Chapter 21

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My maids carefully lace a petticoat around my waist. I look down as I hold onto my bed frame and they work at the layers and layers of white cloth to be tucked beneath the full skirt. I can do nothing to settle the butterflies in my stomach. 

My wedding day.

The thing I had been preparing for for my entire life. To become the wife of the heir to this strange, faraway throne. I would have never believed that I of all people would allow myself to become attached to another person. I was taught that I was not to marry for love. I was to grin and bear it, have a whole litter of children to carry on the long lines of both my own and Peeta's ancient families. I had lay awake all night, thinking myself so foolish to tell Peeta I loved him. 

I think I do. But it's so different from the familial love that I had enjoyed with my parents.  It is very intimate, just a want to be close to him. To be there for him, in this time of need as he has been to me for so long. I lay my hand on my stomach, still nervous of my "royal duties" of bearing a son of Peeta's blood. I know he said he would never ask more of me than I could do, but that is now. Five years from now, if there were no baby in my arms or even just one, how would he feel then. If he became king, with the power I have abdicated to him, would he do away with me?

I shake my head and look down. No, he wouldn't. He does care for me as more than a royal cow. He already said he would not be worried, that his father had his sister's and that their families could carry on after us should we have no issue. He loves me, not what I represent. I need to stop being so afraid of it. I am safe here. We eat from the same plate. I sew his shirts. This is symbolic of his trust in me and the trust I must let myself find it in him. 

"Can I have you step away a moment so we might get the pleats around you, Your Majesty?" One of the young maids asks and I nod. 

"Of course, I'm sorry, " I say. "I'm a little lost in the emotions of the day." She nods as they begin lacing the skirt into place around me. It fits so perfectly and comfortably and I run the embroidery over with my fingers. There are now pearls stitched  to the centers of the flowers and I look over at the my reflection in the mirror. I feel so indifferent, so nervous as to whether I really had made the right decision. I hear the birds singing in the trees and start walking over to them. 

"M'Lady?" one of the maids ask as I carefully stand up on the bench of the window and stare out at the birds fluttering in the trees. I whistle softly to one and the bird mimics the tune back. I walk further to the edge and hold out my hand for a perch. It flutters and comes to sit on my hand. I gently stroke its iridescent black feathers and it looks at me. I whistle the note to it again and the bird repeats. I smile and send it off, up into the trees. 

"Do you know what kind of bird that is?" I ask as I step down onto the floor. The girls look at one another before one of my Seamish Ladies speaks up.

"Your Mocking jay, Your Majesty," she says and I smile, nodding. 

"They are rare here, so I do not blame you for not knowing what it was," I say. "But seeing one here today, with their bright eyes and rainbow like feathers, it has given me so much hope for my life with the prince. For the harmony of a mockingjay in a place like this is a spended omen indeed." They smile and I walk over and help them tie me tightly into my bodice. I hod it on and take a breath, holding it as the ribbons and  sashes are tied tight.  They usher me to a chair and begin pinning flowers into my hair, braiding them up decoratively. They begin pinning in my tiara and I stop them. 

"What is it, M'Lady?" one asks. I motion to Mage, my Seamish maid. 

"The trunk beneath my bed, please," I say. "I would like to wear my mother's jewels today. She dips her head and goes to the place I had hidden the box. She opens it and begins handing out pieces that the maids carefully start adorning me with.  Silver and black diamonds in a collar, a pendent, earrings and a large, beautiful tiara. The last piece to be laid on me is a long, silvery veil. I allow them to bring my mirror forward for me to see. I blink at the woman in the reflection, hoping so much to be able to be her. I carefully stand and am handed a bouquet of lilac and white lillies. I feel the butterflies return and I shake my head a moment to clear them. 

This is it. I am who I was born to be. And today, I will fulfill my destiny.

I start down the hall, my maids holding my train aloft and walking towards the entrance to the small, private chapel. Due to the last minute change in the date due to the incident with Peeta's leg, it has been changed to a small, private affair which a large banquet to be held after. I walk up to the doors and they are swung open as I begin my ascent up the aisle. The weight of my dress makes me stand commandingly as I walk forward, towards my goal. 

Peeta is dressed rather simply, smiling down at me. I hold steady to that smile as I walk, keeping my heart covered by the dripping bouquet of flowers. I stop beside him, my head bowed.  He takes my hand and kisses it. I feel a tear run down my cheek, though I can't be sure what it is for. 

The ceremony is long and illustrious as all royal weddings and ceremonies are. I barely hear any of the words I am in such a fog and despite my vows, I don't speak. The wedding rings are placed on our fingers and that is it. We are pronounced and Peeta pulls the veil from my face. I blink nervously at him and he just cups my cheek. He kisses me gently and politely. The room fills with applause and I walk carefully and proudly at my new husband's side as we exit the church as Queen and King  consort of Seam and the Crown Prince and Princess of Panem.

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