CHAPTER TWELVE, love & adventure

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(winnie's outfit for this part of the chapter)

"Winnie!" Winnie groans as she's woken up to someone calling her name, followed by the light in her room turning on. She turns to bury her face in her pillow. "I need help."

"Can it not wait until later?" Winnie complains to her brother, Reese. She rolls over in bed, squinting against the sudden brightness in the room. "It's too early for this." The sun had peeked through her curtains, causing her to cover her eyes.

"No. Please, it's an emergency. Brooke just asked me out on a date and I'm trying not to freak out. Can you please help me?" He pleaded, sounding both anxious and excited.

"Fine." Winnie grumbles. "What time is it anyway?"

"It's 7." He replied.

"Reese, it's 7 AM! Why are you awake?" She asked, sitting up in bed and rubbing her eyes. She wasn't a morning person at all so she didn't understand why Reese woke her up this early. 

"I couldn't sleep. I'm freaking out! Come on. Help me." Reese paced back and forth in her room, his hands gesturing wildly as he spoke. He looked at her with a pleading expression, hoping she would help him out. 

Winnie sighs, feeling a mix of annoyance and amusement at her brother's antics. "Okay, okay. Calm down, Reese. Take a deep breath." She patted the empty spot on her bed next to her, gesturing for him to sit down. She noticed that he looked like a mess, his blonde curls were wild and his clothes rumpled as if he had been tossing and turning all night. 

"Alright, first I need coffee, and then I can help." Winnie tells him, trying to sound as calm and reassuring as possible. She knew her brother needed her, and she was going to do her best to help him. But she didn't have enough brainpower without coffee yet. Plus, the caffeine will help her think better. And hopefully the extra boost of energy will wake her up a little more. She really hoped he didn't have an idea that would require a lot of energy. "Go ahead and get dressed. Then meet me downstairs, okay?"

Reese nods, seeming relieved. "Okay. Thanks, Winnie. You're the best." He kissed her forehead and rushed out of the room. Winnie smiled softly. Even though her brother could be a pain in the butt, she still loved him. And she was happy that he found someone that made him happy. She had seen the way he would look at Brooke and it was the same way she would look at Stick. It was obvious he was smitten. Plus, she was happy for Brooke too. She deserved someone who made her happy, and it was clear that Reese was that person for her. They were good for each other.

Winnie did her morning routine and when she went downstairs, the smell of fresh coffee and food made her smile. The sound of sizzling bacon and eggs, and the sight of toast popping up from the toaster, all filled the kitchen. She noticed their parents were cooking breakfast. Their mom was humming and flipping a pancake. While their dad was cooking the eggs and bacon. Winnie grabbed herself a mug and got her coffee. She took a sip and let out a sigh of content. It was delicious and exactly what she needed.

"Morning, honey." Her father greets her after glancing up from the oven as he flipped the bacon over. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah, pretty well." She smiles and leans over, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She then moves over to her mom and does the same. "Morning, mama."

"Morning, Win." Her mom greets, smiling at her. "So, how was the dance? Did you have a good time?"

"Yes, we had a great time." Winnie replies. "It was perfect." She smiles, feeling her face grow warm at remembering last night. The way Stick's eyes had shone as he danced with her. The way they would hold each other close. The way their foreheads rested together and their noses gently bumped. It had been the best night. It felt like a dream. One she never wanted to wake up from. It was hard to believe that it had really happened. It was real. She was dating the love of her life. Winnie's smile grew, her heart fluttering. "We had a great time."

Her mother smiles at seeing her daughter's dreamy expression. "That's wonderful, honey. I'm glad you had fun. It must have been really special if it's making you smile like that."

"It was." Winnie says, her heart fluttering. Her phone buzzed and her smile grew when she saw who it was. Stick was texting her a good morning text and how much he missed her. Winnie's heart swells, a giggle leaving her lips. Her parents raises their eyebrows at this and shares a knowing look. Her father shakes his head and chuckles. She was clearly head over heels. And her father and mother were happy for her. "I'm going to go sit on the porch for a bit and then come back in for breakfast." Winnie informs them, grabbing her mug of coffee on her way out. "Love you!"

"Love you too." Her parents said in unison, smiling at their daughter. Winnie grinned and stepped outside. It was a beautiful morning. The sky was a bright blue, the sun was shining, and the birds were singing. Winnie took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air and letting it out slowly. She sat down on the swing and sipped her coffee, enjoying the peace and quiet. It was a rare moment of solitude, and she was going to savor it. She knew it wouldn't last long. Her brother was going to drag her into helping him. So, she was going to enjoy this while she could. She couldn't believe he woke her up so early for this. She didn't like waking up early. It was always such a struggle.

