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kidnapping, merle.


Alex and Glenn Made their way to the red pickup truck and headed out on a run to Collect more supplies for the baby and look for more Ammo as well as other essentials the group needed. Glenn sat in the driver's seat while Alex sat next to him as he parked the car outside a selection of old stores after a completely silent drive as grief consumed Alex. one thought she couldn't shake, one that wouldn't escape her mind...  how was she alive, how did she deserve to be alive?

"Baby formula, diapers anything that could be useful for lil ass-kicker," Alex confirmed as the pair got out of the truck and walked into the store. her heart aching for the motherless child she'd left with Beth at the prison. formula was her priority nothing else, she'd leave whatever else up to Glenn to find, that child was the only thing she cared about.

"yeah.." Glenn nodded as they entered the store he grabbed a shopping basket to put whatever supplies they find in. He followed Alex further into the store, his chest burning wanting to know if Alex was truly okay, and if there was anything he could do to ease the pain she felt.  but he knew grief all too well, nothing he could say would help ease the racing thoughts in her mind. They walked around the store Alex's gun raised as she cleared the store, ensuring there were no unexpected dangers before they could scavenge for supplies, and when they could the basket slowly began filling with supplies; baby formula and canned goods.

"Alex?" She hummed acknowledging him as she searched the next set of shelves, Glenn placing a can of vegetables in the basket before continuing, his thoughts racing as he went to ask another question hoping to learn more about the girl.

"before you found us... you were on your own?" The question took Alex by surprise not particularly wanting to talk about the events leading up to her being alone, they still tormented her. She didn't think they would ever stop.

"yeah, it was probably coming up to a month when I found you," Alex stated, her voice emotionless as she put some more cans in the basket, a familiar pain in her chest as she thought back to the people she lost.

"Obviously you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.. but what happened?" he was unsure if he'd overstepped by asking the question, but he wanted to learn more about Alex and see if there were any reasons behind the way he'd noticed her acting.

"I was with my sergeant and a group of soldiers from different regiments.... and my best friend Eli, the medic I told you about. we got separated" Alex stated throwing a few more things in the basket not wanting to get into too much detail, purely saying his name caused a wave of emotions to rush through her body. She never thought she'd miss someone this much...

 her mind wondered to Eli, he truly was her saviour.. now he was gone, and in all honesty, she didn't know how she could do it without him. any of it. Eli Moore taught her more about life than her parents ever did, he was the one person she fully trusted, the one person who knew everything, and now there was nothing left of him, not a photo, nothing but her memories and she prayed she'd never forget his voice.

"I'm sorry" he nodded, giving his condolences, he could tell by purely the amount of times Alex had mentioned the other man that he had a big impact on her. whenever loss flickered in his mind the voices of the people he'd lost echoed through his mind.

"It's okay...just wish he was here you know" Alex smiled weakly as he nodded, he understood, it was hard not to with the losses they'd faced but Glenn took the hint by the tone of her voice, not asking any further questions as the two continued searching the store the place was like a goldmine. canned foods, formula, diapers. everything they had been looking for except ammo.

when the pair had finished searching they made their way back outside, A massive smile on Glenn's face as he looked through what was in the basket. these supplies had to last them a while, relief washed over Alex's as a small smile tugged at her lips, she had done right by Lori... she would always look after those kids.

"We just hit the powered formula jackpot" he smiled looking at the five tubs of baby formulas in the basket, Alex smiled pleased with what they'd found a weight being lifted from her shoulders...

"also got beans, batteries, cocktail wieners, so many mustards. it's a straight shot back to the prison from here. probably make it in time for dinner" Glenn smiled proudly as he walked toward the car to put the basket inside. Alex smiled relief washing over her, an easy run, it was just what they needed. what she needed. time away from the prison, and the fresh air helped but so did Glenn. His smile was contagious in a way Alex hadn't seen before. his energy the way he acted, made Alex feel a slither of normalcy.. maybe even hope.

something about him made him radiate happiness, despite the short time they'd known each other Alex could tell how big his heart was, how much of a caring individual he was... he had the same effect on everyone, there was no other way to describe him aside from the fact he was kind, he didn't deserve any of this. he made her feel normal, even if it was only for a second.

that was until a voice rang through her ears.

"and where is it y'all good people are calling home?!" Alex's head shot toward the voice paired with the clock of a gun. Glenn dropped the basket as they both aimed their guns toward the man in a matter of seconds. a stern expression showing on Alex's face as she stepped forward in front of Glenn. no one else was dying, not with her. 

"Merle?" Glenn questioned, Alex's head shot toward Glenn in confusion having heard that name before but not remembering the story behind it, or where it had come from. adrenaline rushed through her veins as her eyes flickered back toward the man. 

"you know this prick?" Alex scoffed, taking another step forward a fierce scowl on her face as she looked the man up and down. She didn't care what happened, at least not to her. She wouldn't  let anyone  else die because of her

"wow!" The man's voice sounded odd to Alex, almost sarcastic yet laced with malicious intent as he lowered his gun to the floor, putting his hands up. The man took a few steps closer, Alex doing the same with a glare keeping space between Merle and Glenn. not today mother fucker, she thought.

