Chapter 30

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I carefully bundle Anna into her thick blankets for the trip to the Panem castle. She's a few months old now and her presence has been requested to join the royal family formally by being presented to her Grandfather. She blinks at me and I run a finger across her cheek. 

"Should I get another blanket for her, your Majesty?" One of my maids asks and I shake my head.

"No, she's already going to be tucked into my cloak," I say. "I think Princess Anastasia will be just fine as she is, won't you my sweet girl." I pick up the baby and kiss her. Tucking her against my body, I walk away from the bed and look at Peeta. 

"Are you sure about this?" he asks and I look down at the baby. 

"Well, I'm not suggesting we move back into the palace, but I certainly think that it's about time that your father meets his grandchild.," I say. "Don't you?" Peeta nods and looks at the baby propped up in my arm. 

"I'm just worried, how he's going to react to us raising her as opposed to a team of ladies in waiting," He says quietly. I look around and shake my head.

"This is the me feeding her thing, isn't it?" I say and he sighs. "Peeta, it helps me feel close to her."

"I know," He says, "And I respect the hell out of you for it but the nobles, my father, they won't take to kindly to that knowledge. Not to mention,"

"Not to mention I already had on miscarriage and the child I managed to carry to term is an Anna, rather than an Adam," I say and he groans. 

"You know I don't care about that," Peeta says and I walk past him.

"Are you scared of defending me against him for it?" I ask. He shakes his head and I walk past him. "Well, lets go then." I walk to the stairs and stomp down them, my ladies following as I walk to the carriages. Peeta runs to catch up to me and helps me into our coach. As I sit down, the baby starts wailing. I sigh as Peeta sits down across from me.

"Do you want me to take her?" He asks and I shake my head. 

"No," I say bouncing her a little. "Once we get moving, she should be rocked back to sleep." Peeta reaches over and touches my arm.

"Katie," He says gently, " you're wearing yourself thin. There's only so much you can do for Anna." I look at him and reluctantly hand her over to her father. I pull my arms back and sigh, the weight of her off of me a little as Peeta rocks her in his arms.

"Maybe she should just go to a governess and a wet nurse," I say and he looks at me gently.

"Katniss, you're doing fine," He says. "She's our first baby. She's barely a month old. It's gonna take time for us to get used to her and her to get used to us." I nod and hold onto the bench as the coach starts moving. Anna wails for just a few more heartbeats and then just quietly bables, Peeta chuckling and messing with her tiny waving hands.

"You're such a good father," I say and he just shakes her head. 

"It's only because our little princesa is such a good girl," Peeta says and I smile.

"I like that you speak Spanish to her," I say and he smiles at me before looking at her.

"Well, when you are Queen Anastasia of Panem and Seam, you will have to be able to speak at least Spanish and English so you can communicate your people, " He says in Spanish to the baby and she giggles. I lean back and feel my eyes growing heavy. "Go to sleep Katniss. You might as well rest as long as you can. It's going to be along day of ass kissing from the nobles." 

"What about you two?" I ask.

"We'll be fine, correcta Anastasia?" He says and I sigh, moving to lay down on the bench. I blink a few times and fall asleep.

Waking up, I hear the people of the Panem Capital cheering and I look out to see them in the streets, throwing flowers at our coach as we ride by towards the King's palace. I feel a rock in my stomach as we ride to the  palace, knowing that I may face an angry crowd as I present my daughter. I look over at Peeta and he just carefully hands me the sleeping baby, leaning over and kissing my cheek

"It looks better for you as her mother to be presenting her to the people," He says and I lay her on my skirt, tightening her wrapping. 

"Not until His Majesty has seen her," I say softly. He nods and we pull through the castle gates. The looming stone building rises above me and we stop at the castle steps. 

"You ready?" Peeta asks and I shrug.

"No, but we don't have a choice?" I say and he chuckles, opening the door and helping me down. I hold my child tigh to my chest and lay my hand over his and we walk up the steps. Fanfare plays, waking the baby who I gently hush, holding me tightly to my chest. We walk together slowly to the court room and bow respectfully at King Richard's feet.

"My son and daughter," He says fondly in his gentle voice. "I am so pleased to have you come home to court for a time.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Peeta says standing. "Her Highness would like to introduce you to our issue and heir, Princess Anastasia Charlotte Mellark." I stand carefully and hold out the baby to him.

"Come forward, Your Highness," King Richard says gently and I walk forward to where he stands, carefully handing my precious bundle out to him. He takes her and smiles, holding her up to the his face. "What do you call her, M'Lady?"

"His Highness and I call her Anna, Your Majesty," I say quietly. 

"Anna," He repeats before looking out at the crowd and holding her up for the crowd to see. "Bow down before my legitimate granddaughter, Princess Anastasia, Duchess of the Grainlands and second in line to the throne of Panem." I bow my head and hear the creaking of the floor as people bow to my daughter, who bables and sucks on her fist. Bringing her back down, King Richard carefully lays her back into my arms. Peeta stands beside me and places his hand over moine on the baby. I bow my head and walk over to the side with my husband, proud of evrrything I have acomplished for my daughter, here and in the rest of the world.

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