Chapter 15

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I walk into my court, my hands folded on my papers. The balcony is filled with spectators who might want to catch a glimpse of me. My crown feels heavy upon my head as I walk through the gentlemen of the shared court, my eyes are straight forward as I come to the podium to state my address. I lay out my papers and look out at them.

"You may be seated," I state and there is a great creaking of the benches. "My Lords, gentlemen of the shared courts, Chancellors, Ambassadors, and all trusted friends of the isle. It is my pleasure that I might address you upon this day on my progress in Seam and the plans for the further progression of my alliance with the kingdom of Panem.

"For those who have not yet witnessed me amongst His Majesty's familiar court, my name is Katniss Everdeen, daughter of King Charles V of Seam, Duchess of Coals, and reigning queen of Seam. I have come to your isle to marry His Grace, Peeta Mellark, Prince of Merchan, His Majesty's son and heir to your throne. Due to this alliance, His Majesty has been so gracious to send troops of your son's under my generals to the mainland to reclaim Seam to my right and avenge the Queen Mother, Queen Amelia, who was serving as my regent in the Capital which has since fallen to Chancellor Cornelius Snow, the snake who was once my father's own  advisors and his wife, Alma Coin. They have declared themselves perpetual presidents, declaring my right and bloodline null do to my identity as what that may consider a feeble woman," I take a breath and look at my papers another time before staring at the stained glass above me and then look straight out at the gathering.

"Let me tell you this, gentlemen. There be no fury, no need for revenge, for vengeance, than that of a woman who hath been scorned by a man who was set to serve her, who hath murdered her regent for what she was born with betwixt her legs! I will not stand down. I owe it to my father and our line to uphold the gentle monarchy and not allow my subjects to Fall under the cruelty of this dictatorship that has arrived in my absence.

"Since the beginning of this campaign in Seam, we have been able to take the fifth and sixth districts and exclude access to lumber from the Pinelands. By Saturday, my men expect that the shared armies will be poised to pull down the capital, which has been corrupted by the Presidential rule. After the royal marriage has been completed in a weeks time, I will officially raise up my King and we shall rule as one joint monarchy over the Seam mainland and once we progress to the throne of Panem, I will pass forth a bill to unite our kingdoms as one, under one complete monarchy. For the isle of Panem has shown such love and loyalty to myself and my land, that Seam will become part of the kingdom of Panem, giving them access to the farming and food here and you all, the raw materials to build lodging, ships and fuel the home fires of your houses, for many, many years to come." There is uproarious applause and I hold up the handkerchief of my royal seal. The Mockingjay surrounded in the seal of Panem, the circlet of grain.

"Let this be a reminder of the peace I seek! That together we will become even mightier than each alone. All Hail King Richard! Long may he live and long may our kingdoms reign!" There are cheers echoing throughout the church as I step back to leave. I go to sit to the side of the king and the prince my hands once again folded. Peeta's hand is at my side and I take it in mine for security's sake since I do want to show a great dedication to the unification I have set forth. King Richard gives a speech and we are dismissed as parliament begins. I walk with Peeta out of the court and into the palace.

"You were marvelous, my love," he says and I look at him, smiling.

"Funny enough, I learned a lot from Lady Coin," I say. "She was my governess and tutor as a child. Her involvement as which I was informed has awoken new rage. Rage she taught me as a young girl was very dangerous. It will please me to see her head roll as any man's would, too."

"You have formed to a very strong Queen, M'Lady," he says and I nod.

"I must be for all ours sake, due to the violence of this war, Your Highness," I say. "On the issue of our wedding, we leave for the country houses soon?" He nods and smiles at me.

"Tomorrow morning," he says. "And we will go on to our progress in my houses in Mechan."

"Are you nervous?" I ask quietly.

"No, I am not," he says. "Are you?"

"No," I say. "I am prepared to assume my role." I stop walking and look at him. "I am glad to. We will be wed very soon, and I am happy to become your wife and raise you, as King of the Seam." He looks at me strangely.

"You are Happy?" He says. "What mean you by this?"

"I mean that I have come to enjoy your company genuinely, and I," I pause. "I do anticipate being able to be your wife, to have you choose me over all others, as I am forced to choose you. This war has taught me that you are loyal and truly loving as you say. And I will be the most happy to sign my heart to you, my Lord. For you want me, not my resources as your father may." I step closer to him, so that I am face to face with him, his kind blue eyes shining down upon me. "And I desire to be your wife more than all the gold your kingdom might have paid to me." He cups my cheek and kisses my forehead before turning up my chin to kiss my lips. I pull away and hold his shoulders. "But we still mustn't, Peeta. Not until we are married. Though I still might like you to read with me at night."

"Of course, my love," he says. "I will not be tempted to threaten your virtue until we are ready, as I promised before." I lean up and kiss his cheek.

"My heart waits happily for you," I whisper before turning and walking to my rooms.

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