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The Fall Ball was just around the corner and Winnie was anxious and nervous. She didn't really like going to dances or parties and stuff like that, but she didn't want to be the only one who didn't go. Although she knew if she asked Stick if they could stay at her house or his and just cuddle and watch movies, she knew he would most likely prefer to do that. But she also didn't really go to dances or parties much and part of her wanted to go. She hadn't been to one in so long she forgot what it was like.

She had already found a dress and she was happy with her choice. Her dress was a red and it had a small train to it. The shoulders of the dress were sparkles, the sparkles are on the top half of the back of the dress as well. There was also almost like a belt made of sparkles in the middle of the dress. She wore a matching sparkle bracelet, dark red lip stick and her hair was curled.

Her nails were painted red to match the dress and for the shoes she wore red converse. She decided against heels since she had no clue how to walk in them and didn't want to look dumb trying. She had never really wore heels and was glad she didn't have to.

She was now at Ashley's place since she and the others were meeting there before the Fall Ball. She remembered hearing from Brooke that she had hoped Reese would be able to be in town for her to ask him to the Fall Ball, but Reese couldn't visit at the moment, apparently too caught up with classes. Brooke didn't know that was a lie. Reese had planned on showing up to surprise Brooke.

"Honey, are you ready?" Valerie calls out to her daughter. "You gotta head over to Ashley's soon to meet with the others."

Winnie was finishing up with getting ready. She had her dress and shoes on along with the jewelry. She was checking her makeup to make sure it was good and was happy with her results. She smiled, grabbing her red colored clutch and left her room. She walked down the stairs, chuckling and smiling shyly at seeing the looks of awe on her parents faces.

"I'm ready finally." She admitted.

"Look at you! You're so beautiful." Valerie gushes, her eyes lighting up. "Stick is going to be at a loss of words when he sees you. Oh, my baby is growing up."

"Mom." Winnie whined, her cheeks heating up.

"Don't 'mom' me. It's my job as a mom to embarrass you." Valerie grins, pulling her daughter into a hug. "You look amazing, baby. Don't forget to have fun tonight. And, of course, call us if you need anything and be safe."

"I will, mom." Winnie reassured, smiling at her mother.

"I hate how fast you're growing up." Preston sighs, hugging his daughter. "But I'm happy you have Stick and he treats you right. I like him. And, like your mother said, have fun tonight. Not too much fun though."

"Dad." Winnie groans, pulling away from the hug and shaking her head. She sighs with relief when the doorbell rings. She was glad the subject would be changed.

Valerie opened the door and was surprised when she saw Stick. He had his hands shoved into his pockets, his shoulders were tense, but when he spotted Winnie standing by her dad, his breath was taken away. Winnie was smiling brightly at him as she blushed and it took him a moment to compose himself and remember how to breathe. She looked like a literal Goddess in red.

"Stick! Don't you look lovely!" Valerie commented, smiling at Stick. She stepped to the side, letting the boy inside and she closed the door.

"Thank you, Valerie." He looks back at Winnie, his breath taken away once again. "Wow." He breaths out, his face heating up and his hands felt sweaty. He felt like a complete mess and he felt like he should have brought Winnie flowers or something. Did he go with the right suit? He had no idea what to wear and he was even so desperate for help he asked Ashley and then Brooke for help. They both had agreed on this suit. "You look stunning."

Winnie blushes, her heart fluttering at the look he gave her. He looked at her as if she was the only one in the room. His gaze was full of love and adoration. Her face felt warm, a smile appearing on her lips. "Thank you, Stick. You look handsome."

Stick's face turns red and he chuckles shyly. "Thank you." He then turned his attention to Valerie and Preston. "Um, thanks for letting me pick up Winnie. We probably need to head over to Ashley's now."

"Oh, of course! But first I need pictures!" Valerie grinned, pulling out her phone. "Get together!"

"Mom!" Winnie whined, her cheeks a bright pink.

"I promise just a few pictures, then you can go." Valerie reassured her.

Winnie sighed and gave in, getting into place. She wrapped an arm around Stick's waist, heart fluttering as his arm wrapped around her waist. Her face heats up when he kissed the top of her head. Her parents had taken a few photos of them, a couple where they were posing and then a few more where they were goofing around. At first Stick had been tense and nervous about taking photos, but when Winnie noticed she tried to help him relax and have fun by making faces and teasing him. And it worked because he enjoyed the rest of the picture taking because of her.