A few minutes passed before her brother came out. "Hey." He greets her, plopping down next to her. "Sorry I woke you up. I know you don't like waking up early, but I was freaking out and I needed your help. And I'm still freaking out and need your help. So please, help me." He pleads, setting his mug of coffee down on a nearby table and looking at her with big, pleading eyes. "I'm desperate."

Winnie laughs softly. "Don't worry, Reese. I'll help you. Just try to calm down, okay? Freaking out isn't going to help." She takes another sip of her coffee, thinking about what she could say. "Okay, so let's start from the beginning. Tell me exactly what happened."

"Brooke asked me to go with her to this concert tonight, but this would be like our first date and I'm worried. I want it to be perfect." Reese explains, chewing on his thumb nail nervously. He had a habit of doing that when he was stressed. Winnie was used to it. "But what if I mess up or do something wrong? I really don't want to mess this up, Winnie. It's so important."

Winnie had to admit she was surprised. He was never this nervous about going out with a girl before. Maybe this time it was different because he actually cared. She hoped so. "Reese, you're not going to mess this up." Winnie reassures him. "Just be yourself. Brooke likes you for you, remember? Don't know why," She teases, playfully punching his arm. He chuckles a little, his lips curling up a bit.  "But she does. And that's all that matters. You'll be fine. You've been on plenty of dates before. Why is this any different?"

"Because I really like her, Winnie." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I've never felt this way before. It's like I'm on cloud nine all the time. Every time I'm around her, I feel like I'm walking on air. Like I'm dreaming. It's like nothing else matters but her. I can't get her out of my head. All I can think about is her."

"Wow. You've got it bad, Reese." Winnie grinned, her eyes shining. Her brother's face was a mix of shock and horror at realizing he said all that out loud. His cheeks were red, and he buried his face in his hands, groaning.

"What is this girl doing to me? I never get this way over girls." Reese mumbles. He peeks through his fingers and lets out a sigh. "This is bad, Winnie. Really bad."

"Or maybe it's really good. Maybe it means you're falling in love, Reese." Winnie said softly, reaching over and patting his back.

Reese's eyes widen, his face turning more red. "L-Love? Winnie, are you crazy? I'm not in love. I mean, we haven't known each other that long. And I never been in love before. So, I couldn't be in love, right?"

"Reese, I've seen the way you look at Brooke. And I've seen the way she looks at you. You guys have this connection that's obvious. And if you ask me, it's the kind of connection that happens when you're meant to be with someone." Winnie smiles softly. She thought it was so sweet. And she hoped her brother wouldn't be scared away. Sometimes he got skittish when it came to serious things like relationships and feelings. It's because he had been hurt before and he didn't want to be hurt again. "I know you've never been in love before. But it feels like you've known her your whole life. Doesn't it?"

Reese stares at her for a moment before his face softens. "Yeah, it does." He admits, his cheeks growing red. He looked like he was lost in thought. His mind was racing, thinking of how much he enjoyed Brooke's company and how easily they could talk. How they could spend hours talking and laughing and have fun. How she was always there for him and never made him feel bad or insecure about himself. And how her eyes would light up when he told her a joke or complimented her. How he loved the way her nose crinkled when she laughed. And how cute he thought she was when her cheeks would flush. He thought she was beautiful. 

"Wow. I think you might be right." He mumbles, looking surprised and in disbelief. "I-I think I am falling in love."

"I'm glad you finally realized it, Reese." Winnie chuckles softly, patting his shoulder as she smiles at him with amusement. She had known all along. And she was happy for him. "Now, stop worrying so much and just have fun. It's okay to be nervous. Everyone gets nervous on dates. Just try to relax and enjoy yourself. I'm sure Brooke will too."

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Winnie." He smiles and leans over, wrapping her in a hug. "I don't know what I'd do without you." He kisses the top of her head. "Now, I gotta get ready for my date. I'll see you later." He stands up, grinning like a fool. "Wish me luck."

"You don't need it, but good luck." She called after him. She shook her head, watching her brother walk inside. He was a complete mess. But it was nice seeing him so happy. And Winnie hoped that he would stay that way. He deserved to be happy. She took a sip of her coffee and went back to her phone. She had a message from Stick, feeling giddy and butterflies in her stomach as she read the text.


