Quidditch prt. 2

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The snitch zoomed so fast, Nesta almost fell off her broom from reaching for it. She flew in the direction of the snitch, her opponent close behind. The snitch zig zagged through the field, only zooming on the sides of the field. Nesta reached out for it again but the moment her fingertips just grasp its wings, she was knocked off course.

At first she assumed it was the Gryffindor, but her broom didn't stop shaking. In fact, Nesta could barely stay on. She needed to get off. But how?


"What's happening?" Nesryn cried from the Ravenclaw section. Emerie and Nesryn were sitting together up front. It felt right for them to sit there sense it was their first Quidditch game. Nesryn begged Emerie to come on the first month at school. Emerie declined the offer at first, but she figured that Nesta would need all the suppose she could get.

Emerie mostly kept quiet trying to block out the shouts and screams. God, she hated it here. At least she can watch her friend win. Unfortunately, that's not what's happening right now.

Right now, her friend's broomstick was acting weird. Really weird. Nesryn was seeing through her goggles. "Emerie, take a look." Emerie grabbed the goggles before she could finish her sentence. There in the distance, she saw Nesta struggling to get back on her broom. Normally, it would be easy for someone like her, but the broom was wobbling and shaking. Only comet brooms wobble like that. And even they didn't wobble during a game. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

Emerie knew. She knew before the goggles were over her eyes. Her broom had been jinxed. Jinxing something was hard work. It required an inscriptive amount of magic words and no breaking eye contact. Even the smallest blink and the jinx won't work.

Emerie pretended to search for the jinxer but she already knew who it was. Shifting her gaze to the teachers, Emerie fixed her gaze onto her Potions teacher, Professor Tamlin. He was mumbling some words under his breath. The jinx words.

Quickly shoving the goggles back into Nesryn's arms, Emerie raced down the tower, using her wings to glide down safely to the ground. She ran around 6 towers in order to reach the one Tamlin was in. She snuck in through the curtains of the tower until she caught sight of Tamlin's cloak. Emerie brought her wand out. She barely grasp his cloak when she recited a recent Charm technique she learned a few days ago. "Incendio."

Instantly, a small blaze sparked on Tamlin's cloak. The flame grew larger until someone noticed it. "Um Tamlin, you're on fire!" Someone cried from the stands. Emerie barely had time to avoid her Professor's surprise fall. Unfortunately, Emerie noticed that Professor Ianthe fell victim to the fall. She hoped she was okay.

Emerie snuck away and arrived back to the Ravenclaw tower. Nesryn looked at her confused. "Why'd you run off like that?" Nesryn asked as Emerie brushed her off. "Bathroom. Couldn't hold it."


Once the broom had stopped wiggling, Nesta hoisted herself back on the broom. "Damn it. Where'd you go?" Nesta mumbled trying to find the snitch. She zoomed around the field, her heart racing to the pace of a cheetah. She couldn't believe it. Her first Quidditch game. And she was going to loose. She had to find that snitch.

A brief timeout was called by Rhysand. The Quidditch players gathered on each side of the field, landing softly on the ground. Once Nesta placed her foot on the ground, she was met with a million questions from her teammates. "What happened to your broom Nes?"

"You almost fell over back there. Are you okay?" Aelin asked as Nesta nodded. "My broom got a little hay-wired but it's okay now."

"You sure? It looked like your broom had a mind of it's own." Lorcan said, his club resting on his shoulder.

Nesta looked across the stand for her friends. She saw Nora, Bryce, and Tomas. They all looked at Nesta half concern, half angry. Not angry at Nesta or the others, but at the Gryffindors. They knew they were cheating. And Nesta is the only one who can stop it.

Nesta gripped her broom. "I'm fine. I can do this. I want to do this." The Slytherins matched her confidence as the whistle came from Helion telling them that their time limit was up.

The players mounted their brooms and returned to their previous positions. Nesta and the Gryffindor Seeker had to fly back to their original positions about the players. Helion released the Golden Snitch as it took off or the second time.

The Quaffle was released and the game restarted. The Gryffindors weren't fighting dirty but it still didn't make up for their cheating antics from before. Nesta cringed as she was forced to watch as Gryffindor scored another goal. Not even Lysandra's fake cheering as a host cheered her up. "Come on, where are you?" Nesta mumbled as she felt a flutter lightly tickling her neck. Nesta didn't need to look to know it was the snitch.

Without thinking, Nesta reached for the snitch, the small ball immediately slipping through her fingers. Cursing silently, Nesta raced after the snitch, making sure not to lean forward so much. She can feel the Gryffindor right behind her. She didn't dare turn her head, knowing the cost if she took her eyes off the snitch for even a second.

Nesta zoomed faster and faster. Nesta could feel the Gryffindor gaining on her. He was so close that she could his shoulder brushing up against hers. Ugh, she wish she could smack him in the face just for breathing the same air. The two of them even reached out for the snitch barely able to avoid touching their hands. The snitch whirled around the two of them like a fly. "Geez, come on!" Nesta complained.

While the two Seekers were distracted, the Gryffindor Seeker suddenly stopped mid-air. Nesta didn't have time to understand until it was too late. Nesta rammed right into the Quidditch players. She recognized one of them to be Rhysand. The other was a girl. Probably a 3rd year.

The three of them tumbled to the ground, stopping the game completely. The Gryffindors went over to Rhysand and the 3rd year while the Slytherins checked on Nesta.


"Oh my gosh, is she okay?" Gwyn exclaimed trying to look on the field for Nesta. It wasn't hard to locate her but the Slytherins were all around her. She couldn't see anything. No one could.

"Eris, can you see anything?" Catrin asked to her right. Eris would usually sit with the other Professors but he decided to sit with the twins. Mainly due to the fact that he didn't want to sit near his father. Yeah, he doesn't talk about that.

Eris grabbed a pair of binoculars and looked towards Nesta and the Slytherins. Nesta was up on her feet while Aelin and Lorcan were checking for bruises. For some reason, Nesta was hunched over while Rowan was viciously patted her back.

"It looks like she gonna be sick." Eris replied as the twins leaned forward to get a closer look. The twins watched as Nesta opened her mouth and the entire stadium, including themselves, gasped.


Nesta could can hear everyone around her cheering with excitement. Mainly her teammates. But she didn't hear a single word. Because the golden snitch was in the palm of her hand. She chocked it up thanks to Rowan. Nesta smiled from ear to ear as her Quidditch team embraced her in an enormous hug. Never in her life had Nesta felt so loved.

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