probably respects you and your bed too much to do that." Stick laughs.

"True. He better." Winnie mutters, then perks up. "But you should've seen their faces, bubs. They both have this look in their eyes that is full of adoration and fondness. They're litearlly so cute."

"Not as cute as us right?" Stick asked hopefully.

"Of course not." Winnie rolls her eyes playfully. "They're just really cute. And they both look at each other the same way. It's so sweet. I never thought I would see my brother have this type of connection or look at a girl the way he does with Brooke. I hope things will be okay with them."

"Yeah, me too." Stick admits. "Hey, wanna hang out tomorrow? Just the two of us."

"I would love to." Winnie grins. "What did you have in mind?"

"It's a surprise." Stick said and she could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Ooh, exciting." Winnie grinned, excitement building inside her.

"I'm glad you're excited, baby. It'll be worth it, trust me." Stick replied.

"I'm definitely looking forward to it." Winnie responded cheerfully.

"I can't wait. Goodnight, Winnie." 

"Goodnight, Stick."

With that, the two hung up. Now the two friends get back in bed and continue watching movies. Winnie's phone buzzed and she picked it up, smiling at seeing that Stick texted her.

Goodnight, baby. Sleep well. Sweet dreams.

Her heart skipped a beat and she smiled shyly, texting him back.

my girl❤️
Goodnight, bubs. See you tomorrow

She set her phone down, glancing at Brooke and raised an eyebrow at seeing the knowing smile on her face. "What?" She questioned.

"Nothing." Brooke replied with a shrug, trying not to grin.

"You're lying." Winnie stated, crossing her arms.

"You two are cute." Brooke said. "Really, I'm happy for you guys." She smiled sincerely.

"Thanks, Brooke. We're both very happy together." Winnie admitted with a fond smile, blushing slightly.

"Glad to hear." Brooke replied, grinning at her.

The two girls continued to watch movies, enjoying hanging out together before they both went to bed.


(winnie's outfit for this part of the chapter)

In the morning Winnie was getting ready in her room. She put on a red top, black jeans, a dark blue and white checkered flannel and a pair of red converse. She was just putting on some earrings when she heard her brother and Brooke laughing downstairs. She raised an eyebrow, surprised both of them were already up. She grabbed her phone and purse since she planned to leave soon to meet up with Stick.

As Winnie walked into the kitchen, she saw her parents cooking breakfast. Her dad was at the stove and her mom was grabbing ingredients from the fridge and pantry. She noticed her brother and Brooke sitting at the counter, Brooke in front of Reese. Reese had his laptop on the counter and she was curious as to why.

"Hey, what's going on?" She asked.

"Morning, dear." Valerie greeted with a smile.

"Oh, hey Winnie. I'm helping Brooke with a video resume for her internship she wanted to get in with GEmS." Reese explained, smiling a little.

"GEmS?" Winnie inquired, furrowing her eyebrows with confusion.

"It stands for the Girls Empowerment Society, where high school girls mentor middle school girls." Brooke told her.

"Oh, that's sweet, Brooke." Winnie smiles softly. "I'm glad you want to do that."

"Thank you." Brooke smiled softly.

After breakfast, Stick came and picked Winnie up. He was leaning against his car, smiling at her as she walked over to him.

"You look beautiful." He commented, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.

"You're not so bad yourself." Winnie grins, wrapping her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder. "Missed you."

"Even though we literally talked this morning and last night?" He laughed, but he still kissed the top of her head.

"Shut up. Yes, I did." She grumbled, her voice a bit muffled because her head laid on his shoulder.

"I missed you too." He admitted, resting his chin on her head.

The two stayed like that for a moment, relishing in each other's arms. Finally, Winnie pulls away and smiles up at him, causing him to smile back. She stands on her tiptoes, gently kisses his lips and his smile widens. He kissed her back, his lips curving upwards as he kissed her. They both pulled away and smile, their eyes full of love and adoration.

"Where are we going today?" Winnie asked curiously, wanting to know what they're doing.

"You'll see. Let's get in the car, babe." Stick smirked, opening the passenger side door for her. She raised an eyebrow, but gets into the car. He shut the door behind her and go in the driver's seat, starting the car.

Winnie watched him curiously, wondering where they're going. Stick then reached over and grabs her hand, entwining their fingers together and her cheeks flush. She bit her lip, glancing at him, her heart pounding. He smiled at her, lifting her hand up and gently kisses her knuckles, causing her cheeks to flush a darker shade.