Good morning, beautiful. Meet up at Pat's at 9? I wanna take you somewhere. ;)

Winnie blushed, her heart fluttering. He wanted to take her somewhere. Her curiosity was definitely piqued. But she was also excited. She couldn't wait to see him.

my girl❤️

Good morning, handsome. :) Yes, I would love to. Can't wait!

She sent the message and got up, walking back inside. Breakfast was done and her parents were putting everything on the table. "I'm back!" She announced.

"Perfect timing." Her dad smiles. "Breakfast is ready."

"Thanks, dad." Winnie smiles, kissing his cheek. She sat down at the table and grabbed a plate, her mouth watering at the sight of food. She couldn't help it. Her father was a great cook. "This looks delicious."

"It does. And you deserve it." Her mother adds. "After all, you were just woken up at 7AM to deal with your brother." She chuckled, shaking her head.

Reese soon came down stairs and joined them at the table, looking like a new man. He had gotten cleaned up and changed, his blonde curls neatly combed, and his clothes pressed. He was ready for his date. "Who are you and what have you done with our son?" Preston joked.

"Very funny." Reese rolls his eyes, but grins. "I just wanted to look good. Brooke deserves the best."

"Oh, how sweet. You're really serious about her, aren't you?" Valerie smiled, her eyes shining with happiness for her son. She was surprised to see him this way, but in a good way. She liked seeing him like this. It made her happy to see him so happy.

"Yes, mom. I'm serious about her. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me." Reese admits, his smile growing wider as he thought about Brooke. "I can't believe how lucky I am."

"Well, we're happy for you, Reese." Preston said, smiling at his son. "Just remember to be yourself and have fun. That's all that matters."

"Yeah, don't overthink things. Just enjoy the moment." Valerie adds, reaching over to pat Reese's hand reassuringly. "That's what life's all about. Enjoying the moments. The good and the bad."

"Thanks, mom. Thanks, dad." Reese smiles. He was so lucky to have parents like his. And he knew his sister was lucky too. "I appreciate the advice. Now, let's eat. I'm starving."

Everyone chuckled and began to dig into their breakfast. The family enjoyed their breakfast together, sharing stories and laughter as they ate. Winnie couldn't help but feel grateful for her family and the love and support they provided. After breakfast, Reese hurried off to get ready for his date, leaving Winnie to enjoy some quiet time before her own plans with Stick later in the day. As Winnie sat on the porch, sipping her coffee and enjoying the morning breeze, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. Everything felt right in that moment, and she couldn't wait to spend the day with Stick.

Later, as she got ready to meet Stick at Pat's, Winnie found herself humming a tune, excitement bubbling within her. She was looking forward to whatever surprise Stick had planned for them. When she arrived at Pat's, her heart fluttered upon seeing him sitting at a table with Ashley and Brooke. She walks inside and joins them, a smile on her lips. "Hey."

"Hey, babe." Stick greets her with a bright smile, standing up and walking over to her hug her and then after they pulled away from the hug, he surprised her with a kiss on the lips. Winnie blushed, feeling butterflies fluttering in her stomach as their lips met. He always had that effect on her. When they pulled apart, he had a smirk on his lips. "Miss me?"

"You have no idea." She giggled, kissing his cheek. She was surprised by the sudden boldness, but she was also pleased. Her heart skipped a beat, her face turning red as he pulled a seat out for her and she sat down, smiling at him gratefully. He was so sweet.

Stick sat back down in his seat, his eyes never leaving her. His gaze was intense and full of love. It was like she was the only person in the room. Winnie felt her cheeks grow warm under his stare, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. It was a feeling she was still getting used to. Being loved by someone so openly and genuinely was still new to her. 

"You guys are so cute." Ashley coos, resting her chin in her hands. "But guys, guess who kissed me?" She asked in an excited tone, a grin tugging on her lips. 

"Tad!" Winnie gasped along with Brooke, who added an 'awe' as they hugged and squealed with excitement.

Winnie smiles widely at Ashly, feeling happy for her. "Aw, Ash. That's so exciting! I'm so happy for you!" She knew how much Ashley had been wanting to kiss Tad and now it had finally happened.

"It was amazing, I'm going to ask him out today." Ashley admitted, her eyes shining with happiness.

