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"Nonsense!" Eris said as he looked at Nesta and her friends with determination.

After the game, classes restarted. Much to everyone's disagreement. After their last class, Nesta, the twins, and Emerie decided to meet up with Eris to talk about the jinx. The girls were sure the jinxer was Tamlin but Eris kept defending Tamlin for reasons unknown.

The five of them were walking Eris to his hut near the dark forest. Emerie asked Eris if Tamlin had ever attempted to harm a student. Thus, bringing up to topic of the argument.

"Why would Tamlin jinx you like that? He may not be the best Professor but he would never harm either of the children at this school." Eris finished as Nesta shrugged. "I don't know Why was he trying to get pass the dog on Halloween?" she sarcastically remarked as Eris widen his eyes. "Who told you about Fluffy?"

Now it was the girls' turn to look shocked. "Fluffy? That dog,"

"In the cellar,"

"Chained up to the wall,"

"And don't forget to mention that it has 2 other heads,"

"HAS A NAME!?" All 4 girls exclaimed at the same time.

Eris smirked. "Yep. I raised him myself." The girls noticed him looking off to the side. mumbling something under his breath about his father. Geez, the Vansarra's have too much drama for Nesta to handle. "I got him last year. I lent him to Kallias to guard the-"

"Yes?" Nesta beamed as Eris stopped talking. "I shouldn't have said that."


"No more questions. Top secret."

"But Eris, Tamlin's trying to steal whatever Fluffy's guarding." Catrin said her sister nodded in agreement. Eris sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Professor Tamlin is a Hogwarts teacher."

"Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a jinxer when I see one." Emerie clarified as Nesta stated for Emerie. "We've learned them in Charms class. You have to keep eye contact."

"And Tamlin wasn't blinking." All 4 girls replied.

Eris glared at the girls. Maybe it would've been easier if they sent an email to him instead. "Now, you 4 listen here. You're meddling with things you don't understand. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Kallias and Tarquin the Third."

All girls stared at in with interest. "Tarquin the Third?" Gwyn asked as Eris gasped, realizing what he just said. "...I'm gonna go." he replied walking inside his hut without another word.

When Eris left, Catrin asked the question that Nesta and Gwyn were thinking. "Who's Tarquin the Third?" Nesta and the twins turned to Emerie expecting her to have all the answers. For once in her first year of Hogwarts, Emerie said the 3 words that no one thought she would say. "I don't know."

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