Chapter 14

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"Your Majesty, you are so lovely this evening," my embassador says and I uneasily accept it.

"Thank you, M'lord," I say. "I must say, I didn't expect your company here due to the Chancellor's strong hold on the capital." He shakes his head, smiling at me.

"You are my Mistress," he says.  "I will be recalled by only you, Your Magesty." I smile and offer my ring for him to kiss. He does so and I smile.

"You are a good, loyal servant of our Kingdom, Plutarch," I say. "Please, enjoy the feast of the Summer Solstice. My ladies an will be preforming the dance of the four seasons just before dinner." He steps away from me and bows.

"I look forward to it, Your Majesty," he says, walking off to speak with some other important men I don't yet know. I walk over to my ladies and gather them around me.

"Shall we then?" I ask and we all join hands. The music starts and we skip in a circle to one side for a few measures and then in another. We spin and form a v shape with me at the point. We jump upon our toes and dance a small, repetitive jig, our legs kicking out to the side at the beat of a drum. We spin, our skirts unfurling like the petals of a flower. We weave in and out of one another in the dance, a gentleman singing the words carefully. I turn in a circle between all of them. My ladies grab the ribbons at my waist which hold together my gown and pull, spinning away as my gown falls to pieces revealing the dark purple velvet gown beneath, glittering with crystals and pearls, a symbolic rebirth of spring, taking away the faded clothing to the new vibrant ones. My long hair falls into curls and I continue the lively dance as the ribbons are pulled on my ladies' gowns to reveal the vibrant velvet pleats beneath. The court claps and the ribbons are thrown into the air and spun as we ourselves spin. Each of us choose a gentleman of the Prince's privy chamber to dance with us for the final part.

I of course lay my purple ribbon around Peeta's neck. He takes my hand and we join the line and dance as the final bars are played happily. The final note I played and we bow to Peeta's father and thunderous applause. He raises a glass to us, a grand smile upon his face.

"Well done, all of you," he says. "Let us eat and continue the festivities." The court continues to clap and I look to Peeta. He carefully takes my hand and leads me to the royal table. I sit at his right hand and we are served a lovely lamb stew with plums. I eat delicately, despite my hunger, due to the eyes on me. Peeta lays his hand next to mine and I lay my finger across his knuckles. It is a subtle show of an affection I still am not confident in.

Yes, I accept that he will be my husband. That I can more than trust in him as a loyal one at that and I am very pleased with in appearence. But I am not quick to assume love, nor am I turning it down either. I am simply holding steady, neither turning affection away nor allowing myself to appear a giddy love sick child.

I must be strong.

I must be neat.

I must hold myself in the highest order.

I sit up upon my seat as the meal is cleared and I look at Peeta as people mill about. The garden glitters outside with lanterns as people begin lining up the garden for the fireworks.

"Have you ever seen them?" Peeta asks and I shake my head.

"No, we didn't have reason to waste gunpowder," I say and Peeta smiles.

"Let us go and see them, Katie," he says standing and pulling out my chair. He offers his hand and I take it as I stand, following him accross the room to the side door. Our coats are placed over our shoulders and I allow Peeta to continue our trek out of the door.

The stars shine brightly sparkle above us. I hear the footsteps of the courtiers following us. I glance nervously at Peeta and he kisses my hand.

"It's alright," he says. "They'll keep their distance and we will sit in the gazebo." I nod and follow him down our path and we sit upon the bench. There is shuffling behind us as I hear a crack like gunfire. The sky lights up and their is a gasp. I feel it rumble through my chest and I allow myself to ride it out as more flames shoot up and dance in the sky. The world seems to stand still and I look out over the refections on the water.

"It's so marvelous," I say and Peeta smiles at me.

"As firey as you are, Sweetheart," he says and I feel his hand grip mine tightly. I look back at the sky and the uproarious thunder of the fireworks. I look around and seeing no one else looking at us and I scoot myself closer to Peeta.

"Will you visit me later?" I ask. "For a reading of the first act of Hamlet after prayers?"

"Of course my sweet," he says. "It'll be a pleasure." The sound above us changes and I notice the strike of lightning.

"Oh no," I say and the storm disguised by clouds of gunpowder starts pouring down. Everyone is quickly ushered into the palace. Even with my thick coat on, I feel the cold rain soaking into my body. My ladies pull me away to quickly dress me in freshly pressed clothing. My bed clothes set by the as a bath is poured for me to warm up. I let myself be undressed and I sit down into the water to warm my shivering body. The ladies get to work pressing my bed clothes and I come into them quickly. I lace up my bed clothes and place my robe over my body as I kneel for my prayers. I hear some rustling behind me and Peeta soon joins me upon the bench beneath my cross.

He prays with me quietly and I feel a good deal of relief that despite the fact that people would want us quickly to bed for fear of a chill, he still came to pray with me.  We both sign of the cross and he helps me up onto my feet. I smile at him and Peeta kisses my hand then my cheek. We walk to the den and I sit next to him in on my window bench.

"Her Majesty invited me to read with her," he says. "Seeing as you are all of a Spanish speaking court, I would like to read to you in your language so that we may all enjoy." The ladies sit down, ringing out their hair as I set the book between Peeta and I. We read together, I the part of the ladies and Peeta the part of the men.

It is enjoyable for all parties and I look up to Peeta as we finish. He kisses my cheek and stands.

"Must you leave so soon?" I ask.

"I have a long day tomorrow, M'lady," he says. "But I shall see us as happy friends tomorrow. Goodnight, Katie."

"Goodnight, Peeta," I reply and he bows before leaving my rooms. I place my purple ribbon up in my hair and go to where my bed is being made ready. I lay down and am tucked in. I sigh and I lay my head down, wishing for the day that I might be able to keep him here for myself and not to ready a silly story to my maids.

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