"Wow. This has been your dream since you first got here. Can you write 'Brooke gets rich' on your bucket list?" Brooke grins. "And 'Brooke and Reese get married one day'." She added, giggling as her cheeks turn red.

"So I assume you're excited for your date later?" Winnie chuckled.

"Duh." Brooke grins. "Of course. I've never been so excited for anything in my life."

"I bet. Reese is pretty excited too." Winnie adds. "He was a total mess earlier." She chuckled, thinking of her brother and his antics.

"Really?" Brooke asks with surprise. "Well, I'm flattered." She grins, blushing. "And I'm glad. Because I was a mess too. And still am, to be honest."

"Don't worry, Brooke. You'll be fine." Winnie reassures her, giving her a smile. "You're going to have a great time."

"Thanks, Winnie." Brooke smiles back, her eyes shining. "I hope you're right."

"Ooh, Tad's here!" Ashley's voice raises out of excitement after noticing Tad enter the place. Winnie raises her eyebrows, looking at her with amusement. Ashley then scoffs, trying to act cool. "I mean, Tad's here."

"Nice." Winnie laughs softly, shaking her head. "Totally casual."

"Shut up." Ashley mumbled, her face red as she glanced at Tad.

"So, babe, you ready for our date?" Stick asked, smiling at Winnie.

"Definitely." Winnie grins, her heart fluttering with excitement. "I can't wait to see what you have planned."

Stick chuckles, reaching across the table to take her hand in his. "Well, it's a surprise, so I hope you're ready for anything."

"I'm always ready for an adventure with you." Winnie smiles, squeezing his hand gently. "Lead the way."

Stick's smile widens, his eyes shining with excitement. "Alright, let's go." He stands up, pulling Winnie up with him, and they bid their friends goodbye before heading out together.

As they walked hand in hand, Winnie couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and anticipation bubbling within her. She was grateful for moments like these, where she could simply be with the person she loved and enjoy their company. It was a feeling that she cherished and held close to her heart.

"So, where are we going?" Winnie asked as they made their way down the sidewalk, a small smile playing on her lips.

"It's a surprise, remember?" Stick grinned, shooting her a wink.

"Right, of course. How could I forget?" Winnie chuckles, rolling her eyes playfully. She could tell he was excited about whatever he had planned, and she was eager to find out what it was. "But come on, I don't get a hint?" She pouted.

Stick chuckles at her pout, shaking his head. "Nope, not a chance. You'll just have to wait and see." He squeezes her hand gently, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "But I promise you'll love it."

Winnie laughs, her heart fluttering at his excitement. She trusted him completely, knowing that whatever he had planned would be amazing. "Alright, I trust you. Lead the way, then."

With that, they continued their walk, hand in hand, their hearts filled with love and anticipation for the adventure that awaited them. As they turned the corner, Stick's grin widened, knowing that the surprise he had planned was going to make this day unforgettable for both of them. And Winnie couldn't wait to see what it was. As they made their way through town, Winnie took in the sights and sounds around them. The sun was shining brightly, and the streets were bustling with activity. People were shopping, chatting, and enjoying the beautiful day. She loved living in a small town, and moments like these made her feel even more grateful for where she lived. She never imagined her life could be this way, but here she was, on a date with the boy of her dreams, about to experience something new and exciting. She couldn't wait to find out what it was.

Eventually, Stick led her to a cute little café on the corner. He opens the door for her and Winnie enters the café, a smile on her lips as she looks around. The café was cozy and welcoming, with a warm, woodsy atmosphere and an inviting aroma of coffee and baked goods. It was perfect.

"This place is adorable." Winnie comments, her eyes shining. "What made you pick it?"

Stick chuckles softly, a small smile playing on his lips. "Honestly? It reminded me of you. It's warm and welcoming, like a home away from home. Plus, the coffee and pastries are amazing. I figured you'd love it."

Winnie feels her heart skip a beat at his words, her cheeks growing warm. She wasn't used to someone paying such close attention to her, and it was a welcome feeling. "You're right, I love it." She smiles, leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Thank you."

Stick blushes at her words and the kiss on his cheek, his heart fluttering. He had a feeling that she was going to like the café, but he wasn't prepared for her reaction. Her response to his gesture filled him with warmth, and he was grateful that she appreciated his effort. "You're welcome." He led her over to the front counter and they ordered their drinks and a few pastries. They then found a table by the window and sat down together.

"I'm glad you brought me here. This place is so cozy and relaxing. It's perfect for a date." Winnie smiles, taking a sip of her coffee. "I can't believe I didn't know about this place before. How'd you find it?"

