15 - Cutting A Long Story Short

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I was in the library when I spotted Harry having some sort of breakdown.

"Are you okay, Harry?" I asked tentatively, touching a hand to his shoulder as he wailed face down into an open book.

"Does it look like I'm fucking okay?" He snapped, shrugging me off. "In just a few hours time I've got to dive into a lake and learn how to breathe like a fucking fish! And for some unfathomable reason I'm not allowed to even forfeit! Just try being me for one day in your easy life, Neve, and then ask me if I'm okay!"

I flinched, taken aback by his angry outburst.

"Well," I suggested lightly, "in that book Professor Moody gave me about water-plants and their-"

"No offence, Neve," Harry scoffed, "but I really couldn't give a fuck about plants. Now if there's a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breathe for an hour underwater for an hour then great."

"I don't know about a turnip but you can always use gillyweed."

Harry looked up at me, his mouth agape.

"I love you, Neve."

Wow. Bipolar much.


"You're sure about this, Neve?" Harry asked as he greedily stuffed the green mulch in his mouth.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Pretty much."

"Pretty much?!" He repeated, shivering in his speedos which I had to say, didn't do much for him.

"Well, good luck," I said, patting his arm and trying not to stare too much at Cedric Diggory and Viktor Krum who were both stood behind him, 'warming up'.

This was definitely my favourite task to date.

I went and joined Seamus's side as we waited for Ludo Bagman to kick off the event.

We watched the champions dive into the water, and for a fleeting moment, it seemed I may have killed Harry Potter.

But when Harry proceeded to fly into the air like a dolphin, it turned out that I hadn't done Lord Voldemort out of a job quite yet.


The rest of the year went by without much drama.

Well, unless you count the final task when Cedric Diggory arrived back dead.

Rumour had it that Harry was blaming Draco's dad. I didn't know what to believe by this point. I mean, everyone knew Harry was having 'mad' moments with his scar and everything thanks to those informative articles by Rita Skeeter.

My head hurt and I felt numb to the craziness that went on in this school.

I was just glad that I had survived without too much humiliation on my part.

"Me mam wants to know if you'd like to come over for some tea in the holidays," Seamus announced nervously to me on the train journey home.

I couldn't help but notice the loud scoffing sound coming from the general direction of Dean Thomas.

It had turned out he had been unsuccessful in his attempts to ask Ginny Weasley out.

"Er..." I hesitated. I realised I needed to stop stringing poor Seamus along. "I'm so sorry Seamus, but I'm too young to be in a relationship right now; I need to concentrate on my toad and plant life."

This was not a lie; I had enrolled Trevor and I in an intensive 'How to Know Your Plants and Gain Confidence' course over the summer.

I had a good feeling about it.

The look of relief flooding on Seamus's face told me I had done the right thing, and I left him and Dean to it as they indulged in a game of one on one Exploding Snap.

Walking up the train corridor, I bumped into Harry Potter himself.

"Err, hey Neve," he said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Hey," I said back, feeling slightly baffled by his obvious discomfort.

"So... um... are you doing anything nice with your gran this summer?" he asked.

I was shocked. Harry had never asked once about my summer in the years that I'd known him, least of all about my gran. I hadn't even been aware that he knew I lived with her.

"Um, yeah." I shrugged. "The usual... you know."

"I'm sorry," he said suddenly, his green eyes piercing mine. "I had no idea."

And before I could question him about his new level of weirdness, we were interrupted by a cold drawling voice.

"Trying not to think about it, are we? Trying not to pretend it hasn't happened?"

"Piss off, Malfoy," Harry growled.

"You've picked the losing side, Potter!" Draco snarled as he neared us. "I warned you! I told you you ought to choose your company more carefully, remember? When we met on the train, first day at Hogwarts? I told you not to hang around with riff-raff like Granger and Weasley! Too late now, Potter! They'll be the first to go, now the Dark Lord's back! Mudbloods and Muggle-lovers first! Well - second - Diggory was the f-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as I had hexed his arse.

"Nice one, Neve," Harry said impressively as I pocketed my smoking wand.

Seemed I might not need that summer school after all.

But I'd still go - just in case.


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