"Bubs, what are we doing?" She questioned softly, her heart pounding.

"Trust me." He simply replied, looking over at her with a fond look that made her heart skip a beat.

"Always." She admitted, squeezing his hand that made his smile widen and his heart flutter.

The two arrive at their destination, Winnie's eyes lighting up. "You brought me to a carnival?"

"Yeah." Stick grins, nodding. "I know how much you love these. Plus, it's pretty nice out. Thought it would be a perfect day for us to have a date here."

"It's perfect." Winnie gushes, kissing his cheek. "Thank you. I'm surprised you took me here. I know places like these makes you anxious...I mean, they kinda make me that way too, but you still brought me here."

"Yeah, I mean, it's something I'd do for you. If it makes you happy, I'm happy." Stick admitted, rubbing the back of his neck, a blush forming on his cheeks.

"Aww." Winnie coos, her heart skipping a beat and her stomach filled with butterflies. She leans over the console and gently kisses his lips, her hands cupping his face. She feels him smile into the kiss and it makes her smile too. He cups her face, pulling her closer. She felt his thumb brush against her skin, making her shiver and her heart flutter.

They pull away after a moment and both smiles, their cheeks flushed and their hearts pounding. "I love you." She admitted, biting her lip. It was the first time they said the 'l' word and it was a big step in their relationship, but it felt right.

"I love you too." Stick confessed, his heart pounding as a grin forms on his face. He couldn't believe it, but he was so happy he did. The way her eyes lit up, the soft smile on her face and the blush creeping onto her cheeks made it clear how happy she was to hear that.

"C'mon." He said, getting out of the car and goes over to the passenger side and opened the door. She takes his hand, stepping out of the car.

"Thanks, bubs." Winnie smiles. He smiles back, closing the car door behind her and wraps his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. She rests her head on his shoulder and smiles, her heart racing.

The couple walks over to the entrance and Stick paid for their tickets. "Thank you, babe." Winnie smiled.

"You're welcome." He grinned, leaning down and kissing her cheek.

"So, what do you want to do first?" Winnie asked, squeezing his hand.

"How about some games?" Stick suggested.

"Sounds good." She agreed, the two of them walking over to the carnival games.

The day was filled with laughter, smiles and love. They played carnival games, ate lots of food, and even went on the Ferris wheel. Winnie and Stick had the most fun and enjoyed their day together. They were walking back to the car, Winnie leaning against him, her head resting on his shoulder. Stick has his arm wrapped around her and pulls her closer, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on her hip. Winnie held her stuffed penguin Stick had won for her in one hand and his hand in the other, her fingers entwined with his.

"Did you have fun?" Stick asked with a smile.

"Yeah, today was perfect." She murmurs, looking up at him to smile at him. "Thank you, Stick."

"You're welcome, Nini." He grinned, leaning down and kissed her softly. She kissed him back, smiling into the kiss.

"Let's go home." Winnie murmured when she pulled away, pecking his lips again.

"Yeah." He agreed, the two of them walking over to his car and got inside. He started the car, glancing over at Winnie with a soft smile. She had gotten buckled up and was holding her stuffed penguin close, playing with the fur. He thought she looked beautiful. Her new highlights made her look even more amazing. She always looked beautiful to him, but he couldn't help but smile at the sight of her.

Winnie looks over at him, raising an eyebrow when she noticed he was staring. "What?" She questioned shyly, her face turning red.

"You look beautiful." Stick complimented, his cheeks heating up and his heart racing.

"Thanks, so do you." She said, her heart fluttering.

He leaned over the console suddenly and turned her to face him, his hand gently cupping her face. Her eyes wide with surprise, her face bright red as he kissed her. His free hand rested on her hip, his thumb rubbing soothing circles. After a moment, she melted into the kiss, kissing him back. She gently kissed him, her heart pounding, butterflies in her stomach. Her hands rest on his arms, gently squeezing them as her heart raced.

They both pull away, their eyes full of love and admiration, both blushing and a bit breathless. "I love you." Winnie whispered, her heart racing and her cheeks burning.

"I love you too." He whispered back, a goofy grin appearing on his face and his eyes full of adoration and love.

They both lean in, kissing again, and everything felt right. Everything felt perfect.


When Stick brought Winnie home, Winnie was upset to leave him, but she knew it wouldn't be long until they saw each other again. They ended the night with a sweet kiss and a 'i love you' that made their heart flutter. Winnie closed the front door behind her, holding her stuffed penguin close to her with a dreamy smile.