Stick takes a bite of his pastry and swallows before responding. "Oh, I was just wandering around and stumbled upon it. It looked like the kind of place you'd like, so I decided to check it out. And I was right. I'm glad you like it."

Winnie smiles, feeling a warmth spreading through her chest. She couldn't help but feel touched by Stick's thoughtfulness. It was moments like these that made her fall for him even more. "You have a knack for finding hidden gems, don't you?"

Stick chuckles, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I like to think so. But really, I just got lucky this time." He reaches across the table to take her hand in his, his thumb gently stroking the back of her hand. "I'm just happy to be here with you."

Winnie feels her heart flutter at his touch, her cheeks flushing as she meets his gaze. "Me too. I couldn't imagine spending this day with anyone else." She squeezes his hand gently, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "You're the best."

They continue enjoying their coffee and pastries, the conversation flowing easily between them. Winnie couldn't believe how comfortable and natural it felt to be with him, like they were meant to be together. They spend the next hour chatting and laughing, enjoying each other's company and savoring the delicious food and drinks. Winnie couldn't remember the last time she felt this happy and content. Being with Stick made everything feel right, like she was exactly where she was meant to be. As they finish their drinks and pastries, Stick glances at his watch and then back at Winnie with a mischievous smile. "Ready for the next part of our adventure?"

Winnie's eyes light up with excitement, her heart racing with anticipation. She had no idea what Stick had planned, but she knew it was going to be amazing. "Absolutely. Lead the way."

Stick stands up from the table, offering Winnie his hand with a smile. She takes it eagerly, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through her veins as they make their way out of the café and onto the bustling streets once again. Whatever Stick had in store for them, Winnie knew it was going to be a day she would never forget. And she couldn't wait to experience it all with him by her side. "So, what's the next stop on our adventure?" Winnie asked, her curiosity piqued.

Stick simply winks at her, a smirk playing on his lips. "That's a secret. You'll have to wait and see."

Winnie chuckles, her heart fluttering at his teasing. "You know, I'm surprised you're doing all this. I know you don't really like crowds or big, public things. I can tell you're excited about whatever you have planned, though. So thank you. For all of this. For being so thoughtful and surprising me. I appreciate it, really." She said softly, her voice filled with gratitude and affection.

Stick smiles warmly at her, his eyes shining with love and admiration. "You're worth it, Winnie. Every moment spent with you is a moment I cherish. I want to make you happy and create memories together that we'll treasure forever." He squeezes her hand gently, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "You mean everything to me, and I'll do whatever it takes to see that beautiful smile of yours."

Winnie feels her breath catch in her throat at his words, her heart racing and her cheeks flushing with warmth. She wasn't used to hearing such tender sentiments from him, but she couldn't deny the effect it had on her. It was moments like these that made her fall in love with him even more. "You really are the sweetest, Stick. I can't believe how lucky I am to have you as my boyfriend."

"I'm the lucky one." He smiles, bringing her hand up to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "I'm so glad I met you, Winnie. You've changed my life for the better. I can't imagine my life without you now."

Winnie feels her cheeks flush and butterflies flutter in her stomach as Stick's words fill her with warmth. She couldn't believe how fortunate she was to have found someone like him, someone who truly understood her and accepted her for who she was. She had never felt so loved and appreciated in her life, and it was a feeling she cherished deeply.

"I feel the same way." Winnie replied softly, her eyes shining with emotion. "I'm so grateful for you, Stick. Thank you for making me feel so special and loved. You have no idea how much it means to me. I can't imagine my life without you now either." She smiled fondly, her face red. She leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to Stick's lips, feeling a rush of love and affection wash over her. Her heart raced as his free hand came up to gently grip her chin with his thumb and forefinger. He tilted her face upward and deepened the kiss, sending shivers down her spine and butterflies fluttering in her stomach. When they finally pulled apart, they were both breathless and flushed.

"I love you, Winnie." Stick whispered, his gaze intense and filled with adoration.

"I love you too." Winnie smiled softly, her heart full to bursting with happiness. She and Stick sat back in their seats, still holding hands. She couldn't believe how incredibly lucky she was. She had found a kind, loving, and supportive partner who made her feel valued and treasured, and she couldn't imagine her life without him now. Standing there, holding his hand, and gazing into his eyes, Winnie felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

A/N i love stick & winnie so much

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