"Alright, you kids can go now." Valerie announces. "Have fun tonight, you two."

"We will. Love you guys." Winnie smiled, waving at them before she left with Stick. As they get to his car, he opened the passenger door for her, earning a smile from her. He closed the door when she got in and after he got in the driver's side, he leaned over to give her a quick peck on the lips.

"You look so beautiful." He breaths, a shy smile appearing on his lips while his face turns red. "Like a Goddess."

"Aww, Stick." Winnie smiles, her face turning red. "Thank you, babe. You look very handsome yourself."

Stick's smile grows and he blushes as well. "Thanks."

They arrived at Ashley's house a few minutes later. They held hands as they headed inside, Stick opening the door for her. Once inside, they were met by a very excited Brooke. "Hey, guys! Winnie you look beautiful! I love your dress."

"Brooke, hi." Winnie chuckles, smiling at the blonde girl. "Thank you. Your dress is gorgeous too. Love the color. It suits you."

"Aww, thanks, Nini." Brooke smiles. "And Stick, I gotta admit you look pretty great too."

"Thanks, I think." Stick chuckled.

"Hey, Tad." Winnie greets the boy with a smile. "You look great too."

"Thanks, Winnie!" Tad smiled back at her.

Winnie heard from Ashley about how she and Tad were going to the Fall Ball as friends and she thought that was sweet. They both looked great together. Tad looked so happy when Ashley appeared, smiling at him. She wore a light blue dress with ruffles and had her hair was curled. Winnie could tell Tad had a crush on her. She had been relieved when he and Bella broke up. She never really liked Bella and knew Tad deserved someone better. Maybe that someone better was Ashley.

"Ash! You look beautiful!" Winnie smiled widely at her friend.

"So do you! Red is definitely your color. You're rocking that dress!" Ashley smiles. "And Stick, you're looking sharp tonight."

"Thanks." Stick said with a smile.

Before they all left, Victor said he needed a group photo because Ashley's mom would kill him if he didn't have one. He even added how serious it was if he didn't get one, saying his sister went into graphic detail. But before the gang left, Winnie was shocked to see that Victor had rented a Tesla limo for them. She was so excited since she never been in a limo before.

The ride to the school was fun and soon they were at the dance. The Fall Ball was fair themed and she found that cool. There was a lot of people and it was decorated with the fair theme. She walked into the decorated gym past the blue streamers that hung on the entrance of the gym. She smiled widely, happy that she finally got her. But then she realized Stick wasn't by her and she chuckled, knowing he was hiding behind the curtain made of streamers.

"Baby, come on. I know you're there." Winnie calls, looking behind her with a grin. "Come out."

"I can't." Stick calls back.

"Why?" Winnie asked, a confused smile appearing on her lips.

"Too scared. I thought I would be fine because I'm here with you and you always make me feel calm and relaxed," Winnie smiles softly, her heart fluttering at hearing that. "But everyone is looking at us and judging me and you know how much I hate large crowds."

"They're not." Winnie chuckles, knowing it was just Stick's anxiety talking. "Trust me, no one is looking at us." She said softly, reaching past the streamers to offer her hand to him. "Do you trust me?"

Stick's heart skipped a beat at seeing her hand and he reaches for her. He holds her hand, gently squeezing it. "With my life."

Winnie's heart skips a beat and she smiles softly, her thumb rubbing over the back of his hand to try and calm him down. "Then come on. I'm kinda anxious and nervous too since I don't really like crowds either, but I wanna try to get through the dance. Although if you want to leave at any time, we can. Just let me know, okay? We're here to have fun and I won't have fun if you're not."

Stick nods, gently squeezing her hand before he follows her. He stays close to her side, his hand gently squeezing hers. He's still tense, looking around nervously especially when laughter is heard and it seemed like people were looking at them. "Great, they're laughing at me. I know what they're thinking. They're probably thinking who's that loser with the football quarterback? Isn't she with the kid who swallowed his Invisalign? I don't think I can do this."

"Babe, no one's laughing at you." Winnie said softly. "If they were, that's because they're jealous."

"Jealous? Of what?" Stick questions, frowning slightly. "What is there to be jealous of me?"