"Back the fuck up before there's a bullet between your brows!" Alex yelled, warning him. She took a step forward, standing her ground. Glenn quickly stepped in front of her, shielding her from Merle. they couldn't handle another loss, especially not at the hands of Merle.

"Okay! Okay, honey. Jesus," Merle scoffed, looking Alex up and down biting his lip, causing bile to rise in Glenn's throat. She clenched her jaw, tilting her head slightly to the right. She could feel her blood boiling as she stared him down. Anger was better than grief.

"you made it," Glenn said in disbelief looking at the man before him, Alex looked back at Glenn trying to wrap her head around what was happening.

"can you tell me, is my brother alive?" Merle questioned taking another step closer, Alex's jaw clenched again as she exhaled a breath. anger rushed through her veins, heat flooding through her body. She didn't trust anyone she met out here. she couldn't give less of a shit whose brother he was.

"yeah" After the mention of his brother's realisation washed over her, Daryl's brother.. the one Rick handcuffed to the roof in Atlanta. the stories she'd been told about the group's past never stuck with her, aside from the people they'd lost, Merle being one of them.

"hey, you take me to him and I'll call it even on everything that happened up there in Atlanta. no hard feelings?" He offered with a smile, Alex shook her head before looking over to Glenn, they couldn't just take him back, not with the baby there. 

"hell no." Alex scoffed, Gun still raised in his direction. There was no way she was risking anyone else's safety, especially the family she had left. protecting them was on her. 

"we'll tell Daryl you're here, and he'll come out to meet you," Glenn suggested Gun firmly in his hands still pointed Merle as he showed off his metal arm, Blade attached. Alex could read body language too well, something wasn't right and she knew it. her mind flickering back to the people she'd met in the army and the things she had been taught.

"hold on hold on" Merle reasoned as he stepped closer to Glenn. ignoring Glenn's warnings Merle kept edging closer. Alex's heart raced as her grip on her gun tightened weighing out her options.

"hey, the fact we found each other is a miracle. come on now.. you can trust me." He edged slightly closer a bad feeling growing in Alex's stomach as she contemplated firing a warning shot yet decided against it not wanting to attract any walkers. she and Glenn could handle one guy, surely.

"you trust us. you stay here." Glenn's voice was stern as he spoke to Merle, Alex's hands clammy as she gripped her gun firmly. Merle chuckled, the bad feeling in Alex's stomach growing as she tilted her head. the temptation to fire a warning shot growing, but it was too late. 

Merle pulled a second gun from his waistband, shooting between Glenn and Alex, doing exactly what Alex was thinking of doing, yet still catching them off guard. The pair took cover ducking beside opposite sides of the truck. Alex rushed behind the truck, preparing to open fire,  but Merle grabbed her hair, causing her head to fall back as she was spun around. She fought against his grasp. not again. Elbowing his nose she managed to get the one up for a second before he overpowered her.

Merle's metal arm, knife attached was now pressed up against her throat, with his gun pressed against her temple. Alex could feel the cold metal of the knife against her skin causing goosebumps to trail across her skin. She looked into Merle's eyes and saw nothing but cold, hard determination. She knew that he was capable of killing her without a second thought. she'd met people like him before.

"you're a bad girl honey" he chuckled, Alex spat over his arm in disgust at his words that made her skin crawl but that didn't seem to faze him the slightest. before Glenn rushed over to them. His heart raced as he caught sight of Alex a gun to her head. knife to her throat. 

"Hey, hold up buddy hold up" Merle chuckled, Glenn pointing the gun at Merle as he glanced down at Alex, Her jaw clenched tight in anger for letting herself get caught. letting herself be used against Glenn. 

"Let go of her! Let go of her!!" Glenn demanded his voice wavering as anxiety rushed through his veins. His chest tightened in worry for Alex, as he watched her attempt to shake her head as if warning him. 

"Put that gun in the car right now," Merle huffed, pressing the gun harder into Alex's temple. Alex looked up at Glenn, shaking her head. She did not want anything to happen to him because of her. She didn't care what happened to her as long as those kids were safe. 

"Glenn, leave," she huffed through gritted teeth struggling against merles grasp. If he got hurt because of her, she could never forgive herself, not after what just happened with Lori.

"put it in the car son" Glenn's eyes softened in defeat as he slowly put his gun in the car, his eyes trained on Alex wanting her in his arms and safe. putting his hands up he needed Merle to let Alex go. but she needed, she wanted the opposite. 

"there you go. now we're gonna go on a little drive" Merle stated as he slowly got up Alex was still in his arms with the gun to her head. panic evident in Glenn's eyes.  Alex's heart raced at the thought, there was nothing he could do to her that would make her give up the prison. not a chance. 

"we're not going back to our camp" Glenn shook his head his hands still in the air as he looked back down at Alex who shook her head wanting him to just leave her and keep himself safe. you

you save everyone but who saves you...

"no we're going somewhere else.. get in the car, Glenn. you're driving!" Glenn squeezed his eyes shut in defeat, looking at Alex as Merle tighter his grip around Alex's neck pushing the gun further into her temple making her wince, merles actions coming off as a warning. 

"don't.. okay," Glenn said desperately not wanting Alex to get hurt he followed Merle's orders getting into the car. Merle dragged Alex into the back seat, pushing her in he sat next to her his eyes casually looking her up and down as anxiety flooded into her body. it was supposed to be an easy run. 

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