Chapter 14: She saved me

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- Yoongi POV -

I felt happiness for the first time in so long. I finally smiled from my heart after years. I found the home I have been longing for. I found the cure to all of my pain.

I found her. The cure to my miseries.

The one who could bring an end to this heart clenching pain.

It was her. Cha Da-eun.

Looking back into the old days, when my family was suffering from poverty and hunger and I was suffering from depression, she came out to me like an angel one day when I was trying to sell music and make money although my parents asked me not to and focus on studies instead.

I remember. It was a hot summer day and I was skipping school after the recess trying to earn money. On my way I was about to faint and fall because of hunger and the strong sun rays when I suddenly felt a hand hold me from falling.

It was Da-eun who had been following me all the way seeing me trying to skip school.

She was not in my class but in the class next to mine. I never talked to her before and here she is, trying to help me.

"Hang on there for a bit longer" she said as she carried me towards a huge shady tree and made me sit under it. I couldn't help but stare at her with my half closed eyes when she was busy spraying water on my face.

"Hey are you alright?" She asks being worried as I nod catching my breath.

"Thanks" I said and looked at the grass near my leg as she giggled and sat next to me. "Here take it" she says and hands me a bottle of water along with a tiffin box.

"If you were facing issues you should've asked for help from your friends" She says. "I don't have friends" I replied. "From now on you do. I'm your friend okay?" She said with a smile.

That's how I met her. The love of my life. My only happiness when everyone left. After that she worked part time jobs with me, comforted me every time I cried and made me feel loved. How could I not fall for an angel like her who made me feel like I really valued a lot.

When I confessed my love to her, she accepted me although she knew I couldn't fulfill any of her wishes.

Here I am. In the same sea shore where once I shared my happiest memories with my friends. I never really told anyone but this place gave me too many happy memories which I can't forget no matter how much I hate my friends now for leaving me. It is true that I resent my friends too much but it is also true that they were once the best part of my life.

Da-eun looked at me with a gentle smile as she wrapped her hands around me. "Old memories hmm?" She asks as I simply nod hugging her back. "It's okay. Fold those pages in the book of your life as old good memories." She says and breaks the hug.

We spent the rest of our day there enjoying the weather and sounds of waves. I'm happy with whatever I have in life right now and I hope this lasts what we call forever.

Authors POV °

Only if he knew the happiest moments in one's life keep on crashing with nightmares, maybe then he'd keep everyone he loved away from him even if that broke his heart.

The saddest part of Yoongi's life is that he is the writer of his story but has no control on his life. If he could change the days of the dark sky with no stars then his tears would fly up from eyes and become the missing stars in the dark sky.



Fallin' Flower by SEVENTEEN

On Queue
Hai Cheng by The8
Pit a Pat by Seungkwan
She's In The Rain by The Rose

• • •

Authors note: I know this is a short chapter and I'm sorry for that. Hihi well I'm searching for some ideas. Do you guys have some theory of what will happen next? If yes then don't forget to drop them in the comments! I might use one of them!

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