Winnie frowns, her heart breaking at hearing that. "Because you're not only handsome, but you're also smart and funny." Winnie smiles at him, her eyes sparkling as she talked about how great he was. "Plus, you're the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for."

Stick's face reddens and he smiles, his heart warming. "Really?"

"Yeah, really. And I'm lucky to be your girlfriend. I mean, if people are looking, then it's because they're wondering how I managed to get such an amazing guy like you." Winnie said softly, squeezing his hand. "And besides, they were laughing at Meltzer's date behind us. Not us." She gestured with a nod of her head to Meltzer who brought his pet pig to the dance.

"Oh. Okay, good." Stick chuckled a little, looking relieved.

"Are you feeling a little better now?" Winnie asked, her eyes shining with hope.

"A little, yeah." Stick smiles, but the anxiety and nerves were still present. "Can we at least go sit somewhere quietly for now? I'm this close to hiding." He admitted, his free hand going to his head, showing a tiny gap between his index finger and thumb.

Winnie giggles and nods. "Yeah, of course. Come on, bubs." She gently tugged him with her over to a more quiet area in the gym. Near some corn stalks decorations they sat on a hay barrel. Winnie had to admit the decorations looked great and she loved the fair theme. Now they were in a more quiet area she could tell it helped Stick calm down more, but he still seemed nervous. She gently squeezes his hand, a frown on her lips. "You doing okay, baby?"

"Kinda." He admits, taking a deep breath as his leg bounces. "It's just...I feel like everyone is staring and judging me."

"I understand. I'm a little anxious too." Winnie confesses, placing her other hand on his leg to stop his leg from bouncing. Her heart was racing and she could feel the nerves and anxiety forming, but Stick made her feel better. With him by her side, he made her feel calm. "But hey, maybe they are staring. And if they are, who cares? Screw what others think. The only opinion that matters is ours. It doesn't matter what others think. You're amazing and I'm lucky to have you and call you my boyfriend."

Stick's heart flutters, his face heating up at the loving gaze Winnie gave him. His eyes were locked with hers, his body relaxing and a soft smile appearing on his lips. He leaned over, giving her a sweet kiss. Winnie smiled against the kiss, kissing him back. She had been right about this spot being a quiet area, because the loud music didn't seem as loud as it did when they had first came in. Or maybe that was because she was distracted. Either way, she was happy that he was finally calming down and enjoying himself.

They eventually pull back for air and when giggles at noticing he had some of her lipstick on his lips. She grabs her clutch and pulls out a mirror, handing it to him. "You have a little bit of my lipstick on you." She informs him, chuckling as his face turns red. "Sorry, I'll get that real quick." She pulled a makeup wipe from her clutch and gently held his chin with one hand while she wiped the lipstick off with the other.

"Thanks." He smiled, watching her with a fond expression.

"Mhm. No problem." Winnie smiled, her eyes shining as she looks at him. She tossed the wipe in a nearby trash can and she placed her hand on his cheek, her thumb stroking his cheek.

He smiles at her, leaning into her touch and kisses the inside of her hand which caused her to smile shyly. She could see the love in his eyes and it made her heart skip a beat. "I'm really happy we're here together. I mean, I'm still a little nervous, but I'm glad you're with me."

"Me too, bubs." Winnie said softly, her heart beating fast. She loved him so much and couldn't wait for the future they were going to have.

"Can we...Can we dance?" Stick asks nervously, a shy smile tugging on his lips. "I know I'm not the greatest, but I want to dance with you."

Winnie's smile grew and she nods, trying not to show how surprise she was that he asked that. But she was really excited, her eyes lighting up. "Yes. Yes, of course we can dance. Come on." She stood, offering her hand to his.

Stick smiles and takes her hand, getting up and following her to the dance floor. They danced, but the only thing that mattered was the two of them. Nothing else existed to them. It was just the two of them.

And when a slow song started to play, Stick took her into his arms and swayed with her, his eyes on hers. They were lost in each other's gaze and they were completely and utterly in love.

Winnie could barely believe it. They were really here and together. This was happening. She was actually at her first school dance and was here with the love of her life. And she couldn't be any happier.


The dance continued and Winnie was having a great time with Stick. They both still had some anxiety and nerves bubbling but they felt better with each other by their side. They were now sitting off to the side on a hay barrel and talking with Brooke when Winnie noticed something.