"Hey, Win." A familiar voice calls, causing her to look over. Reese is sitting on the couch, his laptop on his lap. He smirks at her. "Had fun on your date?"

"Yeah, did you?" Winnie teased, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Uh..." Reese blushed, his eyes wide and a nervous laugh escaping his lips.

"I'll take that as a yes." She grinned.

"It wasn't a date. We were just hanging out, that's what friends do. I just helped her with her project...Although I think she's upset with me." Reese admitted with a frown.

"Really?" Winnie frowns. "What happened? I mean, it sounded like things were going good."

"Well, yeah, we were having fun. And she brought this box over of things she thought were good to show in the video since they were important to her, but I disagreed 'cause I mean one was literally a used napkin that had Kylie Jenner's lipstick on it. And then we fought a little, she accidentally dropped the box she had and some letters fell out of it. I helped her pick everything up, but after she left she forgot one of the letters." He then picked one off the table, handing it to Winnie.

Winnie takes the letter curiously and opens it. Her face softens as she read it. She had no idea Brooke worked at a woman homeless shelter. "Wow."

"Yeah, I had no idea about this." Reese admits, running a hand through his curls. "I don't know why she wouldn't tell us about this. This is something about her that is really amazing." He frowns. "But I'm gonna try to talk with her soon. Oh, but first I want to show this video resume to you before I showed it to Brooke to see if it's good."

Winnie smiles and nods in response. She moves over so she can see his laptop better as he turns it to her, pressing play on a video. The video showed clips of Brooke at the coffee shop, drinking coffee and working on homework, Reese's voice is heard. It started out with him saying Brooke is the person who knows more about herself and then a clip of her saying she doesn't love talking about herself is shown next. After that clips of different people who care about Brooke is shown, saying how great Brooke was.

Ashley spoke about how wonderful mentor Brooke was to her and how Brooke helped her fit in after being away from Pasadena for years. Winnie laughed when Ashley added that Brooke taught her how to dab. Winnie is shown next, her brother had got her to do a clip for the video earlier morning. She said how great of a person Brooke was and how Brooke was always someone she could count on to cheer her up and make her smile.

Reese appears next, saying how he never thought he would end up liking Brooke, but then he admitted he shouldn't have judged her without giving her a chance. And he added that Brooke ended up surprising her and made him realize that maybe she isn't the person he thought she was. He says she's not as superficial and shallow as he thought and she was really a genuine person and great friend.

Clips of women at the downtown women's shelter are shown, explaining how Brooke went there a couple mornings a month to help out when one of the women there have a job interview. Brooke always did their makeup, but another woman admitted it was hard to keep her confidence when she was homeless, but Brooke gave her confidence back to her. She even added that Brooke taught her how to dab which Winnie found amusing.

Then a clip of some women from the shelter was shown thanking Brooke before they all dabbed. The video continued with showing Brooke's hobbies with a clip of Brooke included. Brooke was shown jumping rope, hula hooping at the same time while eating a gourmet doughnut. Winnie had to admit she was impressed Brooke could do all three at the same time.

"Reese, that was great! She's going to love it!" Winnie commented with a bright smile.

"Yeah?" Reese asked hopefully, looking up at her with a grin.

"Yes. It's amazing." Winnie reassured, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks." Reese smiled.

"Now, go make up with Brooke." Winnie urges, nudging him playfully. "Maybe while you're at it, confess your feelings to her and stop acting like a lovesick puppy around her?"

"I don't act like that!" Reese argued, his face turning red and his heart raced.

"Reese, you are obviously smitten for her. Everyone can see it, except for her." Winnie teases. "I don't mind if you two date." She admits. "If that's what's stopping you from asking her out and admitting your feelings. I mean, yeah, it'll be weird when you date my friend, but you guys will be happy and that's all that matters. As long as you guys don't start making out in front of me, we're fine."

Reese laughs, his face more red as he rolls his eyes. "Thanks, sis." He said softly. "That means a lot to me." He takes a deep breath before putting his laptop on the coffee table. "Okay, I'm gonna go. I'll be home later." He stood, putting his laptop in his backpack before putting his shoes on.

"Good luck!" Winnie called as he left the house. She couldn't help but hope they get together. It was obvious they liked each other, but they were just too blind to see it. She realized then it was like how she and Stick were before they got together and she though that was sweet. She just hoped that they will realize their feelings soon and become a couple soon.

A/N winnie & stick >>>> but also loving reese & brooke tbh 

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