Chapter 29

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I look around the room and  groan. My belly tightens and I stop, bracing myself against the bed post. I place my hand up as the ladies start forward."Your Majesty, please. Your time has come. You need to lie down so you might deliver the prince safely." 

"His father is a day's ride away. My chosen midwife is sick with the flu. This baby will not be born today," I say. I take a deep breath and the maid behind me comes up to steady me. 

"Majesty, please," She says. "I'm sure His Highness will be more disappointed to come home to find that you and the child have perished than to have only missed his first breath." I feel my belly tighten again and I gasp. I cross my arm over my swollen belly and then I look over at them. 

"Fetch the Princess Primrose," I sigh. "I at least want someone of my family here, please." They nod and one of the maids go and start pulling my bedding aside as the others move around getting things ready. One slips out and goes to fetch Peeta's sister and the one holding me up helps me get into bed after all the others have taken off my clothing to leave me in a long loose nightgown. I lean against my pillows and groan. The midwife that was able to come reaches beneath me and feels around. 

"I'm glad you finally laid down," she says. "The little prince is starting to come down into the birth canal." I lay back on my pillow and groan, my belly squeezing m down again. Prim walks in and comes to my side of the bed. 

"The baby is coming already?" she asks and I nod, shifting my weight a little. 

"Her contractions came on fast, M'lady," a maid says laying a cool towel on my forehead. My legs get pushed up and a couple of the maids clasp onto them to hold steady. I groan as the baby shifts and I feel the midwife turn him a little.

"Push with the next one, Your Majesty," she says. "You're doing well, though how you were standing so long, I haven't a clue." I feel myself tense and Prim reaches for my hand.

"Hold onto me, Katniss," she says. "His Highness will be here soon, okay?" I nod and I push down feeling the baby start its way out of me. I fall back on my pillow and pant.  "Good, Your Majesty."

"Yes, the baby's head is crowning, It will not be long now." I look over at Prim and feel myself crying.

"Why today?" I ask. "Peeta was supposed to return tomorrow. This baby couldn't have stayed in one more day!" Prim chuckles brushing my hair aside.

"He's stubborn, like you, Your Majesty," she says. "Forging his own path." I nod and push again, my body doing it's best to force the baby out of my body. I repeat the process several times until finally the horrible pressure is released from my body and the baby starts crying. I fall back and the maids rush forward, wiping him off and quickly moving to clean me out and up. I look at Prim, breathing heavily.

"He or she?" I ask.

"A beautiful girl, Majesty," She says and I nod, biting my lip. 

"Is she healthy?" I ask. 

"She's perfect, Your Majesty," the midwife says. 

"Good," I say. "Thank God. It's over." A maid brings forward a bloody, wrapped up bundle and hands it to me. I move so I'm sitting up and cradle the precious parcel close to my chest. She has a small down of soft black hair across her head and a scrunched up, little alien face. But to me, this odd little creature is perfect, wiggling as she gets comfortable with how I hold her. 

The maids cover me up and haul my afterbirth away and straighten the room. A couple stop to fawn over the baby, but I think I hold her to close to me to see much of her. The windows are opened and the midwife calls Prim over. She gasps and goes to leave.

"Primrose?" I ask and she turns to me.

"I'll  be right back," she says. "I need to check on something." I nod and look back down at my baby. I don't say anything. I just hold her close to me. Her eyes open slightly and I see a brilliant blue shining behind her eyelashes. I smile and stroke my finger along her flushed, plump little cheek.I move a little, sitting her up on my knees so I can look at her. I just can't get over how hard I had worked to get here and how beautiful and perfect a little cherubic child I was able to deliver.

I hear running footsteps coming and my door swings open. I look up to see my husband standing there. For a moment I'm afraid, until he slowly walks over, stopping at the side of the bed. He looks at the maids still in the room and then back at me.

"Ladies, you're excused for now," I say quietly. They all bow and go to leave single file out of our room. I look up at him and he just smiles at me.

"You did it?" he says and and I nod, shaking a little. He sits on the edge of the bed and looks at our daughter, his hand coming to touch the edge of her blanket. "Boy or girl?"

"Girl," I say softly, not looking at him. He leans his head against mine.

"She's beautiful, Katniss," He says. "She's perfect, Katie." I finally look at him and start crying.

"You aren't mad?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Of course not," he says, sounding like he's crying himself.  "How could I be mad when you just gave me a family. A beautiful, strong, perfect little princess. Just like you." I nod, leaning against him with my tears streaming down my face. 

"I was so scared, Peeta," I whisper and he rubs my back. "I thought I was gonna die and I wouldn't get to say goodbye." He nods, kissing my cheek. 

"I know, Sweetheart," he says. "I was scared too. But it's over now. She's here now, and healthy." He reaches forward, touching our baby.

"What are you going to call her?" I ask and he looks at me.. 

"You want me to name her?" he whispers. I nod. He looks back at her and runs a finger against her knuckles. "I don't know."

"Yes, you do," I say. "I know you do. You wanted a girl, so I know you had something in mind for her." He chuckles and looks at me. 

"Anastasia," he says softly. "But, we'll call her Ana." I smile and look back at the baby. 

"Ana," I whisper. She opens her eyes and I run my finger along her tiny ear. "Ana is perfect." He smiles at me and chuckles.

"I love you," He says and I look back at him. 

"I love you, too, Peeta," I say softly. Turning back to just watch and wonder what a special little girl I hold in my arms. 

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