"Are you sure you're okay being here without a date?" Stick asked, raising his eyebrows at Brooke.

"I mean, it's really weird, but I'm okay. I have fun just being by myself and with my friends, but sometimes I wish I could be dancing with someone. It's okay, though." Brooke smiles, furrowing her eyebrows when she noticed the wide smile on Winnie's face. "What's up with the sudden smiley face, Nini?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just think your night is about to get better." She stands, smiling at Stick. "Let's go get a drink."

Stick took the hint after he noticed Reese at the entrance and smiles, nodding. "Yeah, good idea. We'll see you later, Brooke."

"Um, okay, but-"

"Bye, Brooke!" Winnie called over her shoulder. Brooke was confused at why they left suddenly and she frowned, wondering what had happened. She had a feeling they saw someone, but she didn't know who.

"Is this seat taken?"

Her heart skips a beat when she heard that familiar voice. She turns around, her eyes lighting up as a smile tugs on her lips. "Reese! What are you doing here? Not that I mind."

Reese smiles and holds out a flower to her. "I wanted to dance with you. I heard that's what you're supposed to do at these things."

Brooke takes the flower, her cheeks turning pink, her heart skipping a beat. He handed her favorite flower to her. She was surprised he remembered that small detail. She smiles. "Thank you. So, um, I thought you were too busy with school and stuff to come visit."

"I lied. I'm not busy with school right now at all. Well, not anymore. I actually even stayed up all night last night to finish a project so I can be here." Reese explains, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly while his face turns red. "Um, and this might be a little crazy and weird, but..."

Brooke's heart was racing and she was nervous. Did he like her too? Was she wrong about him liking her? "But what?"

Instead of saying anything, Reese leans down, his hands gently cupping her face and his lips met hers. Her eyes widen, her face bright red but then she kisses him back, melting into the kiss. Her arms wrap around his waist, butterflies filling her stomach and her heart was beating rapidly.

The kiss lasted for a minute before they pull back. Reese's eyes were closed and when he opens his eyes, he sees Brooke's smiling face. His eyes shine, a wide grin on his lips. "If you couldn't tell by that kiss, I really really like you."

"Yeah, I think I got the hint." Brooke giggles. "And I really really like you too. Although maybe we need to kiss again to make sure."

Reese chuckled and leaned down to kiss her again, a grin on his lips. One hand moved to the back of her head, the other one going to her back and he gently pulled her closer. Brooke's arms moved to around his neck, a soft hum leaving her lips. She melted into the kiss, butterflies swarming in her stomach. 

"Well, it's about time."

Brooke and Reese pulled away, blushing as their friends all walked over to them. Tad looked shocked while Ashley, Winnie, and Stick smirked. 

"So, you're dating now, right?" Ashley grinned.

"You better be." Winnie smiled widely.

"What do you say?" Reese asks, glancing back at Brooke with a soft smile and a hopeful glint in his eyes. "Brooke Bishop, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"I would love to." Brooke said softly, her eyes shining and face red like his was.

Their friends cheered and went to the dance floor. Stick and Winnie stayed behind, watching their friends leave. Stick had his arm around Winnie, her arms wrapped around his waist and her head rested on his shoulder. He placed a kiss to her temple, his lips lingering on her skin for a moment. "Tonight's been great, sweetheart. Thank you."

"Of course, bubs." Winnie smiles, looking at him with a fond expression. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I was a little worried."

"Well, it's easier when I'm with you." He admits, his heart warming. "I can't believe we're dating. Sometimes I have to pinch myself because I can't believe how lucky I am."

Winnie giggles. "I have to pinch myself too. But it's real. I love you so much."

"I love you too." He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, his heart racing. He pulled back after a moment, his nose gently nudging hers and he rested his forehead against hers. Her heart fluttered, face turning red as he bumped his nose against hers. She thought that was so cute. She couldn't stop the butterflies in her stomach.

"Come on. Let's dance." Winnie smiled, gently pulling away. She laced her fingers with his and pulled him to the dance floor, her eyes on his. Stick smiled, his heart skipping a beat and he squeezed her hand as he followed her.

As they danced and had fun, they knew this night was definitely a success and one they won't forget. 

A/N ah!! brooke & reese are together & they're so cute, but winnie & stick might be even cuter

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